Everlasting Dragon Emperor Chapter 3986: Into the abyss

“Abyss Demon!”

  Many people have serious eyes.

  Abyss Demon, many people grew up listening to this word, and it is synonymous with horror.

   This time the test is to enter the dark universe, and to deal with the abyss devil, many people can’t help but feel a little nervous.

   But some people showed a strong sense of war and curiosity.

   There are some ethnic groups in the prehistoric universe. It is said that they have the blood of the devil, but these races, the demon blood is not pure at all, and they are already the creatures of the prehistoric universe.

  ”The devil of the dark universe is the enemy of the heaven, and has fought against the heaven for many years!”

  ”Your next assessment is to enter the dark universe and hunt down the demons in it, so as to obtain the merit of the heavenly palace!”

  ”Only when the merit value reaches a certain amount, is the assessment passed!”

  ”Here, let me tell you by the way the role of merit value. In Tiangong, the most important thing is merit value. With merit value, it is equivalent to having everything!”

  The white-haired official explained, and everyone listened quietly.

  ”I tell you that when you first become heavenly soldiers, the heavenly palace will give you a chance to make everyone have great gains. Some people will make breakthroughs, and some people will awaken their original divine power factors. Someone can sever the shackles of the original secret technique and so on!”

  The white-haired heavenly official continued.

   Many people have a hot glow in their eyes. Many people have heard of this.

   When you first became a heavenly soldier, the heavenly palace will give you a chance, which is very important.

  ”Furthermore, when you first became a heavenly soldier, the size of your chances is also related to your merit!”

  ”Because the heavenly soldiers are also divided into levels, generally divided into three levels, the third-ranked heavenly soldiers are the lowest, and the second-ranked heavenly soldiers, the first-ranked heavenly soldiers, and the ranks of the heavenly soldiers are completely classified according to the merit value!

  ”You have just become heavenly soldiers, almost all of them are third-class heavenly soldiers. However, if you get a lot of merits during the assessment, you may enter the second-class heavenly soldiers. The rewards when you first become heavenly soldiers will be even more amazing. !”

   The white-haired Tianguan’s words made many people’s hearts more fiery.

  ”In addition, the merit value is almost omnipotent in the heavenly palace, and can be exchanged for any treasure in the heavenly palace, such as the various magic armors of the mighty mysticism, various secret arts, and even the three thousand ancient secret arts. Can redeem!”

  The white-haired heavenly official continued.

   Lu Ming’s heart was shaken. Various Secret Techniques and Three Thousand Ancient Secret Techniques were extremely attractive to Lu Ming.

  ”It is not just a variety of treasures, as long as there is enough merit, you can also invite the strong of the heavenly palace, even the heavenly monarch, to give you instructions!”

  ”Even if you have enemies, you can also use merit points. Please use the masters of the heavenly palace to help you solve them. In addition, you can also use merit points to help your forces and improve their strength…”

   Following the explanation of the white-haired official, the eyes of everyone on the scene revealed fiery colors.

   Meritorious value is really omnipotent!

  As long as you have merit, you can do anything and get any treasure in the palace.

   As long as the Tiangong has it, the Tiangong can do it.

   Of course, enough merit is needed!

  ”So, go and get merit points as much as you want, now, follow me to the dark universe!”

  The white-haired official announced.

   Then, several celestial officials led them, left the city of dreams, and flew towards a mysterious starry sky.

  This starry sky does not belong to any race, but the starry sky guarded by the Tiangong, directly belonging to the Tiangong.

   Everyone followed several heavenly officials, flying all the way, flying for several days, and finally arrived at the destination.

   “That is…”

   Seeing the situation ahead, everyone was speechless, their eyes widened in shock.

   In the starry sky ahead, there is a huge and boundless abyss.

   Yes, an abyss, like a starry sky burst open.

   The abyss is extremely dark and unfathomable. The point is that it is too big. Compared with the abyss, many stars are like dust.

   The fact is that there are many stars floating around the abyss, with hundreds of stars, forming a large array of stars in the sky.

   Above these stars, there are countless heavenly soldiers stationed.

  ”This is the entrance to the dark universe. My dream palace has garrisoned countless heavenly soldiers here to prevent demons from rushing out!”

  ”Actually, the five heavenly palaces, each guarding such an abyss, all lead to the dark universe!”

   White-haired Tianguandao.

   They said as they flew forward, and when they were approaching, a heavenly soldier flew over.

   These heavenly soldiers wear white armor with various runes inscribed on them.

  ”This is the standard armor of the heavenly soldiers. It is said that the lowest level can withstand the full blow of the God Emperor Jiuzhong!”

   Ling Yuwei transmits to Lu Ming.

  ”Tiangong, really rich!”

   Lu Ming sighed.

  The lowest level can withstand the full blow of the Divine Emperor Nine Layers. With so many heavenly soldiers, one set per person, they are absolutely powerful when worn.

  The heavenly official stepped forward and negotiated with the heavenly soldiers. Then, this heavenly soldier took them and flew towards the abyss.


   In the abyss, a strong wind blew out, and the crowd resisted with supernatural power, and then flew into the abyss.

   In the abyss, there is a powerful attraction that attracts them to fall down.

   deep, too deep!

   They fell for a whole day and finally came to an end.

Below   , there is a vast expanse of land. On the land, there is an extremely majestic city.

  The whole city~IndoMTL.com~ is pitch black, made of a kind of extremely hard metal, and endless runes appear on it, forming a large array.

   Inside the city, there are countless strong men from the heavens and heaven soldiers stationed there.

  Beyond the city, there is a vast expanse of land, with no end in sight.

   The entire city just stood in front of the abyss.

   They landed on a huge square in the city.

  ”This city is the city of our heavenly palace, outside the city, is the world of the devil!”

   “The dark universe is very peculiar. It is like an endless continent. I don’t know how big it is. The powerhouses of the temple have explored before, but they can’t explore the edge at all. There are countless demons in this continent!”

   Tianguan explained,

   “Sir Tianguan, then how can we get merit points, can we just kill the devil directly, or do we have to bring back some tokens?”

   Someone asked.

   “Every demon has a drop of demon blood, kill the devil, collect the demon blood, and bring it back to the heaven. Naturally, there are ways to calculate the merit value!”

  ” Generally speaking, the stronger the demon’s strength, the more merit points will be gained, but not always. It also depends on the potential. Killing the demon with strong potential and killing the demon Tianjiao will also get the merit value. There will be more, all of this must be returned to the Heavenly Palace and calculated through the Well of Merit!”.

  The white-haired official continued to explain.

   Everyone nodded, roughly knowing.

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