Everlasting Dragon Emperor Chapter 4332: 20,000 per person

So, let’s wait for a while.

The two lived just outside the place of departure, while practicing, and occasionally went to the edge of the place of departure to listen to the situation.

Anyway, Lu Ming still has many common secret techniques that he hasn’t comprehended, and he just has time to comprehend the secret techniques.

Just like that, the two of them were around here and waited for a full year.

There is no way, just to be on the safe side, I can only wait for a while.

In the past year, the number of people at the place of departure has not decreased but increased.

Although some people have already set off and entered the core area, more people have gathered from all directions. Among these people, most of them have not ferryed the boat.

Lu Ming and Ye Ling heard from these people coming from behind that there seemed to be no trace of the Celestial Race in the place of departure.

The two speculated that the Celestial Race should have been unable to wait and had already entered the core area.

At this time, the two people entered the place of departure.

Sure enough, the two did not find traces of the Celestial Race at the place of departure.


The two went directly to the place where Du’er Feizhou absorbed the energy.

At the place of departure, near the Sea of ​​Crossing, there are huge columns. These columns are very thick, all reaching a kilometer in diameter, and there are more than a dozen in total.

The bottoms of these columns are connected to the depths of the ground, and can draw a peculiar energy from the depths of the ground.

If you want to start Du’er Feizhou, you must first place it on a stone pillar and absorb that energy from the stone pillar.

“Hey, someone has to leave?”

When Lu Ming and Ye Ling came here, they found that one of the stone pillars had parked a flying boat.

Du’er Feizhou and the stone pillar exude dim brilliance, and it can be clearly seen that there is constant energy, along the stone pillar, all the way up, into the Du’e Feizhou.

This is Du’er Feizhou absorbing energy.

There are many people staying around this area.

“Damn it, a rebel!”

“Unfortunately, the masters of the Celestial Race and the top ten races have already entered the core area, otherwise, these rebels can be wiped out!”

“The people of the Celestial race and the top ten races did not leave, do these rebels dare to come out? Only when the people of the Celestial race and the top ten races leave, these rebels dare to come out.”

There was a rumbling around.

Lu Ming and Ye Ling flew directly towards a stone pillar, and no one recognized Lu Ming and Ye Ling.

The people who can recognize Lu Ming from the aura of Lu Ming’s life origin are generally the Celestial Race, Angel Race and other races. Few people from other races have seen Lu Ming.

Lu Ming and the two landed on one of the stone pillars.

“Hey, it’s Tian Xuanyue and the others!”

Lu Ming’s eyes moved.

A lot of people stood on the deck of that ferry boat, about two hundred people.

One of them is dazzling, not Tian Xuanyue, but who can it be?

“Well, there are Feiye…”

Immediately, Lu Ming saw several acquaintances.

Some of them are really Feiye. Lu Ming rescued them, but they drove away Lu Ming.

At this moment, Tian Xuanyue, Fei Ye and others also discovered Lu Ming and Ye Ling.

They both remembered each other’s life origin aura, and they could recognize it at a glance.

“This guy, he is not dead yet!”

Fei Ye’s eyes were cold, and a ray of murder flashed in his heart.

The entire Celestial Palace was chasing Lu Ming, but Lu Ming was still alive, which surprised him.

He thought that Lu Ming had been killed by the people of Tiangong a long time ago.

“It turned out that it was Ye Ling. Lu Ming must have escaped the catastrophe because of Ye Ling. Ye Ling really likes to be nosy…”

Fei Ye thought uncomfortably.

However, he did not directly call out Lu Ming’s name to expose Lu Ming’s identity.

After all, they belong to the Celestial Exterminator, and there are many other Celestial Exterminators around. If he deliberately exposes Lu Ming’s identity in the public, the Exterminator will definitely not be able to tolerate him.

So, the two people just glanced silently, and did not say hello.

“Hey, someone has boarded the stone pillar, do they also have a flying boat?”

“Perhaps it is there?”

Many people whispered, and many people’s eyes lit up.

There is Du’er Feizhou, which means that you can enter the core place, and Lu Ming and Ye Ling, there are only two people, Du’e Feizhou, but it can carry more than 200 people.

They can ride.

This is why they are waiting around.

At this time, Lu Ming waved his hand, and a flying boat flew out and landed on the stone pillar.

As soon as Du’er Feizhou landed on the stone pillar, it adhered to the stone pillar, and at the same time it resonated.


The stone pillars and Du’er Feizhou both hummed softly, and a rune appeared on them. Then, the color under the stone pillar became brighter, and that energy was absorbed.

The hazy brilliance poured into Du’er Feizhou, and Du’e Feizhou was enveloped by a layer of hazy brilliance.

Crossing E’er Feizhou, began to absorb the special energy underground.

Lu Ming and Ye Ling moved into the Ferry Boat.

“Is it really a flying boat?”

“There are only two of them, we have a chance!”

Many people’s eyes lit up, and then they flew towards the stone pillars.

Lu Ming’s thoughts moved, and a mask of light appeared on Du’er Feizhou, blocking the people outside.

During this period of time, Du’er Feizhou has already been refined by Lu Ming, and now he has energy and can be urged at will.

“Two, there are only two of you. Du’er Feizhou can carry more than two hundred people. Let us go up and take us for a ride!”

“Yes, take us for a ride, we will remember your kindness!”

“I am from the Tianer Clan, what can you do in the future, can you find me?”

The people around are all talking, begging, tempting, or promising…

It’s noisy.

“There are so many of you, we can’t finish it!”

Lu Ming smiled casually.

There are at least a few thousand people around here, all of whom want to come up. Where can they finish loading?

“Carry me, just carry me, I will not forget your kindness, I will repay you in the future!”

“You thank you, don’t I, I will thank you ten times!”

“I am from the Sky Ears…”

“Go away, the Tianer tribe is a fart, I’m still the Yunyue tribe.”

“What are you talking about? Do you dare to insult me ​​and die!”

“You are the one looking for death!”

Outside the flying boat, there was a quarrel, full of gunpowder, and there was a stance of immediate action.

“Okay~IndoMTL.com~ You don’t have to fight anymore. If you want to take a flying boat, you must pay a price, so let’s take out 20,000 Honghuang Pills per person, and just take out 20,000 Honghuang Pills You can take the Du’er Feizhou to send you to the core area!”

Lu Ming said.

The scene went quiet, and then there was noisy.

“What? Twenty thousand great pill for one person!”

“This is too expensive, why don’t you grab it?”

“Yeah, it’s too expensive, I can’t get it out at all!”

The crowd yelled.

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