Everlasting Dragon Emperor Chapter 2846: Identity Revealed

   “No matter how important the ancestral land is, people must live. Only when people live can the tribe be passed on forever. www.ranwena`com”

   The patriarch of the eighth tribe, his face is firm and his voice is decisive.

  The other veteran-level figures all sighed.

  ”In fact, not only our eighth tribe, but some other tribes, also prepare to retreat to the first tribe.”

  ”Ten tribes, the first tribe is the strongest. Only by uniting all tribes can you compete with demons and outsiders. Otherwise, they will all be defeated.”

   The patriarch of the Eighth Tribe spoke again.

   “Okay, I agree to retreat!”

   “I agree too!”

   Finally, all the elders nodded and agreed to retreat.

   In the current situation, you can only survive if you retreat. Otherwise, you will die sooner or later.

   “Ready to retreat!”

   The command of the patriarch of the Eighth Tribe quickly spread throughout the entire tribe.

   Although many people are unwilling and unwilling, but there is no way, they must retreat.

  The big formation continued to open, and all the people of the eighth tribe retreated to the first tribe from another exit.

   Lu Ming followed the army together.

   The first tribe is the strongest tribe among the ten tribes, and the tribe with the longest heritage. It is said that it is close to the core place of the descendants of the ancient gods.

   Lu Ming also came here in order to find a master to learn from.

   There is no doubt that the First Horde is also caught in the flames of war.

   However, people from other tribes kept retreating and retreated to the first tribe one after another, which greatly increased the strength of the first tribe and finally stabilized the situation.

   Relatively speaking, the demons who besieged other tribes also gathered. The first tribe also faced great difficulties and opened up a large array of resistance.

  As time passed, all the tribes retreated to the first tribe. Needless to say, those tribes were all occupied by demons and the 13th Sect of Qin Tian.

   “The people of Qin Tian 13 Middle School, as well as the Bing Po clan, Chiyan clan, almost all arrived.”

   Standing on the majestic city wall, Lu Ming looked outside and saw the 13th Sect of Qin Tian, ​​as well as the Bing Po clan and Chi Yan clan.

   However, I haven’t seen some acquaintances.

   such as Ouyang Qingxiang, Yue Linglong, Bingqing and so on.

   Outside the first tribe, the demons roared like thunder and attacked desperately.

   On this day, Gu Hongshan found Lu Ming.

   “Lu Ming, the patriarchs have something to do with you.”

   Ancient Hongshan Road.

  ”The chief patriarchs are looking for me for something?”

   Lu Ming was a little startled.

   The patriarchs of the major tribes have something to look for him?

  What are you doing with him?

   “I don’t know, the patriarch asked me to come to you.”

  Gu Hongshan is also confused.

   “Let’s go!”

   Lu Ming nodded, and followed Gu Hongshan to the outside of a huge stone temple.

   “Lu Ming, you can go in alone. I have no order and cannot go in.”

   Ancient Hongshan Road.


   Lu Ming nodded, and walked into the hall with doubts.

In the hall of   , there are two rows of seats, with some people sitting in each.

Above   , above the main seat, there is also a person sitting.

   These people, one by one, look quite old, but their aura is extraordinarily strong, like an abyss, unfathomable.

   There are ten people, the chief of the eighth tribe, among them.

   The patriarch of the ten tribes of the ancient gods!

   Lu Ming understands that this is the patriarch of the ten tribes of the ancient gods.

   “Lu Ming, I have seen all the patriarchs, but I don’t know why you are looking for me?”

   Lu Ming clasped his fists to the ten patriarchs.

  ’s ten eyes, glanced at Lu Ming, as if he wanted to see Lu Ming through.

   “Lu Ming, you are not the offspring of ascetics, but an outsider!”

   Suddenly, the patriarch of the First Tribe spoke, causing Lu Ming’s heart to jump wildly.

   is exposed!

   Lu Ming’s immediate reaction was that his identity was exposed.

   how to do?

   Lu Ming’s heart turned sharply, and there was no sound.

   “Lu Ming, although you can hide it from others, you can’t hide it from us old guys. Your various methods all show that you are from the outside world. You should be the one who guards the gate of the world.”

  The head of the first tribe spoke again, and the heads of the other nine tribes looked at Lu Ming with piercing eyes.

  ”The family that guards the world? What do you mean? Are they referring to the descendants of the ancient gods of the ancient mountain?”

  ”It must be the case. The bronze gate is what they call the gate of the world. The descendants of the ancient gods and mountains guard the gate.”

  In an instant, Lu Ming turned his mind one after another, then nodded, and said: “Yes!”

   “I knew you were a guardian clan, but for so many years, how are your clan okay?”

   asked the first patriarch.

   Lu Ming shook his head, and said: “No, my clan is very weak outside, and after endless years, many inheritances have been lost. I don’t know many things of the descendants of the ancient gods.”

  Since the other party thinks that he is the clan guarding the bronze gate outside, then he simply pretends to be that clan.

   And Lu Ming had been in contact with that clan. That clan didn’t even understand the bronze gate. I am afraid he didn’t even know the world and secrets behind the bronze gate. Obviously, too long time passed and many things of that clan were lost.

   “No wonder, but after all, it’s been so long, and your clan still exists. It’s a fluke.”

   The ten patriarchs all nodded and agreed with Lu Ming’s statement.

   Apart from that clan~IndoMTL.com~, who else can condense the heart of the ancient gods?

   This is also the reason why they let Lu Ming stay here, and even teach Lu Ming’s ancient gods. After all, the guardian family outside belongs to the descendants of the ancient gods.

   “Dear patriarchs, is it for this matter to find Lu Ming today?”

   Lu Ming asked again.

  Because he felt that the other party’s ten patriarchs gathered together and looked for him together, I am afraid it was not so simple for this matter.

   “No, we are looking for you because of another matter.”

  The first patriarch finished speaking, paused for a while, and then said: “We have something to do, and I want to ask you for help!”

  ”Can you help me?”

   Lu Ming was taken aback.

   These patriarchs, all of them are figures in the kingdom of the gods, what else do you have to ask him a true **** for help?

   Lu Ming is puzzled.

   “Now, my clan of descendants of ancient gods is facing a common siege from demons and outsiders. The situation is very unfavorable and precarious. If this continues, my clan will not be able to stop for long and will be captured.”

   First Patriarch Road.

   Lu Ming didn’t speak, but listened quietly. He knew that the other party had something to say.

  ”Today, there is only one way to save our race and repel the enemy, and that is to awaken the soul of the ancestors!”

   First Patriarch Road.

   “Awaken the soul of the ancestors?”

   Lu Ming is puzzled.

   “Yes, in the center of our clan, there is an ancestral land. Legend has it that seals the soul of our ancestors, that is, the soul of the ancient gods. As long as the seal is broken, the soul of the ancestors can come out.”

   “The soul of the ancestors possesses terrifying power, and we can set up a formation to control it, which is enough to repel the attacks of monsters and outsiders, and it is not impossible to completely solve the problem of the monsters in the northern wilderness.”

   First Patriarch Road.

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