Everlasting Dragon Emperor Chapter 3799: Knock out, 1 ball

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Lu Ming and the three of them joined forces to fight with nine monsters, fighting hard.

Obviously, the nine monsters were desperate and attacked frantically. In the end, Lu Ming and the others rushed through the enclosure of the nine monsters, but they also paid some price.

Lu Ming is okay. The armor of the ball turned into a defense that offset most of the attack power. Although some gales cut through the armor of the ball, it fell on Lu Ming and hurt Lu Ming. , Is not big anymore, with Lu Ming’s ability to recover from the sky, it is basically no problem.

However, the silver-haired old man and jaundice are not so lucky. There are dense wounds on their bodies, all cut by the gale.

Moreover, the recovery of this kind of wound is very slow, because the gale contains terrifying high temperature, which is constantly burning their wounds.

Both of them received serious injuries, but fortunately, they were already close to the monster itself.




The three of them shouted, attacked three times, and attacked the monster itself.


The monster’s body unexpectedly roared like a beast, and his body was violently windy. His arms turned into two big swords made of gale wind, and they slashed at Lu Ming.

Boom boom boom!

Several roars in a row, the three of them shook their bodies, and they backed away involuntarily.

The strength of the monster itself is amazing, far above the clone.

But, there is no strong exaggeration, they can handle it.

As soon as the three of them retreated, they rushed towards the monster itself.

The two sides fought fiercely, fought dozens of moves, and there was no victory or defeat.

Because, the body of this monster’s body, like the clone, will be scattered and condensed again.

“Hit the ball on the head of this monster!”

Bone Demon transmits sound to Lu Ming.

“Attack the ball on his head!”

Lu Ming said to the jaundice and silver-haired old man, the moonlight spear glows like electricity, shattering the void, and piercing the bead on the monster’s head.

At Lu Ming’s reminder, the silver-haired old man and jaundice also began to attack the bead on the monster’s head.

Sure enough, as a result, the monster became tense, afraid to let go of his hands and feet to attack, and began to defend against the ball on his head.

Absolutely effective!

The trio kept on attacking the ball.

Finally, Lu Ming seized the opportunity and stabbed the ball with a shot.


The sound of gold and iron fighting sounded. This shot did not smash the ball, but the monster’s body was knocked out by a powerful force.

The jaundice and silver-haired old man seized the opportunity to kill the monster itself.


The monster itself seemed to be completely irritated by Lu Ming’s move, and it roared terribly. The ball on his head exuded a dazzling brilliance, and then a powerful force emerged.

As soon as the power in the ball emerged, it turned into a violent gale, and this gale condensed a number of figures, all monster clones.

The aura emitted by these monster clones is even more terrifying than the previous one.

Nine monster clones all roared and rushed to Lu Ming, the silver-haired old man, and the jaundice three.

As soon as they rushed to the three of them, the nine monster clones exploded directly.

Nine monster clones blew themselves up, generating devastating power and rushing towards the three of Lu Ming.

“Not good!”

Silver-haired old man, jaundice, and Lu Ming’s complexion changed greatly.

The three men retreat violently, and in the process of retreating, they used the strongest defensive means to defend.

In front of the silver-haired old man, two silver shields appeared. In front of the jaundice, a yellow mountain appeared.

And Lu Ming, with a wave of his left palm, the various defense secrets in his body’s cells all exploded, forming multiple defenses.

As soon as the three of them laid down their defenses, that destructive power surged in.


The defense of the three shook violently.

Several cracks appeared on the silver shield of the silver-haired old man in an instant.

The large mountain-shaped treasure with jaundice shook violently, and cracks appeared.

Touch! bump!

The next moment, the shield of the silver-haired old man, the jaundiced mountain-shaped treasure, shattered at the same time, and the terrifying force of destruction rushed towards them.

The two screamed, their bodies blasted thousands of miles away, coughing up blood, and their bodies were in tatters and suffered heavy injuries.

The two of them looked terrified and did not dare to stay at all. They turned into two rainbow lights and disappeared into the distance.

Too frightened and fled.

While the silver-haired old man and the jaundice were blasted away, Lu Ming was also hit by destructive power. The defenses gathered by his various secret techniques only resisted a breath and was defeated.

The terrible destructive energy bombarded Lu Ming.

Keng Keng Keng…

The devastating gale cut into the armor of the ball, making a clanging sound, sparks shooting everywhere.

Finally, even the armor that the ball turned into was cut open.

However, the armor formed by the ball has withstood a large part of the attack power, and the power that fell on Lu Ming’s body was already very limited. Lu Ming was blown out, coughing up blood, and was seriously injured. But after all, it resisted.

“What a terrifying power!”

Lu Ming was frightened secretly. He was about to learn from the silver-haired old man and jaundice, and escaped.

At this time, the bone demon’s voice came out: “Now is a good opportunity. The monster has stimulated the power in the bead and burst out a big move. Now is the period of weakness, you take the opportunity to take the bead away. Obliterate the will on the ball!”

Lu Ming stopped immediately, and rushed towards the monster without hesitation.

The monster, showing a look of horror, roared, turned around and left.

But how could Lu Ming allow him to leave and increase his speed to the extreme. After a few flashes, he caught up with the monster, grabbed it with a big hand, and grabbed it toward the ball.

Sure enough, the bone demon was right. Now the monster is in a period of weakness. Although he struggled to resist it, he didn’t have much power. Lu Ming grabbed it through with one claw, and successfully grabbed the ball.

The ball vibrates constantly, and there is a ray of spiritual will attached to it. This is the origin of the monster.

A strand of spiritual will is attached to the ball, and with the power of the ball, the gale body is gathered.


Yuanzhu posted a squeaky sound~IndoMTL.com~like a rat’s sound, panicked.

“Die to me!”

Lu Ming’s eyes were cold, and the force of the taboo rushed towards the ball, starting to obliterate this ray of spiritual will.

The power of taboo is the most terrifying power in the world. This strand of spiritual will can’t be blocked at all, screaming a few times, with unwilling spirit fluctuations, and then completely wiped out by the power of taboo.

This ray of spiritual will was wiped out, and the gale around him suddenly became much smaller and calmer, without the violent previous ones.

The round bead also fell on Lu Ming’s hand.

“What exactly is this ball? Can it burst out with such a strong energy?”

Lu Ming stared at the ball and thought about it. Then, the spiritual sense approached the ball and wanted to explore it.

Just as Lu Ming’s spiritual sense probed into the round bead, there was an astonishing scene. Lu Ming seemed to hear a thunderous roar, and then the environment of the world changed abruptly.

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