Everlasting Dragon Emperor Chapter 4143: Only set foot in 3 dojos

The skinny old man and others, their faces were extremely ugly, and their eyes revealed deep horror.

But at this time, they must resist, and cannot sit still.

“Let’s shoot together!”

The skinny old man screamed, exploded with the strongest blow, and blasted towards the ice profound stick.

At the same time, a dozen other people also shot at the same time, and dozens of attacks, like meteors, blasted towards the ice mysterious stick, trying to block the ice mysterious stick’s attack.

However, Lu Ming is now fully urging the ice profound stick, how amazing is its power? It has been able to contend with the existence of the threefold **** emperor, how can the skinny old man and others be able to resist it?

The ice mysterious stick was pressed down, and dozens of attacks were directly disintegrated, and the terrifying force pressed down towards them.


The skinny old man and others’ bodies shook wildly, and they were directly knocked over to the ground, vomiting blood, his face pale, and the color of fear in his eyes became stronger.


Lu Ming stepped out, his figure appeared above their heads, cold murderous intent pouring down like mercury.

“Don’t kill me, I surrender, I surrender!”

The skinny old man called out first.

“I surrender too, don’t kill me!”


Others also yelled.

“Since I have surrendered, why don’t you get up to help me dig a rock wall and lie on the ground to play dead?”

Lu Ming said coldly.

Just now, he has been merciful. If he really kills, make sure that these people won’t even be able to surrender.

So he knew in his heart that although these people were injured, they were all slightly injured and did not hinder their actions.

Sure enough, as soon as Lu Ming’s voice came out, more than a dozen people, led by the skinny old man, got up and obediently helped Lu Ming dig a rock wall.

With the addition of a dozen people, the speed of digging the stone wall was rapid. It didn’t take long for a whole stone wall to be dug down and Lu Ming put it into the storage ring.

Then the skinny old man looked at Lu Ming anxiously, really afraid that Lu Ming would take them all out of his anger.

“Go away!”

Lu Ming waved his hand casually.

The skinny old man and the others, like a pardon, hurriedly pulled their legs and left, faster than anything, and disappeared here in a blink of an eye.

Lu Ming didn’t stop either, his figure flickered, and he left here, continuing to search for sentiment and imprints.

Not long after, Lu Ming saw an interesting scene.

In a large hall, there are also some masters of the Divine Emperor Realm of the ancient world. They want to deal with the other heavenly soldiers, rob them of their insights and imprints. As a result, those heavenly soldiers use their big killer weapons. They are embarrassed and disperse. .

Those heavenly soldiers are all peerless evildoers, and they become first-class heavenly soldiers in the Divine Emperor Realm. Especially those who have cultivation bases in the Divine Emperor’s Ninth Layer, their strength alone is no heavier than ordinary Divine Emperors. There is a difference, after using the big killer, it is normal to be able to fight the Divine Emperor Duo.

The key point is that there are not many **** emperors in the ancient world, and among the thirty-odd heavenly soldiers, most of them are the cultivation bases of the **** emperor ninth. comparable?

Lu Ming smiled faintly, not paying attention, and kept walking towards the top of the mountain.

I saw feelings or marks along the road, so I put them away.

After a while, Lu Ming climbed to the top of the mountain and looked up.


Lu Ming was shocked.

He discovered that this mountain was suspended in mid-air.

There are clouds and mist all around, like a fairyland.

Through the clouds, you can vaguely see other peaks.

A total of six mountain peaks, arranged in a ring, float together in the air.

“Connected by chains…”

Lu Ming’s heart moved.

He found that on the left and right sides of the mountain under his feet, there was a huge chain connected to the other mountain.

“This should be the other five dojos. Do you need to go through this chain to go to another mountain?”

Lu Ming thought, and then waved his hand, a handful of magic soldiers flew out, wanting to fly directly to the adjacent mountain peak, but he just flew out not far, and just flew out of the mountain peak under his feet. A powerful force was born, and the magic weapon was blown to pieces with a direct touch.

Lu Ming’s heart shuddered.

Sure enough, if people fly out rashly, they will probably burst into pieces like that magic weapon, and there will be no bones left.

Then Lu Ming took out another handful of magic soldiers and flew out against the chain. This time, the magic soldiers did nothing.

After verification, Lu Ming rushed out and landed on the chain, then strode forward toward another mountain.

“Let’s go there too…”

The group of first-class heaven soldiers in the Tiangong also went to the same mountain with Lu Ming.

The masters of the Divine Emperor Realm in the Great Ancient World went to another mountain.

Lu Ming is very fast and looks like the wind, and soon came to the top of another mountain.

“The road is broken, I can’t go to the next mountain!”

When he came to this mountain, Lu Ming found that on the other side of the mountain, there was also a mountain, which should be another Taoist temple.

But this time, there was no chain leading to the next mountain.

“Hey, someone!”

Next, Lu Ming noticed that the other side’s mountain peaks were flashing, but because of the clouds and fog, his vision was blurred. Only the silhouette could be seen, but the specific appearance could not be clearly seen.

“Could it be that the people from the ancient witch temple are sent by the ancient witch temple. After the people from the ancient witch temple come in, they appear in the three dojos on the opposite side, and we are the three dojos here? The three dojos on both sides. , Not connected?”

Lu Ming was thinking about it, the more he thought about it, the more he realized it was possible.

But, isn’t it said that there are seven dojos?

How come there are only six seats?

Where is the seventh seat?

There should be a main dojo, right?

Lu Ming glanced around, but did not find the seventh dojo.

“Don’t worry about it, search for insights and imprints first!”

Lu Ming shook his head, and then rushed towards those palaces, looking for sentiment and imprints.

This mountain, similar to the previous mountain, also has a temple.

Almost all the other items in these temples are decayed, but the insights and marks left by those strong can be preserved.

Of course, the ones that can be preserved are those left by the top powerhouses, and those left by the average masters cannot be kept for such a long time.

There are a lot less people coming to this mountain~IndoMTL.com~The harvest has naturally increased.

After searching this mountain, Lu Ming received a total of hundreds of great ancient mysteries or imprints.

This can be exchanged for hundreds of ancient mysteries.

How many merit points can I redeem when I go to Tiangong?

Of course, what can be exchanged for merit points is something that Tiangong does not have. If the Tiangong already has one, then it can only be kept, and merit points cannot be exchanged.

When Lu Ming searched this mountain, on the other mountain, it was the mountain where the gods of the ancient world went to. More than a dozen people were surrounded by another large group of people.

These people surrounded are the skinny old man and others who wanted to rob Lu Ming before.

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