Everlasting Dragon Emperor Chapter 3041: Fate Soul Essence Stone

The young man did not dare to approach the stone gate, condensed a palm with divine power, landed on the stone gate, and pushed hard. ?With? Dream?


The stone door slowly opened, revealing a dark passage inside. From beginning to end, there was nothing unusual.

“Haha, I said that in the past so many years, there can be no threat, you cowards!”

The young man laughed, triumphantly.

But the next moment, his face suddenly changed, and his body was like a frightened grasshopper. He jumped up and backed away thousands of meters.

Not only him, but other people’s faces changed.

Because at this time, those skeletons sitting on the ground have undergone amazing changes.

These skeletons are filled with white light.

As the white light diffused out, the bodies of these skeletons actually melted away, turned into white powder, and flew into the air.

All the skeletons are like this. They melt away from the head and turn into white powder, floating in the air.

Soon, all the skeletons disappeared, all turned into white powder.

These powders gathered in the air, emitting a dazzling white light. Then, the white light turned into a scene and appeared in the air.

In this scene, there are more than three hundred strong men of different races. These strong men stand in a secret room.

Everyone can tell at a glance that the secret room is almost the same as this stone room.

It is not difficult to guess that the more than 300 strong people are probably the more than 300 skeletons before.

“Could it be that this is the scene of those strong men before they are alive?”

Someone guessed.

Many people nodded, mostly like this.

At this moment, in that picture, all three hundred strong men raised their hands and spoke loudly in a swearing gesture.

“I wait, take an oath to live forever, and guard the soul stone!”

“I wait, take an oath to live forever, and guard the soul stone!”

“I wait, take an oath to live forever, and guard the soul stone!”

Sounds echoed in the stone room.

The voices of those people in the picture actually came out clearly.

Sounds reverberated continuously. It took a few minutes before the sound disappeared, and the picture slowly dissipated, and the stone room became empty.

However, many people’s eyes have the color of thinking.

It is not difficult to guess from the words just now, the more than three hundred strong men have sworn an oath to guard the soul stone.

So, they are sitting here cross-legged until they die of old age.

So, what is the soul stone? Is it worth so many masters to guard with life?

Furthermore, it seems that the life soul essence stone is here, very likely, behind the stone gate just now.

Many people’s eyes began to glow with hot light.

Although they don’t know what the soul stone is.

However, it is worthy of so many powerhouses, and so many powerhouses above the **** king are probably guarded by their lives. It is definitely an extremely precious treasure.

It is probably the peerless treasure left by the ancient city of Xingyue in the early days of the Tiangong era.

How valuable are these treasures?

Many people show fiery greed.

Huh! Huh! Huh!

Suddenly, someone set off, his body flashed, and he rushed towards the passage behind the stone gate.


“The treasure is mine!”

The whole body moved by pulling it. When someone moved, others rushed to move, rushing towards the passage.

“Go and see!”

Lu Ming also moved, following the crowd and rushing towards the passage.

The passage behind the stone gate is very wide, enough to accommodate thousands of people in parallel.

Furthermore, on both sides of the passage, there stood a stone statue, which seemed to be about to decay. Many of the stone statues were covered with cracks.

Everyone didn’t care, they attacked with all their strength.

Boom! boom!

Suddenly, the stone statues on both sides of the passage actually moved. The bodies of these stone statues bounced to Lu Ming and they killed them.

Some stone statues wield stone swords, and some stone statues wield stone spears with amazing power.

Several screams in succession, one of several young people was accidentally hit by a stone statue and directly beheaded here.

Many people reacted quickly and quickly resisted, but they were also injured.


Energetic whistling, a stone sword violently slashed over Lu Ming’s head, at an amazing speed.


Lu Ming didn’t even think about it. He blasted out with a punch, and a nine-clawed dragon condensed out. It fluttered out and collided with the stone sword. There was a loud noise. Lu Ming’s body trembled and floated backwards. Retreat.

“What a powerful force!”

Lu Ming’s eyes have a dignified look.

Just now I got the right trick and found that the power of these stone statues is amazing.


After the stone statue was blocked, he waved the stone sword and called to kill Lu.

Lu Ming directly triggered the Zhanzi Jue four times the combat power, a ninth-tier high-grade artifact appeared in his hand, and he slammed it out.


The spear collided with the stone sword, making a violent roar.

Finally, the stone statue was flew out by Lu Mingzhen, and a few stones fell on the stone sword, and the cracks became more.

“This kind of stone statue, I don’t know how many years have passed, and its body is full of cracks, but it still has such strength, I don’t know how terrible it should be in its heyday!”

Lu Ming secretly exclaimed.

These stone statues, full of cracks, seem to fall apart, but their power is still amazing.

If it is intact, I am afraid that if the king comes in, there will be only a dead end.

Perhaps, more than that.


Lu Ming’s mind quickly turned a few thoughts, his figure continued to be culled, and the spear kept sweeping towards the statue.

Under the support of Zhan Zi Jue’s four times the combat power, Lu Ming completely crushed the statue. After seven or eight consecutive collisions, the statue fell to the ground with a crash, completely falling apart, and turning into a pile of waste rocks.

At this time, other Tianjiao also launched counterattacks, and statues were constantly being hit into waste stones.

After Lu Ming crushed a stone statue, he continued to move forward. Not long after, Lu Ming was attacked by another stone statue, but it was easily broken by Lu Ming.

Just like that, go all the way, fight all the way.

There are many stone statues on both sides of this passage. It is not difficult to guess that in the long past, the more than 300 powerful people in that stone room~IndoMTL.com~ were the first pass guarded.

And these stone statues here are the second level guarded.

However, due to the long years of the past, those strong guards have already fallen and turned into flying ashes.

And these stone statues are also close to decay, and there is not much strength left, otherwise, with their cultivation base, coming in is also going to die.

Even so, some people continue to fall.

Of course, the fallen people are not very strong, and generally reach the half-step existence of the **** king. Be careful, it is still quite enough.

The passage is very long. It has rushed hundreds of miles and has not yet reached its end.

However, after arriving here, there are finally no stone statues on both sides of the passage.

Many people secretly breathed a sigh of relief and moved on.

But there were runes on both sides of the passage suddenly, a divine light flashed, and a young Tianjiao screamed and was killed by divine light.

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