Everlasting Dragon Emperor Chapter 3509: 1 python

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In the end, Lu Ming decided to take the ape from the departure to the Lost Galaxy, and Ape Huan would sit on Qianlongxing.

There was nothing to hesitate. Lu Ming set off on the same day.

Ape from the belt landed at an amazing speed, flying along the northern border of the barbarian.

Although there will be barbarians on the road, there are apes from this great master without any hindrance. They flashed past, and after a while, they finally approached the Lost Galaxy.

Looking from a distance, a star river is suspended in the cosmic starry sky, shining with silver-white stars, extremely bright.

It looks like it is slowly turning.

The galaxy is actually not like a river. Looking outside the galaxy, the galaxy is a round shape, rotating slowly, which is very mysterious.

“Let’s go!”

Lu Ming whispered, and flew towards the Lost Galaxy with Yuan Cong.

Getting closer and closer, finally, Lu Ming and Yuan Cong flew into the range of the lost galaxy.

When they flew into the range of the lost galaxy, a dazzling light shone, and neither of the stinging eyes opened.

But after a few breaths, the dazzling light disappeared, Lu Ming and Yuan looked around, then their expressions changed.

Originally, they had just entered the edge of the lost galaxy, but now looking back, there is a vast starry sky behind them, and the dead planets are floating, and they can’t be seen at a glance.

No other galaxies can be seen at all.

The two tried to fly backwards, but after flying all the way for hundreds of millions of miles, they still did not fly out of the range of the lost galaxy.

They are really lost!

“It seems that Lost Galaxy has a terrible field power. Once a creature comes in, it will be lost and no way out!”

Lu Ming frowned.

Qiuyue has been here for so many years, how is it like this?

“Ape from, let’s go!”

Lu Ming approached the monkey from arrival, and then flew forward in the opposite direction.

But after a while, Lu Ming stopped, with a look of doubt on his face.

“Zhan Zu, what’s wrong?”

Ape Cong asked.

“I don’t know why, since I entered this lost galaxy, my blood flow seems to be faster. The primitive blood in my body seems to be beating slightly, it seems to have a kind of induction, yes, a kind of inexplicable Induction!”

Lu Ming said.

He really feels this way.

“Induction? Where does that induction come from?”

Ape’s eyes lit up and asked.

“Over there!”

Lu Ming pointed in one direction.

“If you guessed correctly, in that direction, there must be something that attracts Zhan Zu. Maybe Zhan Zu Hongfu Qitian can really find Qiuyue Girl and find a way out?”

Ape Congdao.

“Is it Qiuyue? Go!”

After Lu Ming finished speaking, he flew quickly in that direction, and the ape followed closely.

In Lost Galaxy, the direction is not discernible, and the direction will change constantly during the flight.

Lu Ming began to feel that the induction was in the front, but after flying for a while, the induction appeared on the right again, and Lu Ming flew to the right again, and after a while, it became the back again. ..

One moment on the right, one moment on the left, one moment in front, one moment behind…

Unpredictable, weird, and elusive.

If they hadn’t had this kind of induction, they would fly with their heads down, and I’m afraid they would be trapped here for the rest of their lives.

Just like that, they flew for a full month.

After flying for a month, Lu Ming felt that the induction became stronger and stronger.

It seems that Lu Ming is getting closer and closer to the place where he feels.


At this moment, Ape Cong suddenly shouted, his eyes flashing like electricity, and he glanced around.

Lu Ming was startled and stopped.

“Hehehe, I didn’t expect that someone came in again. It’s been a long time since a good meal was delivered. This time, I can have a full meal again!”

A sneer came, and then the void filled the void. A huge python suddenly appeared, opening its mouth in the blood basin, staring at Lu Ming and Yuan Cong gloomily.

In the Lost Galaxy, a python appeared unexpectedly.

The python sticks his tongue out, sweeping around Lu Ming, and said coldly: “Young man, I like young people the most. It tastes fresh and tender. The last time a girl came in, it tasted really good.. .”

The python said coldly.


At this moment, Lu Ming’s head roared, as if he was about to explode.

A baby girl last time? Is it Qiuyue?

At this moment, Lu Ming filled with terrifying murderous intent.

“Apecong, kill him for me, no, first abolish him…”

Lu Ming roared.


As soon as Lu Ming finished speaking, Yuan Cong immediately shot his hand. With a big hand, a huge palm grabbed the python.

“God Sovereign Sevenfold, ah, **** it!”

The python roared in horror, his huge body twisted, turned and fled.

He has the fivefold cultivation base of the gods, which is two levels lower than Yuancong. Once he discovered Yuancong’s cultivation base, he didn’t dare to stay at all.

However, with two different levels of cultivation, how could he escape.

The ape grabbed it from his big hand, covering the sky, shrouded the stars in a radius of tens of millions of miles, and then grabbed the python in one hand.

The python struggled violently, but the ape squeezed it hard, and the python screamed, not knowing how many bones were broken.

“Did you really eat a young woman?”

Lu Minghong asked with an eye on it.

“No, no, I lied to you. I did see a young woman, but she ran away before I could take action. I can swear by the origin of my life, I really didn’t eat it, forgive me!”

The python screamed bitterly.

Lu Ming breathed a sigh of relief.

The other party dares to swear by the origin of life, it is mostly true.

“What does the woman you said looks like?”

Lu Ming asked.

“It’s beautiful, like a fairy…”

Immediately, the python described it again.

It’s really Qiuyue!

Lu Ming’s eyes lit up. As soon as the other party described it, he knew that it was indeed Qiuyue.

“How can your five-tiered cultivation base make the opponent run away? You better not lie to me?”

Lu Mingsen said coldly.

“Really, I did want to make a move at the time, but there was a master next to the girl, I dare not make a move!”

The python said.

“Is there a master?”

Lu Ming frowned and asked again: “Then you know about IndoMTL.com~ Where did the woman go?”

“I don’t know, I really don’t know later, please forgive me. I have been trapped in the Lost Galaxy for a stellar year. It’s miserable. Have mercy on me!”

The python screamed, and there were tears in his eyes, a miserable look.

“Then you have no value, Apecong, kill it!”

Lu Ming said lightly.

“No, no, wait, yes, I remember…”

When Lu Ming was about to kill him, the python almost frightened and screamed sharply.


Lu Ming said coldly.

“They may go to the core place. The creatures who enter the lost galaxy will never get out, and they will eventually go to the core place!”

The python quickly yelled for explanation.

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