Everlasting Dragon Emperor Chapter 3947: No spirituality

Lu Ming swung the silver spear turned into a ball and slapped it out. The silver spear suddenly grew in size and collided with the tail of the dead crocodile.


Lu Ming felt a huge force, rushing towards him like mountains and oceans, and his body was shaken. With this force, he rushed towards the arrogances of the Yasha tribe.

At the moment of the collision, he had adjusted the direction of the force collision, so when the two collided, the direction he was bombarded was the direction of the Yasha clan.

This blow broke Lu Ming’s arm bones. The strength of this crocodile necromancer was very powerful. Even with the help of the ball, it would not be an opponent. Those Yasha Clan’s Tianjiao, if there were no evil charms Yin help is definitely not the opponent of this crocodile necromancer.

However, Lu Ming’s resilience is extremely strong. When he flew out, there was a steady flow of energy from the cells, and Lu Ming’s arm recovered within a few breaths.

“Kill him!”

Seeing Lu Ming rushing over, the Yasha Clan Tianjiao shouted and killed Lu Ming one after another.

They did not attack Lu Ming with the Suppression Rune. The Suppression Rune has a miraculous effect on the evil things, but it has little effect on normal creatures.


Lu Ming continuously waved the silver spear, smashing the attack on him.

“Evil Suppressing Talisman is good, maybe it can be used, I can make a set of use!”

Lu Ming’s eyes flashed, and he suddenly rushed towards a **** emperor’s triple Yasha Clan Tianjiao.

This God Emperor’s three-tier Yasha Clan Tianjiao controls a set of evil seals.


The **** emperor’s triple Tianjiao roared, and attacked Lu Ming with all his strength. At least thirty Yasha Tianjiao was beside him, and they shot at the same time. The power was amazing.

However, the ball broke through to the fourth layer of the God Emperor, how powerful it was. After turning into a silver spear, its attack power was even more amazing.

Lu Ming held a silver spear and turned like a drill bit. He got into these attacks and broke them directly.

Lu Ming rushed past, like a flash of silver lightning, piercing with a shot at the **** emperor’s triple Yasha Clan Tianjiao.

The Tianjiao face of the Yasha tribe changed wildly. Unexpectedly, Lu Ming’s strength was so strong. He roared and backed madly, but as Lu Ming stepped forward, the silver spear continued to pierce out, the speed is amazing, that Yasha tribe Tianjiao can’t avoid it at all.

Finally, he roared wildly and resisted.

But he couldn’t stop the shot from the silver spear turned by the ball.

This blow, even the existence of the Sixth Layer of the Emperor, is very difficult to resist, let alone him.

Moreover, he doesn’t have a big killer!

Ling Yuwei’s **** elf king bow and Xiu Wuji’s half-cut Shura King Sword can not be owned by anyone.

Of course, these powerful forces do not lack this kind of big killer, but not everyone can control it, and everyone can burst into power.

Actually, in order to control such a big killer, harsh conditions are required.

After all, the cultivation base of these arrogant talents is still too low. It is impossible to control these big killers by virtue of the cultivation base, so it needs a fit.

Only by matching these big killers can they be refined and manipulated.

For example, Lu Ming’s Gale Orb, it was because Lu Ming had practiced the Great God Wind Technique to wipe the air, and when he was replaced by someone else, he couldn’t pull out the Gale Wind at all.

For another example, Lu Ming relied on the power of taboo to refine the treasures of Ice Xuan Stick.

Xiu Wuji relied on the power of Blood Shura. At the beginning, Ling Yuwei wanted to refine, but she didn’t manage it.

Another example is Ling Yuwei’s **** Elf King Bow, which is the powerful war bow of the ancestors of the Elves. Ling Yuwei relies on the powerful Elf bloodline and powerful talents.

Xiu Wuji’s half-section Shura King Sword and Emperor Sword One’s rusty iron sword are the same.

All need very harsh conditions to control.

It is very, very difficult to control such a big killer at a low level.

Actually, there are very few people in the universe who can control these big killers by virtue of their low realm. They are all top enchanting Tianjiao, and there are such big killers who are not from the big power.

If it doesn’t fit, even if you give him this big killer, you won’t be able to use it, and you’ll even be drained and fall directly.

Obviously, these Yasha Clan Tianjiao, although they are Tianjiao, are far from Ling Yuwei and Xiu Wuji.


This **** emperor’s three-tier Yasha Clan Tianjiao was directly pierced through the eyebrows, his soul was annihilated, and he fell on the spot.

After this person fell, that set of evil-suppressing runes turned into an unowned thing, quickly shrunk, turned into eighteen ordinary runes, floating in the air, and Lu Ming took them away.

The rest of the Yasha Clan Tianjiao, seeing that Lu Ming is so powerful and scared, they didn’t dare to fight Lu Ming at all, and backed away frantically.

Lu Ming rushed past, without receiving the slightest obstacle, he rushed out of the tomb.

Those Yasha Clan Tianjiao can only watch Lu Ming run away.

“Damn, who is this person, who is this person?”

It wasn’t until Lu Ming left that the Yasha tribe’s Tianjiao shouted.

“I don’t know it, it’s just the cultivation base of the quasi-emperor, but it is so strong. There is no such person on the top 100 quasi-emperor!”

“I haven’t seen this person in the dream **** Yuzhong!”

The Tianjiao of other Yasha tribes all shook their heads.

Naturally, they couldn’t recognize Lu Ming. In fact, Lu Ming had changed his appearance when he took the shot before.

These people have never seen Lu Ming, and don’t know the origin of Lu Ming’s life, so as long as they change their appearance, these people will not recognize Lu Ming.

Lu Ming also has too many enemies in the province.

After rushing out of the tomb, Lu Ming didn’t stop, his figure kept flashing, and he soon moved away from here.

Shortly afterwards, Lu Ming came to a deserted place and stopped.

After that, he took out a storage ring. Inside the storage ring, there was evil spirits.

Lu Ming is going to check it out!

With a movement in his heart, the evil spirit of Yin flew out, and was wrapped in forbidden power by Lu Ming.

“No, there is no spirituality!”

Lu Ming took a closer look and his face sank.

This ray of evil spirits is lifeless, without the slightest spirituality.

The requirement of Tiangong~IndoMTL.com~ is to have spiritual Yin Sha Qi, and this Yin Sha Qi is obviously unqualified.

“The evil spirit of Yin, only when it is extremely strong, can it nurture spirituality, this ray of evil spirit of Yin does not breed spirituality!”

Bone Demon also spoke.

Lu Ming was quite speechless.

The evil spirit without spirituality is just an ordinary material, which is of no use to Lu Ming.

A lot of effort was wasted, but what I got was a ray of evil spirits, which was in vain.

“It seems that it is not easy to get a ray of spiritual evil spirit!”

Lu Ming sighed slightly.

“The conditions of the Heavenly Palace are naturally not so easy to complete, but the land of ten thousand graves is a place where Yin Qi gathers. There will definitely be spiritual Yin Sha Qi, don’t worry!”

Bone Demon Road.

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