Everlasting Dragon Emperor Chapter 3046: No way out

“Wait a minute, you can’t kill me. I belong to Jiuyou Heavenly Palace, and I belong to Jiuyou Sect. You probably don’t know how powerful my Jiuyou Heavenly Palace is. You kill me, Jiuyou Heavenly Palace will Let you return it ten times!”

You Lian roared.

The Jiuyou Heavenly Palace, formerly the Jiuyou Sect, is an extremely terrifying and powerful sect, and the methods are weird and cruel, especially for the special protection of shortcomings.

So, Youlian moved out of the Jiuyou Heavenly Palace at this moment, and even said the name Jiuyouzong, just to save his life.

However, this trick has no effect on Lu Ming.

Lu Ming walked up all the way, stepping on the bones of Tianjiao, how many Tianjiao he killed? How many threats have been received?

So, Lu Ming is completely immune to such threats.

Furthermore, Youlian knew that he had mastered many kinds of supernatural powers, how could Lu Ming let him leave?

“So much nonsense!”

Lu Ming spoke with disdain, his spear smashed down, and a crescent-shaped spear light slashed on Youlian’s body.

You screamed quietly, and the body broke apart again, turning into individual souls, screaming screams, and then slowly gathering together, unexpectedly wanting to gather together again.

“Vitality is really strong, bursting stars!”

A surprise flashed in Lu Ming’s eyes, and then he used the starburst trick.


A spear beam blasted out, and then exploded, a force of destruction shrouded all the evil spirits in it.

Touch! bump! bump!

All these wronged souls exploded, turned into black smoke, and disappeared.

Youlian, completely disappeared.


Lu Ming breathed a sigh of relief, and his body shrank into a normal shape.

This Youlian is really hard to kill. Among the opponents Lu Ming encountered, it was definitely the top and most difficult opponent.

His offensive power is actually not very strong, but the methods are weird, which can affect the soul, weaken the opponent’s strength, and kill it.

This time, if Lu Ming hadn’t had a portrait of Jingyu, he was really not Youlian’s opponent. The best result would be to run away.

Next, Lu Ming walked to the two small boxes, waved his hand, put the two boxes away, and walked away from here.

Shortly afterwards, Lu Ming found a quiet room, then took a divine pill, and began to exercise and adjust his breath.

When Lu Ming’s state was almost restored, Lu Ming took out the two boxes.

On the box, there are a series of runes, forming a large formation, which is probably used to protect the things in the box to avoid loss of spirituality.

However, in the past so many years, the large array of boxes has been almost wiped out by the years, and the light is dim.

Lu Ming used his supernatural power and injected it into the box, trying to open the box.

On the box, the rune gleamed dimly, slowly being wiped out by Lu Ming’s supernatural power. After a while, the rune disappeared completely and Lu Ming opened the box.

In the box, some objects are neatly placed.

There is a bracelet, a small tower, and a mirror…

“Treasures, artifacts…”

Lu Ming’s eyes lit up.

These things should be treasures like artifacts.

Lu Ming picked up a small tower and carefully poured divine power into it. Suddenly, a dazzling brilliance was emitted from the small tower, and a powerful wave filled with it.

“And spirituality!”

Lu Ming is overjoyed.

However, he took a closer look and found that these treasures do still have spirituality, but because time has passed for too long, even with the guardian formation, the spirituality has been lost a lot, at least 90%.

Just barely able to use it.

“Although a lot of spirituality has been lost, the materials used to build these treasures are not trivial. Even if they don’t play a big role, they can be eaten by the ball. I believe that the ball will have a great harvest.”

Thinking of this, Lu Ming had a smile on his face and continued to open the second box.

In the second box, there are also some treasures. Like the first box, a lot of spirituality has been lost.

Lu Ming collected these treasures in a storage ring. After he planned to leave Xingyue Ancient City, he slowly studied it. If it is useful, keep it, and if it is useless, he will eat the ball.

After putting it away, Lu Ming got up and left here and continued to explore.

However, Lu Ming had nothing to gain next.

Wandering eastward and westward, finally, Lu Ming found another passage, along this passage, all the way forward.

There was nothing unusual on the road. After crossing this passage, Lu Ming came to a platform.

The platform is huge, and many people have gathered here.


Lu Ming’s gaze was attracted by the front.

Because of the chaos in front of the platform, there is no way out.

The road, when it gets here, it’s broken.

“What’s the matter? There is no way here. Is this the end?”

“It should not be possible. I have explored other places. Other places are dead ends. Only here is a passage. It stands to reason that there is still a way ahead!”

Many people talk about it.

“The difficult road is blocked by the chaotic land ahead, then I will blast away this chaotic land!”

A young man walked to the front of the platform, used his supernatural power, and slapped a few palms.

Huge palm prints were formed and blasted towards the chaotic land, but the misty fog rolled, and the palm of the youth, like a rock sinking into the sea, did not stir up any waves.

“Come again!”

The youth didn’t give up, they shot continuously, but they didn’t work at all.

“Don’t waste your effort, we tried it a long time ago, it’s useless!”

Someone spoke. Obviously, some Tianjiao who arrived early had tried it a long time ago.

“What should I do?”

Someone asked.

“The current plan is to wait, I guess, after a while, there may be changes!”

“I think too!”

Several young people spoke in succession.

Everyone was silent, some people found a place to sit down and waited quietly.

It’s hard to come here and let them leave. It’s really unwilling to be reconciled.

Lu Ming also found a place to sit cross-legged, and while comprehending the divine power, he waited.

In a blink of an eye, a few days have passed, but the chaotic land is still misty and nothing has changed.

As time goes by, more and more young talents come here.

A month later, thousands of Tianjiao have gathered here.

However, Lu Ming estimated that only a part of Tianjiao who entered this castle came here, because many people did not see it.

For example, Jin Yuan, You Han, Chu Baxing and others have not seen it.

It’s Xu Yan~IndoMTL.com~ and the young man with animal skins, who also came here.

Time is hurried, and another month passed.

For the gods, after a few months, everyone is not impatient.

“There is movement over there!”

“There are people in the chaos!”

Suddenly, someone yelled.

Everyone looked into the chaos.

Originally, it was a misty place with a gray mist, and it was impossible to see what was inside.

Before, someone even flew in and explored it. There was no bounds and no direction to tell.

But now, the mist is rolling, and there is a figure walking out.

(End of this chapter)

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