Everlasting Dragon Emperor Chapter 3711: The secret of trading

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Fire source fruit!

Many people who practice the supernatural power of fire have their eyes lit up again.

Then someone started to redeem.

However, Lu Ming has no interest in all this.

In his opinion, the Fire Origin Fruit and the Sword God Crystal are far from the source grass and the Sky Origin Fruit obtained from the Dragon Race’s home star, and they are even incomparable at all.

The Sword God Crystal is only useful for the original secret arts of swords, and its efficiency is only increased by 50%.

The fire source fruit can only be useful for the fire attribute divine power cultivation original divine power factor, and the efficiency can only be doubled.

Of course, these two types of duration are longer than those of Shengyuan Grass and Tianyuan Fruit.

But the effect is too far apart.

First, the source grass and the sky source fruit, but there are no attribute restrictions, they are useful for any attribute’s divine power, or any original secret technique.

Second, the source grass and the sky source fruit, refining one, can directly greatly increase the original divine power factor or the original secret technique, and it does not take much time to slowly polish.

With these two, the value is different by many times.

The transaction is continuing, but Lu Ming has no interest in the treasures these people brought out.

Lu Ming is now interested in two kinds of treasures.

One is a treasure that contains a lot of energy, but Lu Ming now has a lot of magic medicine in his hand, which will last for a while.

In addition, Lu Ming is interested in various secret techniques, and this is also the purpose of his coming this time.

However, no one exchanged the secret technique.

One day later, at least a few hundred people traded treasures, none of which Lu Ming wanted, so Lu Ming simply stood up by himself.

“Let me come!”

Lu Ming got up, many people looked at him.

The palm of his hand glowed, and a magical medicine appeared in Lu Ming’s palm.

“This is a king-level magic medicine. Any level of cultivation in the god-sovereign realm can increase its cultivation very quickly after refining. It is also useful for breaking through the realm, and its power is three times that of the same-level magic medicine. !!”

Lu Ming introduced.

That’s true. For so many years, the dragon clan’s home star has been sealed, and the magical medicines produced in those relics sacred sites have amazing effects, which are several times that of the magical medicines of the same level.

Hundreds of fiery eyes, all concentrated on the magic medicine in Lu Ming’s hand.

After all, most of the people at the scene are cultivation bases of the Divine Sovereign Realm, and very few of them are in the Divine Sovereign Realm.

This magic medicine is too effective for them.

“What do you need to change?”

Someone asked.

“I want a secret technique, a magical medicine, to change three kinds of secret techniques, and it is a secret technique that I don’t have!”

Lu Ming said.

“Secret change technique?”

Everyone was surprised.

Same as Jiang Lebang’s doubts before, most people don’t have very high requirements for occult techniques. They only practice a few auxiliary occult arts, and the main practice is the original occult technique.

Unless it is the constitutional mystery, or the legendary three thousand ancient mysteries.

But I don’t know what Lu Ming did with these secret techniques, but everyone didn’t think much about it. It was his business that Lu Ming changed so many secret techniques.

They just want magic medicine.

“I’ll change with you!”

“I’ll change it!”


Immediately, many people yelled, at least dozens of them.

“I’ll speak first, I’ll change it first!”

“Who said you spoke first? But there is evidence that I spoke first!”

Dozens of people compete fiercely.


Lu Ming raised his hand and the scene fell silent.

“Everyone, I have more than one miraculous medicine, as long as you have the secret technique, I will exchange it!”

Lu Ming said.

In this way, everyone is quiet.

“I am the first!”

An old man rushed out and came to Lu Ming, then took out three jade cards and handed them to Lu Ming.

“Brother, there are three secret techniques in this, look at it!”

The old man said.

Lu Ming took it, swept away his spiritual sense, and shook his head slightly: “I already have the three kinds of secret techniques, I already have them, and I need the secret techniques I don’t have before I can change them!”

“Okay, I’ll change it!”

The old man quickly took out another jade medal.

Lu Ming took it, swept away his spiritual sense, and nodded in satisfaction.

This kind of secret technique is something that Lu Ming doesn’t have.

Lu Ming handed the magical medicine to the opponent and successfully obtained three new secret techniques.

After putting away the secret, another magical medicine appeared in Lu Ming’s hand.

“The efficacy of this magical medicine is similar to that of the previous one. I still use three secret techniques that I don’t have…”

Lu Ming said.

“I am coming!”

“I’ll come first!”

Immediately, a large group of people screamed.

Because Lu Ming needs to change the secret technique he doesn’t have, so one step earlier would be good.

If it’s late, the secret technique that I took out overlaps with the person in front, isn’t it impossible to exchange it?

Lu Ming is speechless, he can only choose by himself.

“Just this senior!”

Lu Ming pointed to a middle-aged man and successfully switched to three new secret techniques.

In this way, Lu Ming shared ten magical medicines and exchanged thirty new secret techniques.

In this case, there are one hundred and ninety types of Lu Ming who have successfully cultivated, and one hundred and thirty types of those who have not yet practiced.

However, at this time, Lu Ming did not continue to take out the magic medicine to exchange it.

After all, he also needs magical medicine, and energy is inseparable for future cultivation.

Lu Ming will keep the rest.

However, there are still several treasures on Lu Ming.

Shengyuan grass and Tianyuan fruit!

The source grass and the sky source fruit are of no use to Lu Ming’s present body, but are of great use to his past body, so Lu Ming didn’t bring much with him, only a few of each, so he could exchange for it. Some resources.

With a thought, a plant of source grass appeared.

“At this time, Yuanyuan Grass, everyone should have heard of it!”

Lu Ming said, he didn’t introduce too much, because it’s impossible for everyone to know this kind of treasure.

Sure enough, as soon as Lu Ming spoke, there were bursts of exclamation at the scene, and then all of them stared at Shengyuan Grass with fiery eyes.

Shengyuan grass, but it is very useful for any attribute of divine power, and the effect is amazing, it is simply the best among the best treasures of the cultivation of the original divine power factor.

“I need to use a plant of source grass to exchange twenty kinds of secret techniques I need!”

Lu Ming offered the conditions.

“Twenty kinds!”

Everyone looked at each other.

Most people~IndoMTL.com~ don’t have too many secret techniques, twenty kinds, they simply take out.

Furthermore, it was the secret technique that Lu Ming needed, which overlapped with the secret technique that Lu Ming controlled, so he didn’t want it.

This condition is too difficult.

“You can change a condition, I can exchange other treasures with you!”

A voice sounded, and everyone saw that it was the young Tianjiao from the Tianya tribe who spoke.

He looked cold, and it seemed that he was not discussing with Lu Ming, but giving orders.

Everyone was shocked.

This is the first time a young locust tribe has opened a transaction, and it must have been moved by Shengyuancao.

Also, the more genius you are, the more you will be tempted by such treasures.

The birth of the source grass can save a lot of time. For Tianjiao, it is too attractive, which can help him to walk in front of other Tianjiao.

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