Everlasting Dragon Emperor Chapter 4691: Throw it back

The Yaxian tribe defeated the masters of the Celestial race, which made the faces of many Celestial races very ugly.

In the eyes of the Celestial race, the Yaxian race, and the other top ten races, are no different from each other. They are all ants, and they are all slaves they can instigate at will.

But now the slaves dare to resist them and defeat them, which makes them unbearable.

“It’s reversed, it’s really reversed, these Asian immortals, this is going to rebel.”

“It’s a crime worthy of death, it should be all suppressed, Ling Chi put to death!”

“In my opinion, the Yaxian race does not need to exist at all. After leaving here, we will send an army to destroy the Yaxian race!”

Many celestial races growled low, looking at the Asian immortals with cold eyes.

However, the Yaxian people are self-assured, seemingly not afraid of the threat of the Celestial Race.


Yeh Immortal gave a cold shout, and the people of the Celestial Race shut their mouths.

“It seems that your Asian immortals are also determined to win the human body?”

Yeh Immortal spoke lightly and looked at the sky, the young man headed by the Yaxian clan.

“Human King’s flesh is such a treasure, everyone will be moved by nature. We, the Yaxian clan, also want to research and study to see what is wonderful.”

The sky smiled.

“In this case, you Yaxian, you must bear the consequences.”

Ye Immortal’s voice fell slightly.

“You don’t have to threaten me. I know the details of your celestial race. You can scare others, and scare me, it may be useless.”

The sky smiled faintly.

Yeh Immortal’s eyes flashed with a cold light, without saying much, to the humanity of the Celestial Race: “Who is going up!”

“I’ll kill the offspring of the Yaxian!”

A celestial man stepped forward, up the stairs, and stepped onto the battle platform.

Many people recognize that this is an extremely powerful Heavenly Monarch of the Celestial Race. Although not as strong as the Heavenly Monarchs of the Celestial Race, it is similar.

Even if he is now suppressed in the First Heavy, the combat power is absolutely powerful.

This heavenly monarch is named Yechu Qinglong.


Yechu Qinglong’s body erupted with an incomparably powerful aura. The two strongest heavenly powers surrounded and entangled his body, filled with terrifying coercion.

He stepped out in one step, shaped like a bolt of lightning, and slew towards the master of the Yaxian clan.

The master of the Yaxian tribe, his face solemn, and he responded intently, fighting with Yechu Qinglong.

However, it is obvious that Yechu Qinglong’s combat power is stronger, and it is completely crushed.

Just after dozens of moves, the master of the Yaxian clan was killed by Yechu Qinglong. He was blood-stained and even escaped from the battlefield.

“Dare to offend my Celestial Race, this is the end.”

Yechu Qinglong’s icy voice spread throughout the audience.

At this moment, the face of the Yaxian tribe became gloomy.

“Damn it, to give them the face of the Celestial Race, they actually have to make an inch of it.”

“Do you really think we are bullying? I am low-key, don’t really think we are weak.”

“This grudge must be reported!”

Many members of the Yaxian tribe were angry, and a middle-aged man of the Yaxian tribe couldn’t help but rushed to the battle platform and fought fiercely with Yechu Qinglong.

I have to say that Yechu Qinglong is really strong. Killing the master of the Asian clan just now seemed to cost him very little, and his combat power was still extremely powerful, suppressing the big man of the Asian clan.

In the end, the big man of the Yaxian clan was seriously injured, and in desperation, he tried his best to rush off the battle platform, and this saved his life.

“I am coming!”

Another member of the Yaxian clan appeared on the stage. This is an old man who was originally the pinnacle of the gods. He was very powerful, and he actually drew a tie with Yechu Qinglong.

The two sides fought fiercely with thousands of moves, and finally ended in a tie because of exhaustion.

However, the Yaxian tribe and the Celestial tribe have already fought real fire, and the two sides continue to send masters to the stage, and the battle is getting more and more fierce.

Sometimes someone gets killed.

Although the number of the Yaxian tribe is small, there are only 300 people, but they are all with the sixth level of the gods and above, and there are very many people with strong talents.

Even if they are suppressed in the First Heavy, there are hundreds of people who can set foot on the battlefield.

They and the Celestial Race continue to fight, and the consumption of the Celestial Race is also very large. The number of the Celestial Race who can step on the battlefield to fight is less and less.

“Master Cangqiang, when will we stop, there are only more than a dozen people who can set foot on the battlefield.”

An old Asian immortal asked the sky.

“No hurry, continue!”

Sky Road.

The Yaxian clan still has masters constantly.

“What are these Asian immortals doing, they are crazy, want to hurt both of us and destroy the heavenly army cheaply?”

Some people from the Celestial Race shouted.

But, there is no way, they can only fight.

No one went up to fight, and the human body was about to be acquired by the Yaxian tribe.

In this way, after only a few people from the Yaxian tribe were left to chat, Cangqiang spoke and let the Yaxian tribe cease the war.

On the battle platform, there is a master of the Celestial Race, standing there, waiting for the challenge of others.

However, time passed, and there was still no one to fight.

“It seems that the Yaxian people want to force us to fight!”

Lion Road.

“They are also very smart. Now that there are not many people who can fight against the Celestial Race, we have hope, and we will definitely not give up fighting for the human body. He expects that we will definitely send people to fight.”

Tang Jun also spoke.

This is not a conspiracy, it is a conspiracy, and it is easy for all parties to guess.

Like before, the Celestial Extinguishing Army did not send anyone on the battlefield. That was because their remaining strength was too far from the Celestial Clan. Even if they went up, they would definitely fail. Therefore, they had the confidence to never send anyone up.

At that time, the Yaxian tribe had hope to obtain the human king’s body, so naturally they couldn’t let the king’s body fall into the hands of the Celestial Clan.

So, the Exterminating Army will not send people, they will definitely not be able to sit still, they will send people up.

Now the situation is the opposite.

Now there are only a few members of the Yaxian clan who can participate in the battle, and their strength is very different from that of the Celestial Race. Even if they are all, they are definitely not the opponents of the Celestial Race.

However, there are still more than 20 people on the side of the Heaven Extinguishing Army. They have the hope of winning the final victory. Naturally, it is impossible for the Celestial Race to get the flesh of the King of Humans.

So, they have to send someone on.

The sky has long expected this scene~IndoMTL.com~you guys, who will do it! “

The lion looked at the remaining twenty-odd existences of the Exterminating Army who could still play.

“Let me come!”

A master of the all-spirit zerg stepped out, stepped onto the battlefield, and fought with the human race that day.

The two sides who stayed here are almost all top players with extremely powerful combat power, but the combat power between each other is also very close, and no one can crush them.

The two sides fought fiercely for a long time, and the master of the All Souls Zerg barely won the victory, but he himself almost ran out of strength.

So, before the next master of the Celestial Race took the stage, he took the initiative to retreat from the platform.

He knew very well in his heart that his power was almost exhausted. If he waited for the opponent’s master to take the stage, he might not even be able to escape from the battle platform.

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