Everlasting Dragon Emperor Chapter 3533: Unexpected truth

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The second prince’s name is Jingkun.

However, the second prince sat there, motionless, as if he hadn’t heard.

“Nizi, Nizi…”

The Emperor Taixu roared like crazy.

Those heavenly palaces will not help Taixu Sage Emperor any more. Today, Taixu Sage Emperor wants to cut off all clan palaces. These people wish that Taixu Sage Emperor would be killed. What happened today is just what they want.

The rebellion and the separation of relatives, today, the true separation of the betrayals.

“Kong Xixue, what happened that year, tell me!”

The prince cherishes snow in the air.


Kong Xixue nodded and said: “Back then, Prince Jingyu was innocent. It was the Holy Emperor who forced me to frame Prince Jingyu!”

Kong Xixue’s words are not surprising and endless, and when this remark comes out, there is an uproar in the audience.

Everyone was stunned.

Lu Ming, Lan Shang, Crocodile Tian and others, the same is true.

They never expected that the person who instigated this behind the scenes was actually the Emperor Taixu.

They originally thought that the one who framed Jingyu was either the prince or the second prince. They never dreamed that it was the Emperor Taixu himself.

Sage Emperor Taixu, but Jingyu’s father!

“Why? Why did he frame Jingyu, whose talent is unparalleled, is the strongest in the history of the Taixu sacred dynasty, almost 100% able to break through to the emperor realm, and lead the Taixu sacred dynasty to become stronger? To frame Jingyu, kill Jingyu?”

Thousand Saints asked, his heart full of doubts.

This is also the question of everyone on the scene.

Not only his own son, but also the unparalleled talent, Taixu Holy Emperor, why would you want to kill Jingyu?

“Because Jingyu’s talent is too strong, Jingshu will kill him, because Jingshu is a selfish, extremely narrow-minded person!”

Kong Xixue spoke, her eyes full of resentment.

“Shut up to me, shut up to the emperor…”

The Holy Emperor Taixu roared.

“Since you dare to do it, why don’t you dare to let me say it?”

Kong Xixue sneered, and continued: “Jing Shu, he is jealous of Jing Yu’s talent. Since Jing Yu entered the Quasi-Emperor Realm, he has become more jealous, and he is afraid that he is afraid that Jing Yu will enter the God Emperor. Environment!”

“Once Jingyu entered the Divine Emperor Realm, then in the Taixu Dynasty, Jingyu was the uncrowned king, the true first person, so Jingshu was afraid that his status would be threatened, so he wanted to get rid of Jingyu !”

“However, the shocking feather at that time was in the Taixu dynasty, and there was no one to rival it. Even shocking was invincible. It was not easy to kill the shocking feather. Therefore, he used me and used me. My parents, my brothers and sisters, all my relatives threatened me. If I don’t cooperate with him, he will kill all my relatives!”

“I had no choice but to cooperate with him, frame Jingyu, and poisoned Jingyu’s wine, and then at a critical moment, Jingshu deliberately rushed to him, and under the turmoil of Jingyu’s mind, he shot directly in one fell swoop. Jingyu was hit hard, you all know the rest!”

As Kong Xixue’s voice fell, the scene fell into a dead silence.

Everyone did not expect that the truth back then would actually be like this.

All of this was actually arranged by the Emperor Taixu, and even his son who shot the most was to be killed.

True selfishness is extremely selfish.

“It is so, it is so, hahaha…”

Lan Shang laughed, but there were tears in his eyes.

The shocking feather incident has always been the demon in Lan Shang’s heart. Because of this, his cultivation base was abolished and he almost became a waste.

He always wanted to find out the truth, but the truth was beyond his expectations.

“There are such people in the world!”

Lu Ming whispered, feeling sad for the shocked feather.

Shocking feather is like dying at the hands of his father and his lover.

However, Lu Ming didn’t doubt that there are people in this world who are extremely selfish.

For the Emperor Taixu, he didn’t care about the splendor of the Taixu Dynasty.

Even if Jingyu breaks through as the emperor and leads the Taixu Dynasty to glory, what does it have to do with him?

It was not he who led the Taixu dynasty to glory. What he wanted was his own brilliance. Everything that surpassed him and threatened his status should be damned!

“He killed Jingyu, there is another reason, that is because of me!”

Kong Xixue continued to speak, but her eyes were already full of sadness.

“Back then, I and Jingyu really loved each other, but one day, when Jingshu saw me, he wanted to get me. I couldn’t resist, so he arrested my relatives and took control of my relatives. Threatening me, I can only agree in the end!”

Empty Xixue.

“What? Despicable man!”

The blue merchant roared.

Everyone is also suddenly.

At the beginning, everyone was wondering why Kong Xixue would suddenly marry Taixu Shenghuang and become the Holy Emperor. Many people said that it was because Kong Xixue loved vanity.

It turned out that the Emperor Taixu arrested Kong Xixue’s relatives and threatened Kong Xixue.

First threatened Kong Xixue, let Kong Xixue marry him, and then threatened Kong Xixue, let Kong Xixue frame Jingyu.

Despicable, really despicable, Lu Ming has never seen such a despicable person.

“As long as Jingyu lives in the world, the world will always think of my relationship with Jingyu, and will always think that it is the woman who grabbed love with Jingyu and seized his son. Therefore, only Jingyu died. Will forget all this, this is one of the reasons why he wants to kill Jingyu!”

“Over the years, I have been acting secretly, moving my relatives away, looking for opportunities, and wanting to make the truth public, and I am shocked and innocent!”

Kong Xixue continued.

“Jianshu, Jingshu, I did not expect that you are such a person!”

The thousand saints shook his head and sighed, really sad for Jingyu.

Back then, Jingyu was the person he valued most. Unexpectedly, Jingyu ended up like this in the end.

“Father, what you did is really chilling. Originally, Emperor Jingyu was alive, and my sacred dynasty would be even more brilliant. I didn’t expect that I was framed by you and killed by you, although You are my father, but today, I want to ask for justice for the brother of Jingyu!”

At this moment~IndoMTL.com~The Prince stood up and said loudly.

Many people despise.

What the prince said was really shameless.

The prince was one of the people who wanted to die from shocking feathers the most.

Jing Yu is not dead, and his prince’s position is unstable. At the beginning, many people thought that Jing Yu was framed by the prince, but they could not provide evidence.

Now that he wants to get justice for Jingyu?

I’m just looking for an excuse for killing my father.

“Hahaha, do you think you can kill me today? This is the palace, my territory, I have already heard the news, the army is coming soon, today, I want to kill you all, you all will die !”

The Holy Emperor Taixu yelled frantically.

He wants to kill everyone at the scene, and everyone who knows about it will die.

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