Everlasting Dragon Emperor Chapter 3750: Purple Moon God Iron

“Okay, but I need a metal resource mine!”

Lu Ming said.

The training and evolution of the ball is inseparable from metal materials, and most of the magic weapons are made of metal materials.

In the Kingdom of Tianyue God, although Lu Ming has obtained a large number of magic weapons, who would think that there are too many resources?

With the appetite of the ball, those magic weapons may not be able to sustain much time.

So, for metal-type materials, the more the better.

Immediately, Lu Ming followed Han Ziling towards the headquarters of the Fengdu Sword Sect.

“Brother Mu, you wear this robe!”

On the way, Han Ziling gave Lu Ming a set of robe, Lu Ming put it on, and the whole person was completely wrapped in the robe. Then, Lu Ming restrained his breath, and the power of taboo lurked in every cell in his body. Others can’t figure out his specific cultivation level at all.

The power of taboo is scattered in each cell. Now, as long as Lu Ming doesn’t want others to discover his cultivation base, others will not be able to find it unless the cultivation base is too high.

Soon, the two came to a hall.

The main hall is very wide. There are already hundreds of people here, and everyone is wrapped in black robes.

Lu Ming and Han Ziling merged into the crowd and waited.

About half an hour later, people came one after another. At this moment, there were more than five hundred people in the hall.

“Okay, the people are almost there, this time our goal is to plunder the other side’s Purple Moon God Iron Planet in the Black Blood Palace!”

Suddenly, a voice rang from the crowd.

One of the black-robed men, taking off his headgear, is an old man.

This old man is a quasi-imperial master of the Fengdu Sword Sect and a guardian of the Fengdu Sword Sect.

The guardians of the Fengdu Sword Sect are all quasi-emperor-level masters.

As for the elders, they are all gods.

“Yes, guardian!”

Everyone answered.


The guardian gave the order.

Everyone flew out of the main hall and came to the entrance of a wormhole.

It has reached the level of cosmic forces of the Fengdu Sword Sect, and the use of wormholes has been quite mature. One by one, wormholes run through all regions, like railroads, connecting all regions together.

Through the wormhole, they quickly left the territory of the Fengdu Sword Sect and entered the territory of the Black Blood Palace.

The Black Blood Palace in the Iron Sea Star Group is still quite strong. Although it does not rank in the top ten, it is also very close. The last time the resource covenant ranked 11, it was much stronger than the Fengdu Sword Sect.

However, the Black Blood Palace and Fengdu Sword Sect have been grudges for a long time, and the two forces often clashed.

No, close to the resource covenant, the friction between the two powers has become more intense, and the looting of the resource planet is the most powerful.

Last time, the Black Blood Palace sent a large number of masters to rob the Blood Jade Star. If Lu Ming hadn’t appeared, Han Ziling and others would be in danger.

And this time, the Fengdu Sword Sect is going to plunder the Purple Moon God Iron Planet in the Black Blood Palace.

Of course, the Fengdu Sword Sect looted the resource planet of the Black Blood Palace, not just a group of them, but actually had six hacks, looting six different resource planets in the Black Blood Palace.

They walked in secret, walking exclusively through the remote starry sky. After a while, they finally came to Ziyuexing.

Purple Moon Star, is a resource planet with a lot of Ziyue God iron ore mines.

The purple moon **** iron is an important material for refining artifacts, and some of the purple moon **** iron can even refine royal-level artifacts.

It is an important source of income for the Black Blood Palace.

Ahead, a purple planet is suspended in the air, like a purple orb, suspended in the air, it is unusually beautiful.

“Wait a minute, we will directly find the densest place in the mine to break through, and plunder the Purple Moon God Iron as much as we want. Whoever plunders it will belong to whom!”

The guardian.

Many people’s eyes shone with fiery light.

As long as it is looted, whoever owns it, everyone secretly eagerly eagerly prepared to fight.

“On the Purple Moon Star, those bright spots are the places where the Purple Moon God’s iron is rich. Look, there is one over there, the purple is particularly rich, so let’s start from there!”

The protector pointed to Ziyuexing.

Lu Ming looked.

Sure enough, although Ziyuexing is purple all over, there are shades of color.

In some places, the color is darker, and the place that the protector refers to is a very dense light spot.


Following the order from the guardian, they turned into black streamers, rushing towards the Purple Moon God Iron Star at an astonishing speed.

In just ten seconds, they crossed hundreds of millions of miles to reach the surface of Purple Moon Star.

“The enemy attacked, someone looted the Purple Moon God Iron!”

A loud roar spread all over the place.

The surface of the iron of the Purple Moon God is naturally patrolled by the masters of the Black Blood Palace.

At this moment, a squad of more than a dozen people discovered the Fengdu Sword Sect and yelled and heard the news.

Everyone didn’t care, it was normal to be found.

They are looting, not stealing.


The guardian roared and killed him first.

“Quit, retire!”

A dozen people in the Black Blood Palace, how dare to stop Lu Ming and the others, flew madly under the purple moon star.

However, it is too late.

The speed of the quasi-emperor was too fast, and after a few flashes, he caught up with a dozen people in the Black Blood Palace.


The sound of sword mingling sounded~IndoMTL.com~ More than a dozen sword lights burst out from the protector, illuminating the starry sky.

A dozen people in the Black Blood Palace were directly killed by Jianguang.

“Go over!”

The guardian yelled, and the people from the Fengdu Sword Sect rushed towards the biggest spot of light.

I rushed closer, only to find that the huge spot of light was a purple mountain range.

The purple mountains are connected into a single piece, the range is very wide, and you can’t see the edge at a glance.

Below these purple mountains are all purple moon **** iron.

“Someone looted!”


In the purple mountain range, human figures flickered, and the black blood masters guarding this place gathered together. There were also hundreds of people, but fewer than the Fengdu Sword Sect, about 300 people.

“Kill the past!”

The guardian yelled and killed him first.

The others followed suit.


Before people arrived, the brilliant sword light burst out. In a flash, more than five hundred sword lights slashed towards the people in the Black Blood Palace.

“Sure enough, it is a trifle of the Fengdu Sword Sect, blocking them!”

In the Black Blood Palace, someone shouted, and then the blood mist filled.

Hundreds of masters in the Black Blood Palace all shot, and there seemed to be a sea of ​​blood in the sky.

Boom boom boom!

Hundreds of sword lights slashed above the sea of ​​blood. The sea of ​​blood shook violently, but eventually blocked the bombardment of the sword light.

“Something’s wrong!”

At this moment, the face of the guardian changed.

As for the masters such as Han Ziling, the complexion also changed.

It’s not right. They came out to looting this time, they were all elite, all-sex masters with six levels or above.

They came prepared and attacked suddenly. The Black Blood Palace guarding here should not be able to stop their attack.

After all, there are many resource planets in the Black Blood Palace.

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