Everlasting Dragon Emperor Chapter 4559: The power of faith

Lu Ming can be sure that this statue was carved by the Celestial Race.

“Could it be that the **** Haizong referred to is the Celestial Race?”

Lu Ming’s heart moved.

This is very possible.

The Yan Clan was born on this continent.

As for the ruins of the universe, the rules and meanings of the past were chaotic, and the rules and meanings of the past few decades have become more orderly. Only in some places can some ethnic groups be born.

In other words, the history of the Yan clan is only a few dozen star years at most.

For dozens of stellar years, the practice has grown from nothing, and slowly explored, it is not much stronger at all.

It is estimated that the strongest of the Yan clan will not have a high cultivation base.

In this village, Lu Ming felt that he had the highest cultivation level, and he was only in the virtual spirit realm.

As for the Celestial Race, if it descends on this continent, the lowest cultivation base is estimated to be the Ninth Level of the Divine Emperor, or it is the Divine Master Realm. In the eyes of the Yan Clan people, it is really no different from the gods.

As long as the masters of the Celestial Race show some abilities, it is normal to be regarded as a **** by the Yan Race.

“Okay, time is up, prayer begins!”

Under the statue, there was an old man. He respectfully said to the statue, then knelt in front of the statue and worshipped deeply.

The other people in the yard, including Hai Zong, worshipped deeply and began to pray.

Naturally, Lu Ming did not do this. How could he bow down to the statue of the Heavenly Human Race?

He stood there, watching silently.

The villagers here are praying wholeheartedly, so no one found Lu Ming still standing.

After a while, Lu Ming found a scene that surprised him.

He discovered that when these villagers began to pray, they seemed to resonate with the statue. Lu Ming ran the taboo power into his eyes, and he could clearly see that there was a thread and statue on these villagers. Connected, there seems to be something, along this silk thread, constantly gathering on the statue, and a layer of hazy brilliance emerges on the statue.

“This…is it the power of faith in the legend? Celestial race is collecting the power of faith?”

Lu Ming was shocked.

He once saw in ancient books that in the early days of the Temple of Heaven, there was a practice method that was popular for a while.

That is the power of faith practice.

Many strong people will gather believers everywhere and gather the power of faith.

Many believers of the strong are all over all life planets, even all over the small thousand worlds.

However, the cultivation method of the power of faith has great drawbacks. The early stage is good. The more you practice in the later stage, the more difficult it is to control and it is easy to be backlashed.

After all, the power of these beliefs comes from countless different creatures and contains different ideas.

When it reaches a certain level, even the top powers are difficult to control, and they will be affected, and even be backlashed by the power of faith, with minor injuries and severe injuries.

So over time, no one has practiced this kind of cultivation method, and it has almost ceased.

Unexpectedly, I would see the Celestial Race gathering the power of faith here.

“What does the Celestial Race do? Is it for cultivation, or for other purposes?”

Lu Ming frowned and thought.

There was silence around, and everyone was praying with all their hearts.

No, there is one person who does not pray wholeheartedly, and that is Haizong.

Lu Ming discovered that the silk thread between Haizong’s body and the statue was very light, and if there were none, it seemed to dissipate at any time.

“This guy Haizong believes in gods in his mouth. In fact, I’m afraid I don’t think so in my heart…”

Lu Ming smiled slightly.

The silk thread is very light, indicating that Hai Zong is not wholeheartedly at all, but just acting here.

Lu Ming watched quietly, and after three hours, the prayer ended.

Under the statue, the old man, the head of the village, was the first to end the prayer, opened his eyes and stood up, and raised his arms to announce the end of the prayer.

Then, he saw Lu Ming standing upright, closing his eyes and resting.

Actually, Lu Ming was absorbing the black mist in secret, and he didn’t want to delay time.

“You…you dare not pray, be bold!”

The village chief pointed to Lu and roared.

This loud roar awakened everyone and looked at Lu Ming one after another.

“What, this person didn’t pray, he was so bold!”

“This is blasphemy and must be punished!”

“It is recommended to be put on the torture frame and burned alive!”

Many villagers roared.

Lu Ming dare not respect the gods, dare to blaspheme the gods, they are afraid, afraid of the gods’ wrath, do not bless them, and even impose divine punishment, so they vent their raging anger on Lu Ming.

“Come on, drag this person out and burn to death!”

The village chief yelled.

Immediately, several big men stepped forward to take Lu Ming.

Lu Ming’s eyes were cold.

In this village, the strongest is only in the realm of talent, and I want to kill him.

Even if he didn’t do it himself, God Emperor Jiuzhong’s ball shot could ruin the village with one move.

“Wait a minute, village chief, wait a minute!”

At this moment, Haizong shouted and quickly stood in front of Lu Ming.

“Haizong, do you want to protect him?”

The village chief said coldly.

“The village chief, Tianyun is not from our village!”

Hai Zong explained.

“I know he is not from our village, but even if he is not from our village, as long as he enters our village, he must pray. This is a rule set by the gods.”

The village chief said coldly.

“The village chief, Tianyun’s hometown is very remote. It has not been shrouded in the glory of the gods. Moreover, the gods also have regulations. Under special circumstances, there is no need to pray. Tianyun is seriously injured and needs healing at all times. If you pray, it will make the injury worse. This is in line with the rules set by the gods. I believe that the gods will not blame it.”

Hai Zong defended loudly.

The village chief, as well as other villagers, looked at Lu Ming carefully.

Lu Ming’s condition does look very poor. Although the wound on his body has healed a little over the past few days, he is still very thin, his breath is sluggish, and he is indeed very injured.

The village chief and others were relieved.

Seriously injured, you don’t need to pray. God does have such a rule, I believe it will not be blamed.

“Okay, Haizong, you can take him down. Next time the injury is not healed, he will not use it, but the injury is healed~ IndoMTL.com~ As long as he is still in my village, he must come, otherwise, Capital offense!”

The village chief said sternly.

“Yes, yes!”

Hai Zong nodded again and again, then made Lu Ming a face, and left here with Lu Ming.

After walking away, Chief Haizong sighed and said: “It was dangerous just now. Fortunately, your injury did not heal, otherwise you will be in trouble.”

Lu Ming smiled and didn’t care, and said: “How long have you prayed like this? Do you pray like this in other places?”

“It’s been a long time, it has been passed down by many generations, at least tens of thousands of years.”

“As far as I know, wherever the radiance of the gods is shrouded, we must pray.”.

Haizong Road.

Lu Ming nodded silently in his heart, and the Celestial Clan unearthed the Sky Star area, about tens of thousands of years ago.

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