Everlasting Dragon Emperor Chapter 3462: Lu Ming, wins

The tyrannical spear bombarded the nine flying knives, and the nine flying knives violently vibrated, and they were swept away, almost breaking apart.

In the distance, Murong Qiushui’s face changed wildly, his body was shaken, and he backed away again and again, his face pale, and a trace of blood oozes from the corners of his mouth.

The shock to the original secret technique was too strong, and he himself was implicated and suffered some injuries.

“You… why are you so powerful?”

Murong Qiushui was shocked, and his eyes were full of horror.

How could Lu Ming’s power explode so powerfully, completely suppressing him.

“I didn’t mean that, the original blood of the gods has been refined by me!”

Lu Ming said lightly.

“You… did you really refine the blood of the primitive god? Damn it!”

Murong Qiushui roared, feeling even more shocked. Lu Ming was actually able to refine the blood of the primitive **** within half a month.

He had no doubt, because the power that Lu Ming just burst was too amazing, his body size did not grow, but his power was too strong. This can only be achieved by condensing the original divine blood and the original divine body entering a new realm. Done.

Murong Qiushui’s face was full of jealousy.

How long has he been in this world? After so many years of hard work, he finally reached the top and became the number one strongman on the God Kings list.

But for so many years, he has not cultivated the primitive divine body to the next level, condensing the primitive divine blood.

But Lu Ming did it, he was going crazy with jealousy.

Hearing the conversation between Lu Ming and Murong Qiushui, the others were also extremely shocked.

“Lu Ming, what if you practiced the original blood? Kill you, drain your blood for refining, I can still take that step!”

Murong Qiushui’s face was extremely savage, and he roared: “Nine knives are one, human knives are one, cut everything, kill!”


Murong Qiushui’s nine flying knives, gathered together, became a flying knife.

At this moment, Murong Qiushui’s body shrank, and he actually flew into the flying knife, merged with the flying knife, and turned into a flying knife.

This flying knife exudes earth-shaking blade lights, and the overflowing blade lights alone made the void tremble, and there appeared a series of hideous cracks.


Then, this flying knife burst out at Luming.

“Have you finally been desperate?”

A sneer appeared at the corner of Lu Ming’s mouth, and the power in his body surged towards the tyrant spear. Then, Lu Mingren’s spear united into one and turned into spear light, piercing Murong Qiushui.

At this moment, many people couldn’t breathe well, staring at the blow.

The battle between Lan Shang and Feng Wuqi and others also stopped.

At this moment, Feng Wuqi and the others were in a panic, all of them were wounded and dripping with blood.

With so many of them working together, they are not the opponents of the blue business. They were forced to fight together, they could only resist with all their strength, and there was no power to fight back.

At this time, Lan Shang stopped, did not attack, but looked at Lu Ming and Murong Qiushui.

In this way, Feng Wuqi and other talents get a chance to breathe.

In the eyes of countless people, a spear and a flying knife met in the air.


This void, violently trembling, burst out incomparably dazzling brilliance where the spear and the flying knife collided, even brighter than the sun.

As if two stars collided and exploded, the horrible energy turned into a wave visible to the naked eye, sweeping out in all directions.

“Quit, retire!”

The people who watched the battle all around retreated and then retreated.

Because this collision is too terrifying, it has completely gone beyond the realm of the gods, and has entered another level, which can be called the ultimate duel of the gods.

At the moment when the two collided, the flying knife vibrated violently. Everyone saw that there were rows of lines on the flying knife, and the number of cracks was increasing rapidly.

“Murong Qiushui is going to lose!”

Many people feel violent.

It was obvious that Murong Qiushui was at a disadvantage.


The next moment, the flying knife broke apart, a scream spread throughout the audience, and then everyone saw a figure that flew upside down at an astonishing speed.

This figure is naturally Murong Qiushui.


Murong Qiushui hit a volcano, causing the volcano to sway for a while, almost cracking.

Murong Qiushui vomited blood, his face was pale, and a large, translucent hole appeared in his chest, which was pierced by the gun.

Murong Qiushui was hit hard, and his breath was extremely weak.

And the spear in the air flashed, revealing Lu Ming’s figure.

Lu Ming’s breath is steady and his face is cold. The move just now didn’t affect him at all.

Now, after Lu Ming urged the power of the original blood, his strength has completely surpassed Murong Qiushui, even if his cultivation base is still a lot lower than the opponent.

“Murong Qiushui, you are defeated, now you are on the road!”

Lu Ming spoke indifferently, stepping forward step by step, heading towards Murong Qiushui, cold murderous intent, and constantly flooding towards Murong Qiushui.

“Kill, kill him, hahaha!”

In Lu Ming’s body, Shi Ling, the soul of life, laughed, extremely excited.

As long as he kills Murong Qiushui and gets the opponent’s life soul essence stone fragments, he can swallow the opponent’s life soul essence stone and stone spirit, and strengthen himself.

Think about him and get excited.

He became more and more satisfied with Lu Ming, and he actually defeated another owner of the soul stone fragment like this, which exceeded his expectations.

They choose the master of the soul stone fragments. They choose the very rare Tianjiao. Not to mention the peerless, they are almost the same, and they are all people with great luck. It is reasonable to say that they are not so easy to defeat, not so easy to hit. Killed.

“Lu Ming, you can’t kill me!”

Angrily Qiushui yelled.

“Can’t kill, nonsense, you are the one who kills, haha!”

Before Lu Ming turned on, Shi Ling, the soul of life, yelled. Of course, no one else could hear it, only Lu Ming could hear it.

“Can’t kill? Haha!”

Lu Ming sneered, and his cold killing intent represented everything.

“You really can’t kill him!”

At this moment, there was an old voice in the sky, and then, a light flashed, and an old man appeared in front of Murong Qiushui.

“Your Enforcer!”

Murong Qiushui was ecstatic.


Lu Ming frowned.

There are three law enforcers in this world~IndoMTL.com~, and this law enforcer is not the one that Lu Ming knows.

“Does the law enforcement officer want to break the rules and intervene in the duel between us?”

Lu Ming said.

Guardians, law enforcers, can’t intervene in their duel.

“This time to intervene, we are determined to intervene!”

Another voice came from the other direction, and Lu Ming saw another old man.

This person’s outfit is exactly the same as the law enforcement officer.

Another law enforcer.

“Lu Ming, you really can’t kill him!”

A sigh came from the other direction.

Lu Ming took a look, his eyes moved. This one is also a law enforcement officer, and he is also the one Lu Ming has seen.

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