Everlasting Dragon Emperor Chapter 3862: Practicing in the cold

Lu Ming rushed into the glacier gorge with his injuries, and with the energy of the Gale Bead, blocked the terrifying and chilly attack in the gorge.

The big man with beard and others were furious and rushed into the canyon.

As soon as they rushed into the canyon, their expressions changed, and they became terrified.



Several members of the blood skeleton pirate group with weaker cultivation bases screamed in horror. They saw their bodies covered with a layer of frost, and this layer of frost spread at an alarming speed and quickly covered the whole body. , Turned into a layer of ice armor.

These few cultivation bases have only the existence of the four-fold God Emperor. They were directly frozen by ice, and they were frozen into ice men, unable to move, like a few rocks falling to the ground, and with a touch, they fell into pieces. Fragments.

Only the powerhouses above the fourth level of the God Emperor blocked the surrounding chill, but they were uncomfortable. One by one, they exploded with divine power to resist, and then retreated madly. When they exited the glacier gorge, they sat cross-legged, luck Power to resist the attack of the cold.

For a time, only the big man with a beard was still in the glacier gorge.

“Little beast, do you think that by hiding here, you can avoid the pursuit of my blood skull pirate group? No one who my blood skull pirate group wants to kill has yet to escape!”

The Qiu must yelled and screamed, his eyes frightened, and murderous intent flashed continuously.

“There is so much nonsense, you have the ability to kill me!”

Lu Ming sneered, a disdainful voice sounded, and then continued to fly towards the depths of the glacier canyon.

The beard on the face of the big man with a beard trembled for a while, gritted his teeth, and continued to chase Lu Ming.

However, the deeper the canyon, the more terrifying the chill, as if it can freeze everything, freezing all the particles in the universe.

Even with the cultivation base of the big man with a beard, it is difficult to resist easily. He needs to concentrate and run ten levels of skill to be able to resist.

However, as a result, the speed of the big man with whiskers was greatly reduced, and he was almost the same as Lu Ming. For a time, he couldn’t catch up with Lu Ming at all. The two chased and fled, and then went deep into the glacier gorge thousands of miles.


The terrifying cold wind howled, this glacier canyon is surprisingly deep. It has traveled thousands of miles, but it hasn’t reached the end. It’s not clear how deep it is.

Touch! bump! …

Suddenly, there was a roar from the ground, and then huge figures appeared from all directions.

These figures are apes.

This ape has a snow-white body and a strong physique, holding a weapon made of ice condensed in his hand.

These apes, seemingly not afraid of the chill here, roared towards Lu Ming and the big man with beard.

A variety of weapons blasted towards Lu Ming and the big man with a beard, sending out terrifying waves, the power is extremely terrifying, and Lu Ming felt terrible pressure before it approached.

This kind of coercion is definitely not something that Lu Ming can resist with his own strength.

Lu Ming could only use the strength of the Gale Orb to rush out with the rolling gale.

The apes, when they felt the gale, seemed very jealous, and all kinds of attacks halfway through the attack, suddenly retracted, retreated violently, and distanced themselves from Lu Ming.

On the other side, an astonishing battle took place.

A dozen apes attacked violently at the big man with beard.

The power of these apes may be far inferior to the big man with beard, but here, the strength of the man with beard is greatly suppressed, and these apes are like a fish in water, and can even use the terrible chill here to launch an attack. Under him, the big man with beard was forced to retreat again and again, embarrassed.


The big man with beard was accidentally swept, and a huge wound appeared on his body, but there was no blood flowing out of this wound, because the blood was completely frozen.


The big man with beard roared in his heart, frightened.

Oh oh oh…

Seeing that the big man with beard was injured, more apes pounced on the man with beard.

Even the apes who had killed Lu Ming left Lu Ming and killed him.

The big man with beard is even more frightened. In such an environment, surrounded by so many apes, he is very likely to fall here.

“Little beast, capable, stay in this valley all his life…”

Finally, the big man with a beard let out an unwilling roar, his figure retreated sharply, and disappeared into Lu Ming’s line of sight in a blink of an eye.


Lu Ming sneered a few times, and he was also relieved.

I finally got rid of the masters of the Blood Skull Pirate Group, although it was temporary.

Then, Lu Ming sat cross-legged, and there was a steady stream of energy flowing out of every cell in his body, repairing Lu Ming’s injury.

It didn’t take long for Lu Ming’s injury to heal. Not only that, but because of a hint of potential, Lu Ming’s cultivation base became stronger.

“This is a good place to practice. With the chill here, I may be able to continuously stimulate my potential…”

Looking at the chill around him, Lu Ming showed a thoughtful look.

Here, for others, it is a Jedi, but for him, it may not be a holy place for cultivation.

He is the body of taboo, the power of taboo in cultivation, as long as there is potential, he can continuously use external force to stimulate and achieve a leap.

However, it is impossible for Lu Ming to expose himself to the chill outside all at once.

With the help of external force, there must be a limit. When the external force is too strong, then it cannot be used, but will be directly killed.

Obviously, the chill outside this canyon was enough to freeze Lu Ming to death.

It can only be done step by step.


Lu Ming manipulated the gale inside the gale bead, revealing a gap.

Immediately, a chill rushed in. When the chill rushed in, Lu Ming immediately closed the gale’s defenses to prevent other chills from entering.

“It’s cold…”

Even if only a ray of chill enveloped Lu Ming’s body, Lu Ming felt utterly cold.

This cold is too terrifying. It goes deep into every cell, even particles even smaller than the cell, to stop all particles from moving.

“Block me!”

Lu Ming roars~IndoMTL.com~ In the 60 trillion cells in his whole body, energy is constantly being stimulated, covering the whole body, resisting this force, and preventing himself from freezing to death.

But it was still cold, extremely cold.

Lu Ming seemed to be in the 10,000-year-old ice cellar, his teeth kept colliding with each other, and his blood seemed to turn into ice.

However, Lu Ming finally held on, resisted, and successfully resolved the chill.

At the same time, the potential in the depths of his cells was also stimulated. Lu Ming felt that his cultivation level had improved again.

This kind of improvement is very amazing and can be clearly felt.

“Sure enough…”

Lu Ming was ecstatic, his eyes shone.

Continue to practice this way, he has the feeling that it won’t be long before he will be able to break through to the ninth level of the gods.

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