Everlasting Dragon Emperor Chapter 4322: There is no bow

Immediately, six or seven people stood up and said they wanted to trade.

“This senior, how many do you need to trade?”

Lu Ming looked at a mature man, who was a master of fighting saints.

Because of the Yuanwen of the Fighting God, Lu Ming had a better impression of the Fighting Saint Clan, and he was naturally more willing to trade to those of the Fighting Saint Clan.

“My five!”

The master of the fighting saint clan, then took out a storage ring and handed it to Lu Ming.

Lu Ming waved his hand and caught the storage ring. When he swept away his spiritual sense, he found that there were 150,000 Pills in it.

Lu Ming smiled satisfied.

This master of the fighting saints has a cultivation base in the sixth layer of the **** emperor. Obviously, he wants to break through to the seventh layer of the **** emperor, and he needs far more than 150,000 pill. It is estimated that I would like to wait for more primordial pill to be collected and refining together.

Lu Ming moved the 150,000 Honghuang Dan inside to his storage ring, then took out five one-meter-diameter Dan furnaces, put them in the storage ring, and returned the storage ring to the bucket. The master of the saints of war.

After sweeping away the spiritual knowledge of the masters of the fighting saints, they showed satisfaction.

Although he temporarily paid 150,000 Pills, it is a bit painful, but sooner or later he will enter the core area, but the five more pill furnaces will soon be able to condense 150,000 Pills.

This is a steady and profitable business.

“This friend, how many do you need to trade?”

Lu Ming saw another person.


Next, Lu Ming successively took out 20 pill furnaces with a diameter of one meter, and traded a total of 600,000 pill.

At this point, Lu Ming did not continue to trade the pill furnace.

He only has 80 pieces in total. He traded 20 pieces, and there are 60 pieces left for his own use later.

On the side, Ye Ling also showed interest, and wanted to take out the pill furnace to trade, but he hesitated for a while and gave up.

His cultivation base is the sixth level of the God Emperor, but he is also a peerless genius. The power to control is not trivial. To break through the first level, he needs a great pill, and it is also terrifying, far more than one million, so even if he takes out Dozens of pill furnaces came out to trade and got millions of pill, which was not enough for him to break through.

It is more cost-effective to keep the pill furnace and go to the core area.

Next, the transaction continued, and someone kept taking out treasures to trade. Of course, not every time the transaction succeeded, some succeeded, and some failed.

However, no one took out the parts of Duer Feizhou for a long time to exchange.

Lu Ming and Ye Ling looked at each other, and decided not to wait anymore and set out to attack.

“Everyone, I have a part of the ferryboat here. It is the stern part. It is now used to exchange the bow of the ferryboat. Does anyone want to exchange it?”

Ye Ling stood up and said.

“Parts of Du’er Feizhou!”

“The stern part!”

Many people’s eyes lit up, revealing a hot glow.

“I need the stern part, but I don’t have the bow part. If you want the hull part, you can exchange it!”

A master of the blood family.

“We have the hull, we don’t need it, but the sail is fine!”

Ye Ling said.

“Sail, I don’t have one!”

The master of the blood race showed disappointment.

“I have leftovers for the sail, but I also have the stern part. Do you have the deck part? You can exchange it with me!”

At this time, a strong man of the spirit race stood up and spoke.

“The deck part, I have it!”

Ye Ling’s eyes lit up.

They have five kinds of spare parts, and the deck part is one of them.

“Well, we exchange it!”

The strong man of the spirit race also showed a smile. The two took out the parts and exchanged them, and they were very satisfied.

Lu Ming and Ye Ling also showed satisfied smiles.

In this way, they have already collected eight kinds of parts, and only the first one is missing. As long as they find the bow, they can form a complete flying boat, crossing the sea of ​​crossing, and heading to the core area.

“Everyone, whoever has the bow position, I can use other parts to trade!”

Ye Ling continued.

However, no one spoke.

No one responded.

After a while, someone said: “I also lack the bow part of my ship. If there are more people, I can buy it with Honghuangdan!”

“You also lack the bow, and I don’t have a bow position on my body!”

“Neither did I!”

Many people shook their heads.

This made Lu Ming, Ye Ling, and the others at the scene, their faces all darkened.

Why so many people lack the bow position?

“I want to know, among those present, who has the bow position?”

Ye Ling asked.

“I don’t have one!”

“Neither did I!”

Almost everyone shook their heads.

This makes everyone’s faces a bit ugly.

What’s the matter?

No one has a bow position?

“Something is not right. It stands to reason that there are so many people on the scene, and there are more than one immortal mansions to explore. You can definitely get the position of the ship’s bow. Now, no one has it?”

Someone speaks.

“Everyone, if someone gets the bow position, they might as well take it out and exchange it. It’s useless to keep the extra position!”

Humanity again.

Still no one spoke.

“Keeping it is not necessarily useless. If you monopolize the position of the bow, then other people will not be able to go to the core area, so the competitiveness will be reduced a lot!”

Someone said coldly.

This made many people’s expressions condensed, as did Lu Ming and Ye Ling.

That’s true!

If someone is in control of a large number of bow positions and doesn’t trade them, then other people won’t be able to get to the core area because they can’t make up the Ferry Boat.

That way, in the core area, competition will be much reduced.

It can also make it difficult for some geniuses to obtain enough primordial pill to break through the realm, and reduce the pressure for subsequent competition for the ‘origin seeds’.

Many people have thought of this.

“Everyone, who has a lot of bow positions in his hands? Speak out, if they are discovered later, it will be difficult to be a man.” Someone spoke quietly, and the threat was obvious.

The meaning is obvious. If someone hides a large number of bows and does not trade them, they will be found later, they will be targeted by everyone, and even besieged by everyone.

But still no one spoke.

“I guess, none of the people at the scene have the position of the bow!”

At this time, Lu Ming spoke, attracting the attention of other people.

“No one at the scene has a bow, so you can tell, who has it? Someone must be in control of the position of the bow. According to records, every part of the fairy house~IndoMTL.com~ can be gathered, so many of us People, it’s impossible to get together!”

Someone asked rhetorically.

“What do you think, who or what forces have the energy to sweep through many immortal mansions and get a lot of bow positions?”

Lu Ming asked back.


Almost everyone’s eyes are condensed.

They also thought of a power, or a race.

The Celestial Race!

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