Everlasting Dragon Emperor Chapter 4151: Difficult to move

Ye Yu wants to call other people over to help him block the creatures transformed by those futons, so that he can free his hands to deal with Lu Ming with all his strength.

Now, the creatures transformed by the large group of futons are rushing towards them. It is difficult for him to free his hand and attack Lu Ming with all his strength. If he cannot make his attack with all his strength, he cannot break Lu Ming’s first-class Celestial Armor.

He needs to make an all-out effort to break through the defense of the first-class Celestial Armor.



The core disciples of the Tianjiao of the Celestial Race and the great figures of the Heavenly Palace rushed towards Lu Ming and them.

In the process of rushing out, their bodies glowed brilliantly.

They are all wearing extremely high-level battle suits, similar to the first-class armor of heavenly soldiers, with amazing defenses. This is their confidence. Otherwise, they would not dare to face so many creatures transformed by futons. Rushed rashly.

At the same time, weapons appeared in their hands. These weapons emitted powerful waves, and they were all big killers.


Before the people arrived, a series of attacks flew out, flying towards the creatures transformed by the futons around Yeyu, blocking those creatures, and in this way, Yeyu freed her hands.


There was cold light in Ye Yu’s eyes, and he looked at Lu Ming.

At this moment, Lu Ming used the Great God Wind Technique, his figure kept flashing, avoiding the attack of a futon creature, and continuing to run forward.


Ye Yu yelled, full of blond hair flying, and a silver spear swept out, sending a few Pu Tuan creatures out. He stepped on it, like a flash of lightning, chasing Lu Ming.

And the core disciples of the Celestial Race and the great figures of the Celestial Palace have already rushed. So many people shot together, attacking the futon creatures constantly, and blocking all the futon creatures rushing towards Ye Yu. In this way, Ye Yu His speed increased greatly, and he caught up with Lu Ming within a few seconds.


The silver spear pierced the void, like a silver lightning, piercing Lu Ming.

Because Lu Ming had to deal with those futon creatures, and the speed of the silver spear was so fast, it was difficult to avoid it for a while, so he was directly stabbed.


The sound of the intersection of gold and iron sounded, and the light shield formed by the armor of the first-class heavenly soldiers was constantly shaking. Lu Ming was pushed forward by a powerful force, and there were a few futon creatures in front of him. Charged to Lu Ming.

Lu Ming quickly pulled out the force in the Gale Orb, blocking the futon creatures.

At this time, Lu Ming felt that the energy of the first-class Celestial Armor on his body was almost exhausted.

“A strong attack, completely comparable to the three-tiered **** emperor…”

Lu Ming was secretly shocked.

This Yeyu is really powerful. After using the big killer, his attack power is completely comparable to that of a true **** emperor triple.

It’s stronger than Lu Ming’s full force of urging the ice mysterious stick.

“Boy, die to me!”

Ye Yu’s eyes flashed with hideous murderous intent, and the silver spear stabbed at Lu Ming again.

The first spear broke the defense of Lu Ming’s first-class Celestial Armor, and the second move was to kill Lu Ming.

This is his plan.

Although Lu Ming has a strong talent, if he can be subdued, it will have a great effect on him.

But he could see that with Lu Ming’s disposition, he couldn’t subdue at all. Since he can’t subdue, can’t be used by him, and has offended, then this kind of person can’t be kept, and must be eliminated.


The silver spear pierced Lu Ming’s head again.


At this moment, Lu Ming felt a deep threat.

The opponent’s attack has reached the Divine Emperor’s Triple Level, which is extremely terrifying. If he is hit, even if his vitality is extremely strong, it is also very dangerous.

The triple attack of the **** emperor was enough to wipe out all the cells in his body.

At this time, Lu Ming had only two choices.

One uses an ice mysterious stick to resist Ye Yu’s attack.

However, even if Lu Ming urged the Ice Profound Cudgel, his combat power was still not as powerful as Ye Yu. Even if he could stop him, he would be injured and blown into the air.

If it’s okay in other places, the key point is that there are those futon creatures everywhere. These futon creatures are very scary. If he is blown up and surrounded by futon creatures, then he will be more passive and more dangerous. .

Another way is to use the move technique to leave.

But Lu Ming was not sure.

There is a lot of pressure here, you can’t even fly, can you move it?

But at this time, how can I know if I don’t try?

Lu Ming decided to proceed with the two plans together.

While urging the ice mysterious stick, he used the big move technique at the same time.

When performing the big move technique, he certainly felt that there was a lot of pressure around him. It was as if he was in a quagmire, and there was a strong force around him pulling him.

But what made Lu Ming pleased was that this kind of power did not completely fix Lu Ming, Lu Ming felt that there was still a little space.

“Give me away!”

Lu Ming roared wildly in his heart, and simply gave up urging the ice profound stick, and used all his power to urge the great movement technique.

Finally, Lu Ming seemed to forcibly break away from the pulling force around him, and his figure disappeared from the place.

Just when Lu Ming’s figure disappeared from the same place, Ye Yu’s spear just pierced the place where Lu Ming had just stood.

As soon as Lu Ming disappeared, Ye Yu’s spear pierced a hole, and with terrifying strength, it pierced a hole in the creature transformed by the futon in front.

The creature trembled a few times, then dissipated directly, turned into a futon again, and landed on the ground.

It seems that this kind of futon creature is not completely incapable of defeating it, but it is too difficult.

The move by Ye Yu just now was almost at the peak of combat power, and only one move defeated it.

“Damn it!”

Ye Yu roared in his heart and looked forward.

A hundred meters away, Lu Ming’s figure emerged.

That’s right, Lu Ming used the big move technique, which only moved a hundred meters away.

Originally, in other places, Lu Ming used the big movement technique, at least able to move thousands of miles away, but the pressure here was too strong, when Lu Ming used the big movement technique, although he broke free of the pull. However, after all, it was greatly affected, and its power was greatly reduced, and it only moved 100 meters away.

But Lu Ming is already overjoyed.

This is no other place. It is full of creatures transformed by thousands of futons~ IndoMTL.com~ It is not easy to travel ten meters, let alone a hundred meters.

Here, it is enough to move out a hundred meters.

“Damn, let’s attack together, don’t let that kid escape!”

Ye Yu roared, bringing the master of the Celestial Race and the core disciple of the great figure of the Heavenly Palace, together desperately rushing towards Lu Ming.

So many of them work together and they are very fast.

However, they hadn’t rushed out a hundred meters before, Lu Ming performed a large shift technique again, and disappeared from the same place, and when he reappeared, he appeared a hundred meters away.

“One hundred meters, it’s okay, that rock wall is mine!”

Lu Ming’s eyes were fiery, and he continued to perform the big movement technique, and then walked a hundred meters, constantly approaching the rock wall.

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