Everlasting Dragon Emperor Chapter 3713: Tianyue Kingdom of God (10th

   is not only the locust party, but other people also think so.

  The swordsman of the locust tribe is well-known in the universe.

   Finally, the two palms collided.

   The result was similar to what everyone expected.


   The sound of a broken arm sounded, and then a figure screamed and flew out.

   The only difference is that the person who was bombarded with a broken arm was not Lu Ming, but Lu Ming.

   Locust Fang fell heavily to the ground, and one of his arms was not broken, but completely split apart.

   In his eyes, it was all incredible and terrified.

   Just now, he collided with Lu Ming’s palm and found that Lu Ming’s palm was not like a physical body, it was a hundred times harder than a magic weapon.

  Around   , the others were also dumbfounded, their eyes rounded, unbelievable.

   Not to mention the hardness of the arm, the locust Fang is much higher than Lu Ming just by the cultivation base.

   The locust Fang Shenjun has six layers, while Lu Ming is only the four Shenjun.

   High double cultivation base, but was defeated by someone with low double cultivation base?

   “Shoot, kill him for me, kill him for me!”

  The locust party roared hysterically.

   “Looking for death!”


   The four middle-aged men shouted angrily and rushed towards Lu Ming with a murderous look.

   Lu Ming’s face was gloomy, and his thoughts moved. There was a powerful force bursting out of every cell in his body, and then he rushed to the four middle-aged men.

   Both sides are using palm knives. The speed is extremely fast. In an instant, they fought more than ten strokes, and there was a continuous roar. Then, the two sides separated.

  The difference is that Lu Ming stood still on the spot, while the four middle-aged men of the Tianya tribe flew backwards and backed up several hundred steps before they stood firm.

   They trembled, and at the same time they spewed a mouthful of blood.

   Looking at their arms again, they trembled constantly, blood was flowing, and they were completely deformed.


   there was a sound of inhaling cold breath.

  Everyone stared at Lu Ming as if they had seen a ghost, as if they were looking at a monster.

  A god-sovereign quadruple, in an instant, wounded four masters of the quasi-emperor realm, and he was also the quasi-emperor of the Skylocust clan.

   Are you dreaming?

   This is incredible!

   Jiang Lebang also stared at Lu Ming with an unbelievable expression.

   “Brother Jiang, goodbye!”

   Lu Ming clasped his fists and left here.

  He didn’t kill the locust Fang and others.

   After all, there are so many people here watching that if he killed the locust, he might be retaliated by the sky locust clan. Finally, he gained an identity, but it would be bad if he didn’t make the whole world chased and killed.

   Lu Ming stepped away and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

   “Damn it!”

   Locust Fang stared in the direction where Lu Ming was leaving, his eyes full of resentment.

   Lu Ming didn’t stop at Shangchuan Star, he flew through the air, left Shangchuan Star, came to a deserted planet, and began to retreat.

  He must first successfully practice all 150 secret techniques he has in his hands.

   lightly car and familiar with the road, Lu Ming began to practice one by one secret technique after another.

  Time flies, and in a blink of an eye it is three years.

   In three years, Lu Ming has practiced all 150 secret techniques and integrated them into the cells of his body.

   This undoubtedly improved Lu Ming’s combat effectiveness a little bit.

  ”The power of these ordinary secret arts is limited after all. I don’t know the mystery of the three thousand ancient secret arts in the legend?”

   Lu Ming whispered, looking forward to it.

  Three thousand ancient mysteries, different from ordinary mysteries, unpredictable, infinitely powerful, cultivated to the peak, not weaker than the original mystery to cut off the nine chains.

   Until now, Lu Ming has not encountered the three thousand ancient secret techniques, and has not been able to see its power.

   Now, Lu Ming has incorporated three hundred and forty secret techniques.

   After cultivating secrets, Lu Ming took out a magical medicine and began to refine it.

   Lu Ming had stored some energy before and felt that it had been stored up to 30%, but during this time, Lu Ming had consumed a lot, so he continued to store it.

   The magic medicine that Lu Ming took out was an imperial-level magic medicine with amazing power.

   More than two years later, Lu Ming felt that the energy stored in the cells in his body was as high as 50%.

  The potential is amazing, and I am waiting for him to develop and tap it.

   Of course, this fifty percent is relative to what Lu Ming is talking about now. After Lu Ming’s cultivation level improves, he needs more energy if he wants to store up to fifty percent as well.

   At this time, Lu Ming’s heart moved, and then a message appeared from the dream jade.

   is a message from Jiang Lebang to him.

   “What’s the matter with Jiang Lebang sending me a message at this time?”

   Lu Ming thought about it.

   The message Jiang Lebang sent to him was not too clear. It just said that there was a chance that he wanted to invite Lu Ming with him.

   Lu Ming thought about it, and planned to take a look.

   Now, Lu Ming’s combat power has been improved a bit, and at the same time he has stored a large amount of energy, which needs development.

   For the fastest development, taking risks is the best way.

  Adventure not only develops potential, but also gains opportunities, killing two birds with one stone.

   Lu Ming left for Shangchuan Star.

  Shangchuanxing is not far from the barren planet where Lu Ming is located. Before long, Lu Ming came to Shangchuanxing and met Jiang Lebang.

   “Brother Jiang, what is the chance you said?”

   Lu Ming asked.

  ”About the Tianyue Kingdom Ruins!”

   Jiang Lebang Road.

  ”Heavenly Kingdom of God?”

   Lu Ming was puzzled, he hadn’t heard of it at all.

   Jiang Lebang explained: “The Kingdom of Heaven and Yue Kingdom, about dozens of star years ago, was a huge Kingdom of God in this area of ​​stars. The strength is very powerful, not weaker than the races on the list of the predecessors, but later Overnight, the Kingdom of Tianyue God fell apart, was destroyed, and disappeared from the world!”

  ”A powerful force comparable to the prestigious ten thousand clan rankings, disappeared overnight, how could it be possible? What happened?”

   Lu Ming was a little surprised.

   One of the races on the list of prehistoric tens of thousands of races, which one is not one that has been passed down for endless years ~ IndoMTL.com~ has a profound background and extremely powerful strength.

  Want to be destroyed, how can it be so easy?

   disappeared overnight, which is amazing.

   “I don’t know, no one knows what’s going on, but some people speculate…”

   Speaking of this, Jiang Lebang stopped.

   “Guess what?”

   Lu Ming asked.

   “You can’t say, don’t say, Brother Mu can understand it yourself!”

   said, Jiang Lebang pointed his finger at the sky.

   “Heavenly Palace!”

   Lu Ming had two words directly in his heart.

  ”Now, through secret channels, I learned that the Tianyue Kingdom of God site is about to live. Someone found the entrance of the Tianyue Kingdom of God site. If it is true, I think there will be a lot of treasures left in it. This is a chance !”

   Jiang Lebang’s eyes showed a hot glow.

   A race comparable to the list of prehistoric races, the treasure left behind is absolutely amazing.

   “Okay, I’ll go together!”

   Lu Ming nodded and agreed.

  ”Well, we will leave in half a month. Not only us, but three other forces together, because the entrance was discovered by our major forces!”

   Jiang Lebang Road.

   Lu Ming nodded, and then found a place to stay. Half a month later, they set off to the entrance of the Tianyue Kingdom of God.

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