Everlasting Dragon Emperor Chapter 3255: Horror Hill

The Black Jade Army continued forward, towards the top of the hill, and soon crossed half of the distance.

“You…what’s wrong with you?”

Suddenly, someone exclaimed.

One black jade army looked at the other black jade army in horror.

I saw that the black jade army’s face turned gray, and his body was rapidly drying out, as if his essence was being sucked away in an instant.


The black jade army’s eyes widened, very frightened, and only a few words were spoken. His body had completely shriveled. In the end, only a piece of human skin was left floating on the ground.


All the black jade troops took a breath, an intuitive cold air from the soles of their feet to the spine.

“Ah, help, help…”

Next, another black jade army also screamed in horror, because his body was also rapidly shrinking, and finally, it turned into a human skin.

Horror, extreme horror, like an invisible demon in the sky, devouring their flesh and blood.

Lu Ming, who was hiding in the dark, was also taken aback, with cold sweat behind his back.

If he rushed into the hill just now, I’m afraid he won’t be much better off.


The remaining black jade army roared in horror, turned and left, trying to escape.

However, in the process of fleeing, several people quickly dried up and turned into human skins.

What’s even more amazing is that while the other black jade troops fled, wisps of blood flew out of their bodies and sank into the hills below their feet. These blood auras were all transformed by the spirit of these black jade troops .

The Black Jade Army ran out, slumped.

Plop! Thump…

In the end, all the Black Cloud Army fled to the edge of the hill, and they were unable to escape, and fell to the ground one after another.

Some of the weaker ones have been drained of flesh and blood.

“Help, help…”

There are also a few people with relatively strong cultivation bases, who have not died yet, staring at Lieutenant General Sun and Lieutenant Wang with wide-eyed eyes, asking them for help.

However, Lieutenant General Sun and Lieutenant General Wang were indifferent and watched with a cold face.

In the end, the Black Jade Army that had just stepped into the hill was annihilated and turned into dozens of human skins.

“What kind of hill is this, it’s a magical land!”

Lu Ming felt cold.

The hill in his heart is more terrifying than the devil.

“How does this look like a big grave!”

Immediately, Lu Ming turned his thoughts. The more he looked at the hill, the more it looked like a big tomb.

“Yes, this is a big tomb, and there should be a big demon buried in it!”

Bone Demon’s voice sounded.

Lu Ming’s scalp is numb.

He really guessed it. This hill is a big tomb with a great demon buried. After this great demon dies, he can actually devour human flesh and blood?

“What to do?”

Lieutenant General Sun looked at Lieutenant General Wang.

They feel right, this hill is really terrifying.

But, let them retreat, they are not reconciled.

That is a one-yuan fruit, with infinite value. This is a unique opportunity.

“We joined forces, resisted with a monarch-level artifact, jumped up the hill at the fastest speed, picked a yuan fruit, and then retreated, it should be fine!”

Vice-General Wang said.

“Okay, just do it!”

Vice-general Sun nodded.

Then, the two sacrificed a divine tool, which was a special divine tool for the powerhouse of the gods, exuding terrifying fluctuations.

Jun-level artifacts are suspended on the sides of the two of them, exuding a ray of brilliance, covering them.


Then, the two of them moved their bodies and rushed towards the top of the hill.

At the speed of two people, rushing to the top of the hill, it only takes a moment.

However, when they rushed into the hills, they seemed to be obstructed by an invisible force, and their speed exploded, similar to walking.

Then, the Sovereign-level artifacts on both sides of their bodies vibrated non-stop, and wisps of blood flew out of their bodies and sank into the hills.

“Not good, quit!”

“Rewind, this weird power has become stronger!”

The two yelled in horror, not daring to move forward, but thinking about retreating back.

After all, they are powerhouses in the Divine Sovereign Realm, and they are really powerful, and they finally withdrew from the range of the hill, but their faces were pale, their auras weakened, and it seemed that their vitality was greatly injured.

“Damn it, what’s in this hill? It seems that the power has become stronger?”

Vice-General Sun roared. He lost a lot of energy just now, and it may take a long time to recover.

At this moment, in several other directions, a group of figures rushed over.

It was Bie Kuo and others. The Black Cloud Army screamed on the hill just now, which obviously shocked Bie Kuo and others, and attracted Bie Kuo and others.

“That is…one yuan fruit!”

As soon as Bie Kuo and the others came, they saw the one yuan fruit, and all of them had hot eyes, wishing to take the one yuan fruit as their own.

Some people even rush up the hills.

However, when they saw the human skins and scattered armor on the hill, they stopped abruptly.

“What’s the matter? What about everyone else?”

Don’t ask too much.

“Everyone else died and was’eaten’ by this hill!”

Vice-General Sun said, his face was ugly to death.

This time it was really a big loss. Don’t wait for someone to come. One yuan fruit will definitely not be able to be enjoyed by them alone, and they have also lost a lot of energy. It really lost his wife and broke down.

Immediately, they talked about the horror of this hill.

Bie Kuo and the others were shocked after listening.

“This hill looks like a big tomb. Is there a great demon buried in it. After death, the ghost will not disperse and will devour flesh and blood?”

Don’t be broad-eyed and dignified, thinking in your heart.

“General, what should I do? One yuan fruit is rare in the world. Since I encountered it, it would be a pity to miss it!”

Another lieutenant said.

“Naturally, I can’t miss it. I happen to have a cross-domain bridge in my hand, and I can cross directly to the top of the mountain from here to isolate it from the outside, and that force can’t help me!”

Don’t smile confidently.

“Cross-domain bridge?”

Everyone’s eyes lit up.

Then, in Bie Kuo’s hand, a colorful stone bridge appeared. With the influx of his supernatural power, the stone bridge suddenly grew bigger, and one end of the stone bridge extended towards the top of the hill.

Soon, a huge colorful stone bridge was formed, from here, across to the top of the mountain.

As long as you cross the stone bridge~IndoMTL.com~ you can reach the one yuan fruit.

“You guys, go up and try!”

Don’t look broadly at the two black jade army.

Even if there is a cross-domain bridge, Bie Kuo is still not at ease, how can he easily take risks, and naturally he will ask others to go up and test.

The two black jade army faces pale, but they didn’t dare to violate Bie Kuo’s orders. They could only bite the bullet and carefully stepped onto the bridge, full of supernatural power, and laid heavy defenses.

Step by step, they set foot on the cross-domain bridge, and finally came to the top of the bridge, without any problems.

“It’s okay, hahaha, it’s okay!”

The two black jade troops were in ecstasy.

Bie Kuo was also overjoyed, stepping out, walking towards the bridge, and soon came to the middle of the bridge.

But at this moment, the whole hill was glowing, and the black light was permeating, and then one by one ghost soldiers in black iron armor appeared, stepping on the cross-domain bridge, and killing them.

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