Everlasting Dragon Emperor Chapter 4189: God is blocking the road

Yes, I’m Qiuqiu, Qiuyue, long time no see, has Lu Ming been looking for you all this time? “

The ball has a chubby body, flying around the ball, and said while flying.

Qiuyue looked at the ball earnestly, and finally, his eyes showed surprise.

She can be sure that the ball is not controlled, it is free.

So, what the ball said, is that true?

Qiuyue’s gaze turned to Lu Ming again, and said: “You…are you really a young master?”

“Of course, silly girl!”

Lu Ming smiled.

“Yes, with this smile, you are really a young master, young master, I finally saw you…”

Qiuyue showed surprise, and flew up and threw herself in Lu Ming’s arms, as if she didn’t want to leave.

She is too familiar with Lu Ming. Calm down at this moment, she can feel it in Lu Ming’s smile. This is Lu Ming.

The original breath of life has changed, but the smile is still that smile.

“Silly girl, let’s leave here first. The people from Tiangong will probably be chasing me soon.”

Lu Ming said.


Qiuyue nodded, and they continued to fly in that direction.

I don’t have time to talk more. For specific matters, I can only talk about it when it’s safe.

Although Qiuyue has doubts in her heart, for the time being, she can only hold it in her heart.

But this time, they didn’t fly far, and a team appeared in front of them.

A **** general with twelve first-class heavenly soldiers.

“They are over there, stop them!”

The **** general also spotted Lu Ming and others, and suddenly shouted.

“Rush over, the ball, you open the way!”

Lu Ming yelled and waved, the ball flew out.

“Don’t worry, leave it to me!”

The ball cried, flew out, turned into a black spear, pierced through the void, and rushed to the heavenly soldiers in a blink of an eye.


The black spear stabbed out, the boundless power of the starry sky gathered, and a huge primitive **** condensed out.

This primitive **** also held a black spear, which swept out.

Void tremors, this black spear, larger than the planet, traverses the starry sky, pressing against twelve first-class heavenly soldiers and a **** general.

The **** general, only the threefold cultivation base of the **** emperor, felt the horror of this trick, his face changed wildly, and shouted: “Inspire the armor, block, block…”

This **** general desperately inspired the battle armor of the **** general, and the other twelve first-class heavenly soldiers also desperately inspired the first-class heavenly soldier’s armor to resist.


The black spear swept across, and thirteen figures, like thirteen balls, were blown out.

That **** general is okay. He has a **** general battle armor, and his defense is extremely strong. The ball can’t break his defense, but it blasts him out of hundreds of millions of miles.

But those first-class heaven soldiers are not so lucky.

The armor of the first-class heavenly soldiers on their bodies was swept by the black spears, violently vibrated, and then exploded. A few first-class heavenly soldiers burst into pieces because of the stronger attack they received. ash.

Lu Ming and the others rushed past and then left in a blink of an eye.

“Haha, vulnerable!”

The ball flew back to Lu Ming triumphantly.

Qiuyue and the three people looked at the ball very curiously.

The power of the ball also shocked them. A metal life is so powerful.

“Is it the royal family in metal life?”

Qiuyue’s hearts moved, and they couldn’t help but think like this.

The metal life race is also the highest race in the universe. It is one of the top ten races, extremely powerful.

Among them, the royal family in the metal life is even more powerful. Each is a peerless arrogant, but the number is very rare.

At this moment, everyone’s faces changed wildly.

Because the void in front of me suddenly fluctuates like water waves, and a terrifying aura spreads out from there.

This breath is really terrifying, making the surrounding starry sky, countless stars, shake, as if to burst apart.

God Lord!

Lu Ming and others’ faces changed wildly.

This breath is definitely the breath of the God Realm, it’s too terrifying, they are far from opponents.


Lu Ming yelled, trying to turn around and escape.

“It is naive to want to escape in front of this seat!”

An indifferent voice sounded, and a figure suddenly appeared in the void.

This figure, with twelve wings behind it, is covered by white light.

This is a **** of angels!

As soon as the divine lord of the angel race appeared, the aura became even more terrifying. Lu Ming and others suddenly stiffened because the void was completely sealed, and under this terrifying aura, they could not move.

“Hand over the heart of the Lord God, abolish the cultivation base, follow me back to the Heavenly Palace and please sin!”

The angel clan **** master said coldly, his body is huge, a head is comparable to a planet, standing in the void, standing upright, the pressure on Lu Ming and the others is too strong.

“It’s over, I can’t move!”

Lu Ming yelled in his heart. At this moment, he wanted to get out of the copper coffin and desperately, but he couldn’t do it.

“Bone Demon, is there a way?”

Lu Ming asked Lu Ming.

“No, I am too weak. If I was in his heyday, I could slap him to death, but now, please ask for more blessings!”

Bone Demon Road.

Lu Ming was speechless, his mind was turning rapidly, to see if there was a way.

“You leave…”

Qiuyue was about to drink ‘don’t you want me to surrender the heart of the Lord God’, but before she yelled out, she was stopped by Lu Ming.

“Qiuyue, for me!”

Lu Ming transmits sound to Qiuyue.

Qiuyue’s voice stopped abruptly.

“Yes, we can surrender the heart of the main god, but the heart of the main **** is not in our hands. It has been hidden in a secret place by us before. If you want, we can take you there!”

Lu Ming shouted.

Although he doesn’t know what the heart of the main **** is, it doesn’t affect his nonsense.

“Boy, take me to fetch it, if you dare to play tricks, I will make you die miserably!”

The angelic gods dominate.

“I will never lie to you, but I have one condition!”

Lu Ming said.

“Boy, you are not qualified to make terms with me, take me there!”

The angelic **** master said indifferently~IndoMTL.com~A kid in the realm of the emperor, wanting to talk to him about conditions, it is ridiculous.

“Only terms, the heart of the Lord God is in the hands of a friend of mine. Even if you take us, it’s useless to search for our soul, because I have just given him a voice transmission and asked him to leave with the heart of the Lord God. Now, leave at will, I don’t know where he is now, unless I contact him personally.”

“You can kill me, search for my soul, but you can’t force me to contact him…”

Lu Ming continued nonsense.

He is delaying time, hoping for variables.

Otherwise, the other party will shoot directly, and they have no hope at all.

“Boy, you are fine…”

In the eyes of the angelic **** lord, there is a cold light indifferent, but he is also a little uncertain about what Lu Ming said is true or false.

(End of this chapter)

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