Everlasting Dragon Emperor Chapter 2661: Plant life

In a short while, more than 600 people gathered in this square.

They are all beginner disciples within nearly three thousand.

At this moment, several figures flew in the distance.

There are five people in total, including old people and middle-aged people.

A middle-aged man in the middle, wearing a loose black robe, everyone recognizes, this is the sign of the outer door elder.

The other four people look at the costumes, which are the signs of the outer deacon.

“Today, I am calling you to take you to a place, to that place, it is a trial, but it is also an opportunity, and it is a benefit for you!”

Outer door elders.

“Hone? Benefits?”

Everyone was surprised.

“Yes, there is a peculiar forest on Kong Xuan Xuan, in which there are a lot of plant life. These plant life is very peculiar. There is a kind of wood crystal in the body. This wood crystal is rich and refined. With pure energy, people in the Void God Realm are easy to absorb and refine. It is of great help for accumulating and improving divine power. It can improve your cultivation in a short period of time!”

“The sect stipulates that the forest will be opened once every three thousand years. Therefore, all the disciples who join within three thousand years can enter, which is regarded as a benefit for you to get started!”

“But those plant life, some are very aggressive, some are highly poisonous, are dangerous, it can be considered as a training for you!”

Explanation of the Outer Door Elder.

Everyone was suddenly eager. Some people have just started to have such benefits. They are indeed top sects.


The outer door elder waved his hand, and an artifact war sword appeared, and then it suddenly became bigger and became hundreds of miles, dozens of miles wide.

“Go up, I will take you over!”

The elder of the outer door and the four deacons of the outer door fell on the sacred sword first.

Then, Lu Ming and others also flew onto the giant sword one by one.


The outer door elder gave a soft drink, and the huge sword turned into a rainbow of light, and flew towards the distance, speeding to the extreme.

Lu Ming and the others, above the giant sword, are very stable, without any fluctuations.

“So fast, is this the strength of the Celestial God Realm?”

Lu Ming looked at the mountains, rivers and so on that were constantly passing by, and sighed inwardly.

It’s too fast. With Lu Ming’s eyesight, he couldn’t see the scenery passing by.

Kong Xuanzong’s outer gate elder, at least is also the cultivation base of the Heavenly God Realm. These characters can cross the starry sky with their bodies, and their speed is naturally amazing.

However, the area of ​​Kong Xuan Xing is really too big, even if the characters of the Heavenly God Realm lead them on the way, it will take a while.


Lu Ming suddenly looked in one direction, because Lu Ming felt that someone was looking at him just now, but he was full of killing intent.

Lu Ming glanced over, and several young people turned their heads immediately, pretending to be nonchalant.

“Have a murder intent on me, is it Huang Wu’s person?”

Lu Ming said inwardly.

“Lu Ming, those people are killing you!”

Xie Nianqing whispered, obviously, he felt it too.

“Well, I feel it, when you get to the plant forest, be careful!”

Lu Ming spoke to Xie Nianqing.

The two chatted for a while and sat cross-legged on the side.

However, from time to time, Lu Ming could feel the killing intent sweeping at him. Although it was well hidden, Lu Ming had such a keen sense of spirit that he clearly caught it.

A few hours later, the giant sword stopped.

In front, there is a huge mountain range.

This mountain range is very vast and vast, with ancient trees towering into the sky, and you can’t see the end at a glance.

The area of ​​this mountain range is probably dozens of times larger than the combined area of ​​the Celestial Realm and the Evil God Realm.

“Here is the destination of this time. The plant forest contains a lot of plant life. Although the plant life inside is not too strong, there is almost no existence above the real gods, but you yourself, also Do what you can, don’t lose your life because of greed!”

“Also, your time is only three months. After three months, you must come out and go!”

The Outer Door Elder waved his hand.

Huh! Huh!

Suddenly, nearly six hundred people, transformed into rainbow rays, flew into the mountains and rushed into the boundless forest.

Lu Ming and Xie Nianqing also flew towards the plant mountain range.

“Let’s work together!”

Xie Nianjun appeared beside Lu Ming.


Lu Ming nodded, they flew for a while, and then rushed into the vast plant mountain range.

“The four of you, also follow up and see, if the plant life of the true **** is really born, get rid of it!”

When everyone entered the plant mountain range, the elder of the outer door ordered the four deacons.


The four deacons flashed, and rushed into the plant mountain range.

The elder of the outer door waited outside.

Lu Ming, Xie Nianqing, Xie Nianjun landed in a forest. In the forest, there was no sound except the sound of wind.

Except for plants, there are no other creatures.

The three of them observed for a while, then headed toward the depths of the forest.


When Lu Ming passed by an old vine, the old vine moved, like a soft whip, twisting towards Lu Ming.

On the old vine, there is a sharp thorn, which emits a green glow, which is obviously highly poisonous.

“Plant life!”

Lu Ming’s gaze moved, a divine weapon sword appeared in his hand, and he slashed out with one sword.


The old vine was directly cut off by Lu Ming, and a dark green liquid came out.

Then, Lu Ming saw an old vine, uprooted, and Sa Yazi ran wildly, trying to escape.

“Want to go?”

Lu Ming used the Peng Wing Technique, and in a flash, he caught up with the old vine, slashed at the root of the old vine with a sword, and the old vine twitched a few times and stopped moving.

Then, Lu Ming broke open the old vine and found a green spar about the size of a finger inside. This is the wood crystal, which contains a very rich energy essence.

“How about the energy?”

Lu Ming opened his mouth and swallowed Mu Jing into his mouth.

Suddenly, the wood crystal turned into billowing energy and poured into the sacred fire. Soon, the wood crystal’s energy was directly transformed into divine power.

“Sure enough, you can absorb and transform directly!” Lu Ming sighed.

This wood crystal is refined faster than the strong **** pill.

But ~IndoMTL.com~ The old vine just now has only the cultivation base of the Void God, which contains not much energy.

Then, the three of them moved on.

However, after walking for a while, no trace of plant life was found.

Not all plants in this forest are plant life. Many are not plant life, but ordinary plants.

“This kind of plant life, if you don’t take the initiative, it is exactly the same as an ordinary plant, it is difficult to find!”

Xie Nianqing said.

Lu Ming and Xie Nianjun frowned, indeed.

If plant life doesn’t take the initiative to attack, even if they are by their side, they may not be able to find it.

“Lu Ming, try the ball. The ball is a metal life. Like plant life, it is a special life. Maybe it can be sensed!”

Xie Nianqing suggested.

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