Everlasting Dragon Emperor Chapter 4700: Snatch it up

Yeh Immortal’s control of power has reached its peak, and every shot is just right, with the smallest strength, the strongest power, without the slightest waste.

Although he and Lu Ming fought hundreds of moves, they did not consume too much and still maintained their peak combat power.

The faces of the Yaxian tribe are ugly, but they dare not send anyone up.

Although there are still two of them to fight, they are not as powerful as the big guy in front of them. If Ye Immortal is not exhausted, going up is likely to be a dead end.

On the side of the Exterminating Army, no one went up.

Time passed quickly, and it seemed that half an hour would be here.

Though the Yaxian tribe and the Heaven Destroying Army were extremely unwilling, none of them went up.

“You can’t let the king’s body fall into the hands of the heavenly palace. If the heavenly palace gets the human king’s heart again, then we will destroy the heavenly army, and everyone will die.”

The lion roars low and spreads into the ears of Lu Ming and others by means of sound transmission.

“Yes, in any case, the human body cannot fall into the hands of the heavenly palace.”

“The human king’s body is temporarily in the hands of the opponent, and if you find an opportunity later, you must seize it.”

“This battle platform has defensive power. When Ya Immortal gets off the battle platform, we will take action.”

Lu Ming, Tang Jun and others all agreed, discussed in secret, and waited for the action later.

Although he lost his face and took a **** after losing the game, he didn’t care about that much.

The human king’s flesh body is too much related to the universe and the survival of the Celestial Extinguish Army. Once controlled by the Heavenly Palace, the Celestial Extinguishing Army will be destroyed, and it is absolutely impossible for the Heavenly Palace to keep the Extinguishing Army in existence.

The Heaven Extinguishing Army is destroyed, and Lu Ming’s relatives and friends are also in danger.

So, I can only **** it.

Soon, half an hour arrived.

As soon as half an hour arrives, the victor belongs to Ya Immortal, belongs to the Heavenly Palace, and the human body belongs to Ya Immortal.

All the celestial races are ecstatic.

And Ye Immortal, with a smile on his face, stepped towards the human body.

“As long as we find the human king’s heart again, not only will the prehistoric universe stabilize, but our clan will also win the opportunity to deal with the subsequent crisis”

Ye Immortal thought.


The battle platform trembled slightly, and the light around the battle platform suddenly disappeared.

Ye Immortal’s face changed slightly.

The eyes of Lu Ming and others lit up.

“Good opportunity, take it!”


Lu Ming, Tang Jun, Lion, Tang Jun and others rushed out violently, toward the battle platform, to be precise, toward the human body.

The speed is as fast as lightning, and the battle platform does not hinder them in the slightest.

“Get out!”

Yeh Immortal shouted, slashed out with a sword, a round of incomplete moonlight formed, and the infinite moonlight filled out, rushing towards Lu Ming and others.

One shot is a big trick.

Boom! boom! boom!

Lu Ming, Tang Jun, Lion, Xi, Tang Jian, etc., a total of more than a dozen top masters also made a full effort.

A dozen top masters shot together, so powerful, even if the immortal combat power is no longer useful, those moonlights were immediately penetrated by Lu Ming and others.

However, after such a delay, Ye Qiuxian and the others finally reacted, rushing to the battle platform and attacking Lu Ming and the others.

The attack was terrifying, Lu Ming and the others couldn’t ignore it, they could only resist.

Boom! boom! boom!

The battle platform roars constantly, and many masters fight together.


The other masters of the Heaven Extinguishing Army, as well as the other masters of the Heavenly Palace, also slammed to each other, and a melee broke out.

Lu Ming flashed in the crowd, repelled the three masters in a row, avoided nine attacks, and rushed towards the body of the King of Humanity.

However, a figure stood in front of him.

Yeh immortal.


The two of them got the right move, backing one after another, and then flashed Lu Ming’s figure, trying to get around Ye Immortal, but Ye Immortal’s speed was extremely fast, and the movement of his body still blocked Lu Ming.

The two played fast and fought dozens of moves in an instant.

“My son, what shall we do?”

On the other side, a master of the Yaxian clan asked Sky.

“Let them fight first, we are waiting for the opportunity to take the human body.”

Sky Road.

He didn’t make a move for the time being, he planned to come and watch the tiger fight.

“Do you dare to **** the treasure I got? I will send you on the road without my own means.”

Yeh Immortal spoke indifferently, his body exuded a brilliant glow, a sword cut out, and a mutilated moon appeared.

Yeah’s immortal trick, Yuanshu-Sword of Heaven and Man-Moon Sorrow.

The infinite moonlight enveloped Lu Ming. The scariest part of this trick was that it couldn’t be avoided at all.

However, this time, Lu Ming didn’t mean to dodge.

The ball has already turned into armor, covering his whole body.

He swung his spear quickly, resisting it with all his strength.


A large amount of’Moonlight’ was blocked by the spear, but a small part of it rushed past Lu Ming’s resistance and pierced Lu Ming’s body. However, the armor that was turned into the ball was blocked by the ball and did not pierce it. The armor of the ball.

The armor formed by the ball has amazing defensive power, even if it is a Heavenly Monarch level, it can’t be pierced.

Yeh Immortal’s combat power is amazing, but at most it is equivalent to the attack power of a most common heavenly monarch~IndoMTL.com~Naturally, it is also the armor that can’t penetrate the ball.

Soon, the mutilated moon disappeared, and a round of attack was blocked.

“The wilderness, breaking the sky.”

Lu Ming drank softly, using two secret techniques one after another.

He first slapped it with a palm, condensing a piece of the prehistoric continent, pressed down towards Ye Immortal, then turned into a spear and pierced Ye Immortal’s forehead.

“Huh, little tricks of carving insects.”

Ye Immortal hummed coldly, waved his palms, two lightsabers appeared in the void, one of them slashed towards the mainland above, splitting the mainland in half.

The other hand, slashed at the spear light that Lu Ming had turned into. After a thunderous roar, Lu Ming and Ye Immortal both backed away.

However, Lu Ming immediately stabilized his figure, and rushed towards Ye Immortal, still showing a series of prehistoric and world-breaking styles.

But this time, a beam of light shot out from Lu Ming’s chest, directly covering Ye Immortal.

This beam of light is naturally the ball’s trick.

The ball squirmed quickly and turned into a small mirror on Lu Ming’s chest, shooting out a beam of light.

However, after Ye Immortal was enveloped by the beam of light, there was no abnormality, and his eyes were still sharp, even with a touch of disdain.

“It’s a mere illusion, and I want to influence me, it’s naive.”

“This metal life on you is not bad, I accept it.”

Indifferent, as if a high voice came from Ye Immortal’s mouth, and the war sword in his hand was cut out again.

“The Sword of Heaven and Human–The Death of Yang!”

In the sky, there was a **day.

Da Ri emits brilliant light, infinite light, shining down towards Lu Ming.

Like the incomplete moon in the previous round, the light of this ** day is also made up of countless sword auras.

But these sword auras are full of hot and terrifying aura, more terrifying than the previous “Moonlight”. ()

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