Everlasting Dragon Emperor Chapter 3169: Various ghost kings

A black figure culled towards Luming at an alarming speed. w?ena`com

However, Lu Ming had been prepared for a long time. With a flash of figure, he avoided the attack of the black shadow. He quickly stepped back for a certain distance, and then swept away his eyes to see the black shadow’s appearance.

It was a hideous ghost with wide-eyed eyes, staring at Lu Ming, opening his mouth wide, showing greed.

“Eat, eat, eat, I want to eat, take my life!”

The ghost screamed, and slaughtered Lu Ming again.

“Is this a starving ghost?”

Lu Ming’s heart moved.

During this period of time in the Dark Ape Warrior Clan, he also did some homework, and he had some understanding of ghosts and ghosts.

The ghost in front of you is the legendary starving ghost.

This starving ghost only has the eightfold cultivation base of the gods, which is not worth mentioning to Lu Ming.

Lu Ming blasted out a punch, punching out his strength, and blasted the starving ghost to death, turning it into dust.

“Kill, kill, kill!”

“Take your life!”

Just after Lu Ming killed the starving ghost, there were bursts of shouts from all directions. At least dozens of starving ghosts rushed towards Lu Ming to kill.

“The power of the sun!”

Lu Ming controlled the divine power of the sun, and a layer of flame appeared on the surface of his body, and his whole person was like a round of sun, radiant.

These ghosts are most afraid of the power of the sun, such as the power of holy power, the power of flame, the power of thunder, etc., are the nemesis of these ghosts.

Dozens of starving ghosts were shrouded by the light on Lu Ming’s body, like ice cubes meeting a flame, melting quickly, in the blink of an eye, none of them were left, all turned into black smoke and dissipated.

After killing these ghosts, Lu Ming’s figure flashed, and he left here, looking for the starving ghost king in this first hell.

However, after a few hours, Lu Ming searched a large area and killed a large number of starving ghosts, but failed to find the king of starving ghosts.

The main reason is that a layer of **** is too big, like a small world, it is not easy to find a ghost king.

Lu Ming patiently continued to search.

Two days later, Lu Ming came to a valley.

In the valley, the ghostly spirit is so strong that it is far stronger than other places.

“Such a strong ghost, is this ghost king here?”

Lu Ming’s eyes lit up.

Then rushed directly into the valley.

As soon as Lu Ming rushed into the valley, it was like rushing into a hornet’s nest. Countless starving ghosts rushed towards Lu Ming screaming, densely packed, and could not count the number.

“The power of the sun!”

Lu Ming turned the sun’s divine power to the extreme, and his whole person turned into a round of sun, shining light in all directions, and all starving ghosts that were hit by the sun turned into black smoke.

Although there are a lot of starving ghosts, most of them are from the Eightfold Heavenly God, or below the Eightfold Heavenly God, which poses no threat to Lu Ming.

Lu Ming rushed into the valley with ease.

Then Lu Ming saw a huge starving ghost rushing towards Lu Ming.

“The Nine Gods!”

Lu Ming sensed that this only reminds the huge starving ghosts that they have the cultivation base of the nine layers of gods, but they are only equivalent to the most common nine layers of gods.

Lu Ming blasted out with a punch, and a nine-clawed dragon appeared. This nine-clawed dragon was condensed with the divine power of the sun as its core.

As soon as this nine-clawed dragon pounced on the huge starving ghost, it was easily torn apart by the nine-clawed dragon, and it also turned into black smoke and dissipated.

When this huge starving ghost was killed, the other starving ghosts screamed, instead of attacking Lu Ming, but fleeing backwards, no one left.

At this moment, in front of Lu Ming, there was waves in the space, and a dark vortex appeared.

“This is the gate to the next level of hell. It seems that the huge starving ghost just now is the ghost king of this level!”

Lu Ming smiled slightly.

As long as you kill the ghost king on one floor, the gate to **** on the next floor will automatically appear.

Lu Ming stepped out and stepped into the whirlpool. The next moment, Lu Ming appeared in another layer of hell.

Outside, Yuan Huan, Yuan Cong and others have been watching.

At this moment, the second floor of the one-person stone tower suddenly lit up, with light shining.

“Second Floor!”

Someone whispered.

Everyone’s expressions have not changed. The first level of the eighteenth level of **** is very simple, and the cultivation base of the ghost king is only the nine levels of the gods, and it is easy to kill.

They were not surprised at all. They would be surprised if Lu Ming couldn’t even pass the first level.

The second layer of eighteen layers of hell.

Lu Ming appeared here and was quickly besieged. This time it was not a starving ghost who besieged him, but another kind of ghost, a big-headed ghost.

This kind of ghost has a big head and extremely hard.

However, the cultivation base is not high, and in fact it is not much different from the first level. Lu Ming easily killed a large number of big-headed ghosts, and then looked for the king of big-headed ghosts in this hell.

This time, Lu Ming’s luck was not very good. It took more than ten days to find the King of Big Headed Ghosts and kill the King of Big Headed Ghosts.

Lu Ming discovered that the cultivation base of this big-headed ghost king was also the nine gods of heaven.

However, it is a bit stronger than the King of Starved Ghosts.

The king of starving ghosts is about the strength of the ordinary gods of the nine layers, while the king of big head ghosts is the nine gods of the gods who control the power of the gods.

After killing the Queen of the Big Head Ghost, the gate of **** appeared, and Lu Ming entered the third floor.

The ghosts on the third floor are different from the first two floors.

The strength is also slightly stronger.

Furthermore, Lu Ming found a problem. The more he goes down, the larger the area of ​​hell. It will naturally be harder to find the ghost king.

Moreover, there are ghosts everywhere. While Lu Ming is looking for the ghost king, he has to fight constantly.

This time it took Lu Ming a longer time, and it took a full month and a half to find the ghost king of the third **** and kill him.

At the same time, Lu Ming discovered that the ghost king on the third level had a cultivation base in the Ninth Heaven, but he was a bit stronger than the ghost king on the second level.

It is equivalent to the nine gods who have awakened the original divine power factor.

It took more than two months to pass through the third floor and Lu Ming entered the fourth floor.

As soon as he entered the fourth floor, Lu Ming felt a little different.

The yin wind whistled, and the breath became more dull.


Suddenly, the ground exploded, and a skeleton rushed out, holding a rusty war knife, and screamed at Lu to kill.

Long spear appeared in Lu Ming’s hand~IndoMTL.com~ One shot smashed this skeleton to pieces.

However, on the ground, cracks kept cracking, and skeletons rushed out to kill Lu Ming.

The spear shook, and in an instant there were hundreds of spear lights bursting out, and hundreds of skeletons were instantly defeated.

Lu Ming used the nine-day kunpeng technique, and in a flash, he left far away.

The fourth level of **** is a sea of ​​skeletons, and the number is astonishing.

Lu Ming was too lazy to fight with these skeletons, and fully used the nine-day kunpeng technique, like a kunpeng soaring for nine days, looking for the skeleton king at this level.

However, the area of ​​the fourth floor of **** is much larger than that of the third floor.

Besides, the King of Skeletons is hidden underground, and it is even more difficult to find.

It took Lu Ming three months to find the Skeleton King.

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