Everlasting Dragon Emperor Chapter 4187: Who are you?

The **** general who fought with Qiuyue before was not a Celestial race, and his combat power was not too strong. It was just a four-tiered general **** emperor, and his combat power was a bit weaker than that of the Celestial God general.

The long sword that the ball turned into appeared directly in front of this person, and slashed towards this person’s head.

This person was shocked and quickly resisted.

However, he can’t rely on external forces, not only the defensive power drops sharply, even the offensive power drops a bit, and he can’t stop the ball from attacking at all.


The sword light flashed, and the opponent’s attack was directly defeated. Then, blood splattered, and a sword mark appeared on the center of the eyebrows of the four-fold master of the **** emperor.

The other party’s breath languished sharply, and his eyes were full of horror and inconceivability.

The next moment, the breath of life in him completely disappeared.


A **** emperor’s quadruple **** general was directly killed by the ball.

Actually, if this person fights the ball head-on, it is very difficult to kill the ball in seconds, although the strength of the ball is indeed more than the opponent.

But, just now, it was completely unintentional.

Lu Ming suddenly used the Rune from the Forbidden Soldier Domain to suppress this person’s armor and magic weapon.

The ball was originally a battle with the Celestial God General, and suddenly attacked him. All this changed so quickly that he didn’t use his full strength at all, so he was killed by the ball in seconds.


After the ball smashed the four-fold existence of the **** emperor, the sword body shook slightly, and then killed the **** general of the Celestial Race.

It must be fast, and it must be a quick decision.

Lu Ming knows very well that this time there are too many masters from the Heavenly Palace, and if you drag it on, other masters may come at any time. Once they get caught up, they will be in trouble.

As long as the strongest gods will be solved, the others will be dealt with easily.

“Want to kill me, don’t think about it!”

The gods of the Celestial Race will react quickly and wave their swords to resist.

With a bang, he confronted the ball and retreated.

The ball continues to slam up.

“Kill, kill, you guys quickly shoot and kill them!”

The Celestial God will resist and shout at the same time.



There are also two **** emperor and triple **** generals, shouting at this moment, with a frenzied aura, attacking Lu Ming and Qiuyue.

Their armor was suppressed, but Lu Ming, Qiuyue and others’ big killers were also suppressed.

They didn’t believe that, with the triple combat power of their **** emperor, they couldn’t deal with the Qiuyue and others who didn’t have a big killer.

The two **** emperors’ triple powerhouses shot, they were extremely powerful and terrifying, making Lu Ming’s expression very solemn.

“You stay behind me to block the attacks of other heavenly soldiers, these two people, leave them to me to hold them!”

Lu Ming said.

As long as he can hold the two of them, he believes that the ball will solve the battle soon.

As long as the ball resolves the battle to help them, this victory is theirs.

“You don’t need to come all, hand one to me!”

A cold voice sounded. This voice, which Lu Ming was so familiar with, naturally came from Qiuyue.

I saw Qiuyue stepping out, covered in nine-colored glow.

At this moment, Qiuyue gave a soft drink and pointed out.

It can be seen that among the nine colors of glow on Qiuyue’s body, there is one kind of glow that exudes a dazzling brilliance, completely overwhelming the other eight kinds of glow, and it is extremely dazzling.

“This is…”

Lu Ming seemed to vaguely see that a heart emerged from Qiuyue’s heart.

This heart is different, with nine holes.

In the nine acupuncture points, each has a different color. At this moment, the color in one of the acupuncture points is extraordinarily bright.

Corresponds to the particularly dazzling color on the outside.


Following Qiuyueyi’s pointing out, a particularly bright glow burst out, turning into a finger, pointing at the three-tiered general of the **** emperor.

With a bang, the two confronted each other, and the attack of the **** emperor’s triple **** general was actually blocked.

Lu Ming’s eyes lit up.

Although Qiuyue didn’t have a big killer, her combat power was still very strong. With the first level of the **** emperor’s cultivation base, he blocked a **** emperor and three level generals, which was beyond Lu Ming’s expectations.

The Sacred Heart of the Nine Orifices is really powerful.

Although Lu Ming was observing Qiuyue, his hands were not idle, he kept swinging his fists, blocking the other **** emperor’s triple **** general.

In addition to these few gods, the remaining first-class heavenly soldiers are nothing to worry about.

Although the number of first-class heavenly soldiers is large, the two disciples of God Lord Mengxu have more than themselves.

The battle on this side is stuck, but the ball on the other side has the upper hand.

“I kill, I kill, I kill…”

The ball yelled and launched a frantic attack. The sky was full of sword light, as if sword rain was falling on this starry sky.

The Celestial Gods will be completely in passive defense.


Finally, the Celestial God General did not stop him, and a sword light was cut across his chest.

Now, without the armor of the **** general, the heart of the **** general of the Celestial Race was directly pierced by the sword light, dividing his heart into two halves.

The Celestial God will scream, his body retreats violently, coughing up blood.

Split his heart, although he could not kill him, it could still severely damage him and reduce his combat power.

This is enough.

It was originally not the opponent of the ball, and the combat power has declined, so it is not the opponent of the ball.

Take advantage of his illness and kill him!

How could the ball miss such an opportunity to injure the opponent with one move, and his subsequent attacks became even more violent.


The sky is full of sword shadows, and the sky is full of sword lights. Each sword light is hundreds of millions of miles long, cutting long cracks in the cosmic starry sky.


Blood and light splattered, flying millions of miles away.

Then, a head was thrown high.

It was the head of the **** general of the Celestial Race, which was chopped down by the ball with a sword.

He is not dead yet, his eyes are deeply horrified, and he wants to escape.

But the ball will let him escape.

With a scream, a sword light slashed across, and the head of the Celestial God General was directly split into two halves, and the soul inside was also wiped out. This Celestial God General fell on the spot.

At the scene, the other gods and first-class heavenly soldiers sucked in a cold breath, their eyes looked terrified.

This is a celestial race, if it is killed like this, the Heavenly Palace may be furious.

At the same time, they also started to retreat.

The ball is too strong, if you kill them, they have only one dead end.


“Go is the best policy!”

By coincidence, the remaining gods and first-class heavenly soldiers retreated violently, not in love, and flew in one direction~IndoMTL.com~Don’t want to go…”

The ball has to be chased again, but Lu Ming stopped screaming.

“Don’t chase the poor, let’s leave here first!”

Lu Ming faces the ball fairway.

The ball flew back into Lu Ming’s hand with a scream, turning it into a bracelet.

“Who are you? Why save us?”

Qiuyue and the other two women looked at Lu Ming, full of doubts.

They don’t understand that the first-class heavenly soldiers in this heavenly palace will actually rescue them, so they don’t hesitate to kill the gods of the heavenly human race and offend the heavenly palace.

Moreover, Lu Ming’s combat power made them even more frightened.

Just now they clearly saw that with the cultivation base of the nine-fold peak of the **** emperor, Lu Ming resisted the attack of a three-fold **** emperor, which was incredible.

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