Everlasting Dragon Emperor Chapter 3354: You cannot surrender

At the beginning, Lu Ming only sent out the Dark Ape War Clan of Shenjun Duo, and suppressed General Qianyue and others. They thought that Shenjun Duo was the strongest person under Lu Ming.

However, now that the ape has shot, let them know that they still underestimated Lu Ming.

I don’t know why, General Qianyue is suddenly very refreshed in his heart now.

Originally, he was forced by Lu Ming to swear by the origin of his life, that he would be loyal to Lu Ming forever, and some were unwilling to do so. Now that he sees the ape’s move, his unwillingness has disappeared without a trace.

Have you not seen that even Liufeng Junhou is so miserable? Then it is not normal for him to be suppressed.

Among the crowd, the most terrible thing was Liu Fengxiao. His eyes were almost violent. He couldn’t believe it. Then his whole body trembled and kept trembling, which was frightening.


At this moment, Lu Ming stepped out and walked towards Liu Fengxiao.

“You…what do you want to do?”

Liu Fengxiao roared in horror.

“What do you want to do? Of course it is to kill you!”

Lu Ming spoke indifferently.

Liu Fengxiao has a deep hatred for him. This kind of person, even if he wants to surrender, Lu Ming refuses. Only if he is killed can he get rid of his troubles forever.

Liu Fengxiao was shocked and couldn’t help but backed away, her face pale.

“Come here, block him, protect me!”

Liu Fengxiao roared.

However, in Liufeng Junhou’s Mansion, no one did it, and none of the remaining powerhouses in the Divine Sovereign Realm did it alone.

Yucong’s strength is too strong, raising his hand to suppress Liufeng Junhou, the strong against the sky, if they make a move, they will only have a dead end.

Who wants to save Liu Fengxiao?

When Liu Fengxiao saw this scene, she yelled in fright, backed up frantically, and wanted to escape, but his speed was far behind Lu Ming. Lu Ming’s figure flickered a few times before he caught up with Liu Fengxiao, and his power was concentrated. A spear was pulled out and pressed down.

The spear light is like a mountain, pressing towards Liu Fengxiao.

Liu Fengxiao couldn’t stop it at all, she was directly suppressed, and she was crushed by the spear on the ground, vomiting blood.

“No, no, let us go, we are willing to surrender!”

At this moment, Liu Fenghu roared.

At the moment of life and death, he chose to surrender.

He yelled in his heart, planning to surrender Lu Ming first, hold Lu Ming steady, and then move to Taixu Shengdu to rescue soldiers and get rid of Lu Ming.

“Liufeng Junhou Mansion, everyone else can surrender, but you father and son can’t do it, send him on the road first!”

Lu Ming spoke indifferently, and his spear shook, and it came out through the hole.


Liu Fengxiao’s eyebrows were pierced by the gunshots and nailed to the ground.


Liu Fenghu roared furiously, and his divine power was blazing, and his body revealed a dazzling red.

He desperately burned everything, trying to kill Lu Ming.



The ape stepped on one foot, and the breath that Liu Fenghu had just exploded, like a balloon being punctured, disappeared without a trace.

He screamed, there was a crackling sound all over his body, and he didn’t know how many bones were broken.

Many people sighed, the ape is too strong, no matter how the Liufenghu erupts, it won’t help.

At this moment, Liu Fenghu is half dead.

“Get rid of him!”

Lu Ming gave the order.


As soon as the voice fell, the ape blasted out of a punch, the ground shook violently, Liu Fenghu’s whole body was completely broken and turned into fly ash.

Many people took a cold breath, and the overlord of the Sky Hybrid Star Territory, a generation of princes, was killed just like that.

In Liufeng Junhou Mansion, some people’s eyes flickered, and their bodies slowly moved backwards, wanting to leave here.

“Did I let you go?”

Lu Ming’s eyes are like electricity, sweeping towards those people.

The bodies of those people suddenly stiffened, and they dared not move.

“Lu Ming, no, Palace Master Lu, this matter has nothing to do with us. From beginning to end, the father and son Liu Fenghu will target you!”

A god-jundao of Liufeng Junhou Mansion.

“So you are still alive, but it doesn’t mean you can leave!”

Lu Ming spoke indifferently.

“Then what do you want?”

The **** asked.

“It’s very simple, swear by the origin of life, loyal to me!”

Lu Ming said.

“Swear by the origin of life?”

Everyone’s expressions are frantic.

“Yes, now I will let you go. All of you, you must swear allegiance to me with the origin of your life. Those who reject, kill!”

Lu Ming spoke, murderously.

From the ape’s body, a terrifying aura burst out, like a vast sky, enveloped the starry sky, enveloped everyone in.

Everyone was sweating coldly, and they had no doubt that if they didn’t agree, they would be hit by a thunderous blow from Ape Cong.

No one at the scene can survive the ape’s thunder strike.

Either die or surrender!

Needless to say, everyone naturally chooses to surrender.

Finally, everyone on the scene swears by the origin of their lives to be loyal to Lu Ming.

As a result, all the various houses of the Sky Hybrid Star Territory, large and small, were all controlled by Lu Ming.

Although Lu Ming is still a soldier’s mansion, the strength and territory he controls are already comparable to the monarch’s mansion.

“Palace Lord, what should I do next? The four major pirate groups will soon be attacked!”

Someone asked.

“It’s very simple. Remove all the defenses in other places, and then there is a message saying that we are fighting, Liufenghu is injured, and we are waiting for the four major pirate groups to be bait!”

Lu Ming said.

The plan is very simple, wait for the four pirate groups to join forces to kill, and then finish it all in one go.


Everyone bowed their heads.

There is ape from here, they are very confident, the four big pirate groups are killing them, just looking for death.

Immediately, everyone began to arrange.

Some palace masters returned to the place they guarded and brought all the powerhouses to Lu Ming’s side.

The powers of the various provinces are all gathered together.

Then it came out that Liu Fenghu was injured because of their infighting.

Sure enough, after the four major pirate groups heard the news, they all gathered together and aggressively killed Lu Ming and the others.

There are nearly a hundred huge warships, overwhelming the sky, coming from the distant starry sky, making a violent roar.

Nearly a hundred search of huge warships, giving people a strong oppressive force.

“Set up an array!”

In the crowd, Lu Ming’s voice came out ~IndoMTL.com~. With him as the center, the figure flickered in this area, and the people of various provinces cooperated with each other to form a huge defensive formation.

In one of the battleships, the leaders of the four major pirate regiments gathered and watched from a distance. After seeing Lu Ming and their formation, Red Beard sneered and said, “I thought we would be able to block us by setting up a defensive formation. Really naive, the warships attacked and broke their formation!”


Several other leaders gave orders one after another.


Hundreds of warships vibrated slightly, filled with bright runes, and then beams of light burst out, blasting towards Lu Ming and the others.

However, the defensive power of the formation that Lu Ming and the others deployed with all their strength was also amazing. Layers of masks shrouded them, and those beams bombarded the masks, all of which were blocked by the masks.

The reticle vibrated constantly, but it was not broken.

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