Everlasting Dragon Emperor Chapter 3692: The cultivation method of taboo power

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After regaining his calm, Lu Ming thought of the’Forbidden Power’ again.

“Senior, you said that the’Forbidden Power’ is so powerful, but how to practice? I now incorporate the’Forbidden Power’ to suppress all other divine powers, and other divine powers are difficult to improve!”

Lu Ming asked, a little depressed.

Other divine powers can’t be improved, and forbidden power, he doesn’t know how to practice.

Feihuang and Ao Qian both smiled at each other.

“You have incorporated the power of taboo, and other divine powers cannot be cultivated. This is normal!”

“The power of taboo is the strongest power derived from the prehistoric universe. Other divine powers and the power of taboo will definitely be suppressed and difficult to improve!”

Flying Phoenix Road.

“Then…then how should I practice in the future?”

Lu Ming asked silently.

“Don’t worry, I will guide you to come and integrate the power of taboo, naturally there is a way for you to practice!”

Flying Phoenix Road.

“She used to incorporate the power of taboo back then!”

Ao Qian smiled, very envious.

“Also incorporates the power of taboo?”

Lu Ming’s eyes lit up.

Feihuang has also incorporated the power of taboo, and his cultivation has reached an unpredictable realm.

Feihuang must be able to cultivate, then he can also cultivate.

Lu Ming looked at Feihuang with burning eyes.

“Now, if you want to practice, there are only two ways!”

Sure enough, Feihuang began to talk.

“The first way is to abandon other divine powers, specialize in a taboo power, and abolish other divine powers!”

Flying Phoenix Road.

“Abolish other supernatural powers?”

Lu Ming’s boss with an open mouth.

This might not be a solution, but he is not reconciled.

It took thousands of years of hard work to achieve this cultivation level.

Furthermore, he has controlled eleven kinds of divine powers, eleven kinds of original secret arts, and he has cultivated to such a high level, so abandoning it like this is more heartache than cutting flesh.

“Senior, what about the second way?”

Lu Ming asked eagerly.

“I know that you are not reconciled. The second method is that you don’t need to abandon your other divine powers. I will teach a secret technique that allows you to separate the taboo power from other divine powers!”

“This kind of secret technique, called the technique of slashing the three corpses, can completely cut the past, present, and future apart to form three different individuals!”

Introduction to Feihuang.

Then Lu Ming was stunned.

I was shocked by this secret technique.

The past, present, and future are cut apart to form a different individual. What a mystery, there is such a secret technique between heaven and earth.

“You practice the technique of cutting the three corpses, cut off the past to form a complete individual, and then leave all kinds of bodies on that body. His current body can be used to practice the power of taboo. So, what? No loss!”

After Feihuang finished speaking, he took out a jade charm and handed it to Lu Ming.

“You should study the technique of cutting the three corpses first, and after successfully cutting off, I will teach you the cultivation method of the’Forbidden Power’.

“If you don’t understand, you can ask me!”

Flying Phoenix Road.

“Thank you senior!”

Lu Ming took it, very happy, and said goodbye to Feihuang Aoqian, and found a place to practice.

This place is like a huge underground space with a very large area. Lu Ming found a cave on one side and walked in.

Then sat cross-legged, took out the technique of ‘slashing three corpses’, and watched quietly.

The more I look at it, the more shocked Lu Ming is.

It’s so mysterious.

The technique of slicing the three corpses can completely cut the past, present and future apart to form three different individuals.

Moreover, these three individuals are independent, complete, and have independent thoughts.

It’s like, one Lu Ming suddenly became three.

These three are not true or false. They are all real Lu Ming.

It’s just that one is the past body, one is the present body, and the other is the future body. As the future develops, different things experienced will gradually be different.

Each one is an independent practice, independent thinking, and the potential for the future is endless.

This is simply against the sky.

There is a huge difference between this and the technique of avatar, the technique of incarnation.

When Lu Ming was in the Little Thousand World Metaverse, he once practiced the Twins Forbidden Technique and cultivated two bodies, but there were two bodies, and although they could cultivate independently, their potential was very limited.

When Lu Ming wants to break through the martial sage, he must integrate the main body and the secondary body to be able to break through.

If there is no integration, it will be difficult to break through, which means that the potential of that method has been exhausted.

But the technique of beheading the three corpses is completely different.

After successful cultivation, each of them is actually Lu Ming himself. The potential has not changed at all. Like Lu Ming before, they have unlimited potential and can grow to a very high level in the future.

“Wonderful, really wonderful. Once I succeed in my cultivation, I cut off the past body, I will mainly cultivate all kinds of divine powers, while the current body is the main power for cultivating taboos. In this way, there is no conflict between the two. !”

Lu Ming was very excited, and then began to comprehend earnestly.

However, the difficulty of slicing the three corpses was beyond Lu Ming’s imagination.

Two months later, Lu Ming didn’t touch a doorway.

Lu Ming can only consult Feihuang.

After Feihuang’s guidance, he barely touched the doorway, but there is still a big gap in the realization of success.

And during this time, the dragon family star finally entered the period of peace, and the gods of all races outside did not dare to enter the dragon family star anymore. The dragon people in the dragon family star would no longer have to worry about fear, and could practice as much as they wanted.

Some Dragon Clan Tianjiao who have been sealed for dozens of stellar years can also practice with peace of mind.

The home planet of the dragon family has attracted a period of great development.

Lu Ming continued to comprehend the technique of cutting the three corpses.

The passage of time every day, half a year, a year…

In a blink of an eye, Lu Ming had been comprehending for six years.

After passing Feihuang’s many pointers in the middle, he finally succeeded in comprehending the technique of beheading the three corpses.

On this day, Lu Ming sat cross-legged and officially began to perform the technique of beheading the three corpses, wanting to cut out of the past.

Feihuang and Ao Qian are guarding Lu Ming.

It is very dangerous to use the technique of slashing the three corpses. Once there is a problem, not only will the cultivation be unsuccessful, but also will be cut off and fall on the spot.

Lu Ming responded carefully to the content~IndoMTL.com~ and then began to perform the technique of beheading the three corpses.

Nine days later!


Lu Ming yelled. There was endless divine light on his body. These divine lights, like a sharp blade, kept slashing on himself.

These divine lights slashed on himself. He didn’t have the slightest scar on him, but slowly, his body glowed, as if there was a figure that was about to split from his body.

This method is not to divide his body and soul into two halves, it is not the case.

In fact, his body and soul are still intact and not separated.

What was cut out was his past body.

The past is called past body.

In a blink of an eye, three more days passed.

The figure on Lu Ming’s body became clearer and clearer.

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