Everlasting Dragon Emperor Chapter 4200: Suppress the repair base and fight

When asked by Lu Ming, Yuan Zhan, Yuan Jin and others looked ugly, gritted their teeth and were silent, unable to say a word.

Now, where can they find a stronger Tianjiao to deal with Lu Ming?

So, there is only silence.

“Interesting, I didn’t expect to retreat for a period of time, and there was such a powerful arrogant talent!”

At this moment, a cold voice broke the silence.

To the southwest, a figure stepped forward, and with each step, a petal appeared under his feet.

This is a young man in white clothes, very handsome, personable, and very different from other people’s temperament.

The people of Primordial God Lake, regardless of men and women, are relatively rough and bold, and the aura on their bodies is also relatively ancient and violent. This has something to do with the descendants of the primitive gods and the primitive gods they cultivated.

However, the temperament of this young man is completely different from the rest of the original Shenhu.

“It’s Feiye!”

“Fei Ye is here too, is he going to make a move?”

“But, hasn’t he reached the Divine Emperor Realm long ago?”

The arrival of the white-robed youth aroused many people’s discussions.

Lu Ming’s gaze also looked at the white robe youth, with a solemn expression on his face.

This young man brought him a lot of pressure.

For a battle at the same level, Lu Ming naturally feared no one, but the opponent was in the Divine Emperor Realm.

The realm was too high, and he was an evil character again, and the pressure on Lu Ming was very great.

“It’s interesting, Feiye, you want to shoot?”

Another voice sounded, and a figure stepped toward the northeast.

Is also a young man. This young man has the temperament of a typical primitive God Lake world. He has a rough body and a wild temperament, and possesses a domineering and unparalleled aura.

He carried a battle axe in his hand, like a door panel, and every step he stepped out, the void would vibrate, as if he was walking forward with a big mountain on his back all the time.

“It is from the war, he is here too!”

“This person is as famous as Feiye!”

“It’s not just him, look at other directions!”

A few more exclamations came out in succession.

At this moment, several young people have also appeared in several other directions.

These young people are unique in temperament.

Lu Ming’s eyes narrowed, because these young people brought him a lot of pressure.

God Emperor!

There is no doubt that they are all **** emperors.

At his current cultivation level, the only person who can bring pressure to him is the **** emperor.

Actually, these young people are all the top enchanting Tianjiao in the Primitive God Lake World. They are usually in retreat, but this time they unexpectedly appeared at the same time.

“Are they Feiye, Cong Zhan and others are going to take action?”

“They are in the divine emperor realm. If they use the divine emperor to deal with the divine emperor, they will lose their status!”

“That’s the same, but looking at their status, they seem to be very interested, and it may not be possible that no one will take action.”

“Look at it!”

Many people talked about it, and even many older people showed expectations.

The collision between the young generations of Tianjiao has always attracted attention, because it represents the future and hopes.

Yuan Zhan and Yuan Jin also showed expectations.

They expected someone to take action to suppress Lu Ming.

“Why, you guys want to shoot?”

Fei Ye scanned the other young people.

“Thinking about it, but using the cultivation base of the Divine Emperor Realm to deal with him, I’m afraid it will make people laugh!”

Cong Zhan shook his head.

“That’s simple, just suppress the cultivation base, I will try him!”

Fei Ye spoke. After speaking, he looked at Lu Ming, his figure flashed, and he appeared in front of Lu Ming.

“Don’t worry, I will not suppress you with the cultivation base. I will suppress the cultivation base at the Ninth Layer of God Emperor and fight with you to reflect fairness!”

Fei Ye spoke, his eyes filled with strong confidence.

Lu Ming smiled faintly, without thinking too much.

Actually, in the Divine Emperor Realm, even if the cultivation base is suppressed to be the same as him, it cannot be said to be completely fair.

Because, the higher the level of cultivation, the more helpful it is to the awakening of the original divine power factor, and the faster and easier it will be to comprehend the original secret technique.

If Feiye has broken through to the Divine Emperor for a while, and he has been practicing in the Divine Emperor Realm for a period of time, he will definitely advance by leaps and bounds with respect to the Origin Divine Power Factor and the Origin Secret Technique, far beyond the Divine Emperor Realm’s ability to compare.

So, even if he suppresses the cultivation base in the Divine Emperor Realm, the quality of the divine power, the original secret technique, etc., are all obtained through the Divine Emperor Realm, which cannot fully reflect fairness.

For example, he was originally a talent of four realms. When he was in the realm of God Emperor, he was able to fight across four levels.

When he breaks through the divine emperor realm, based on the divine emperor realm, after practicing for a period of time, the divine power and the original secret technique will advance by leaps and bounds, then after he suppresses the cultivation base back to the divine emperor realm, his combat power may be It is comparable to a Tianjiao fighting across five levels.

So, Feiye said that he suppressed his cultivation base to fight Lu Ming to show fairness, which would be a bit shameless.

However, Lu Ming didn’t bother to point it out.

“If you want to fight, you will fight!”

This is Lu Ming’s answer. It is simple, but also very confident.

“You are very confident, I hope you have confident capital, be careful!”

Flying leaves came, and as soon as the voice fell, a powerful aura filled his body. His body was enveloped by a cyan light, and then, around his body, dense leaves emerged.

These leaves have different shapes, some are in the shape of a sword, some are in the shape of a knife, some are in the shape of a tower, and some are in the shape of an adult…


Fei Ye drank coldly, waved, countless leaves flew towards Lu Ming.


The sword-shaped leaves made the sound of swords, and slashed towards Luming like a divine sword.

The blade-shaped leaf, like a magical sword, burst out with splendid blades, slashing towards Lu Ming’s vitals.

The tower-shaped leaves turned into a tower of gods, suppressing Lu Ming.

The most peculiar thing is the human-shaped leaf, which is actually performing a secret technique and bombarding Lu Lu.


For a time, there were at least a few hundred attacks, attacking Lu Ming.

“This is… the original secret technique? The curious original secret technique!”

Lu Ming’s eyes flickered.

This is the first time he has seen this type of Secret Art of Origin.

I have to say, it’s amazing and powerful.

But there are more tricks than Lu Ming? Then find the wrong person.


Lu Ming waved his hands~IndoMTL.com~ However, in the world, there were hundreds of secret techniques that appeared densely.

Great God Wind Technique, Great Demon Sword Technique, Great God Tower Technique, Great God Sword Technique…

So many secret techniques, rushing towards each other.

This is not a heavenly palace. Lu Ming is able to control the secrets of a variety of great ancient mysteries, without having to hide them, but directly display them.

The attacks of the two collided with each other, and there was a dense explosion.

However, the explosion time was very short. After one breath, the explosion stopped and the secret technique Lu Ming had displayed disappeared.

The sky is full of leaves.

However, these leaves are all reduced to two or three.

Obviously, Lu Ming broke through the opponent’s attack.

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. 4Fiction Network Mobile Edition Reading URL:

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