Everlasting Dragon Emperor Chapter 2578: See Fa Zu

Chapter 2578 Seeing Fa Zu

After arriving in the living room, Lu Ming and Tong Xier chatted casually and waited.

It didn’t take long before the light and shadow outside the living room flashed, and a figure suddenly appeared.

This is a man who looks about 30 years old, wearing a black robe, handsome and elegant, giving a gentle feeling.

“Xi’er has seen the military owner!”

Seeing this young man, Tong Xier quickly got up and saluted.

This person is the commander of the Zhengtian army, the legendary figure who founded the law training system, the ancestor of the heavens.

“Hahaha, no need to be polite, I will meet my fellow villagers!”

Fazu laughed and stepped forward.

“Lu Ming, I have met Senior Fa Zu!”

Lu Ming also got up and saluted. The first time he saw this legendary figure, Lu Ming was also quite excited.

“No need to be polite, no need to be polite!”

Fazu waved his hand, and a gentle force held up Lu Ming.

“No one has called me this title for many years, just like everyone else, just call me the commander!”

Fazu smiled and looked at Lu Ming carefully.

“He has the aura of the celestial realm on his body, he is indeed a person of the celestial realm, and he has also practiced the law system to condense into a small world…”

Fazu whispered, looking at Lu Ming, his gaze became more cordial.

“Lu Ming, how did you come out of the heavens? What happened in the heavens? I sneaked into the Dark Pluto, but the passage to the heavens has been closed, and I can’t even get in!”

Fazudao, even asking a few questions, it can be seen that he is not calm in his heart.

Lu Ming understood that Fa Zu must be successful in his later cultivation and returned to Dark Pluto.

However, the passage was sealed by the dragon and the ancestor of the prison with the seal of heaven, and the cultivation of the ancestor is too strong. If the seal is forcibly broken, the world of the heaven and the metaworld will be destroyed together.

“Senior, it’s like this…”

Immediately, Lu Ming briefly recounted what happened in the Heavenly Realm and the Heretic God Realm.

“That’s it, that’s it…”

Fazu nodded and sighed after listening.

“Senior, I have brought out most of the sacred beasts and human races of the heaven and metaworld. In a few months, our small world will merge with the prehistoric universe. We need a place to house these creatures!”

Lu Ming said.

“This is easy to handle, I will pick a place for you right away!”

Fazu smiled.

The Zhengtian Star, with an astonishingly large area, is several times larger than the Dark Pluto. It is easy to house the creatures of the Heaven and Metaworld.

“Come with me!”

Fazu worked vigorously and vigorously. After speaking, he waved his sleeves and a force of strength rolled up Lu Ming and flew outside.

The Fazu’s speed was extremely astonishing, and the surrounding scenery kept flying away. Soon after, they flew a long distance and came to a grassland.

This grassland is endless, and there is no edge in sight.

“This grassland has an open terrain, and the area is at least ten times the size of the Celestial Realm, the Metarealm and the Cthulhu Realm. Your small world can blend in here!”

Fazu Road.

“Thank you senior!”

Lu Ming was also very excited.

Finally, he rushed out of the heavens, and he finally won a chance to take everyone out of danger.

“Senior, wait a minute!”

After speaking, Lu Ming’s heart moved, and his figure appeared on a mountain in his own small world.

Here, Zulong, Tianlei Emperor, Titan Beetle and others, have been waiting here, waiting for the news of the landing call.

At the same time, they are also preparing, if there is danger, they will fight to the death.

“Lu Ming…”

As soon as Lu Ming appeared, Zu Long and others looked at Lu Ming.

“Lu Ming, how is the situation now?”

“If it doesn’t work, we will fight to the death!”

Everyone spoke up.

“Everyone, we have left Dark Pluto!”

Lu Ming smiled.

“What? Leaving Dark Pluto?”

Zu Long and others were all taken aback, and then they were ecstatic.

Leaving Dark Pluto, is it already out of trouble?

“We are safe, and I will take you to meet someone!”

After speaking, a force enveloped Zulong and others and moved them out of the small world.

As soon as Zu Long and the others appeared outside, their eyes looked around. The next moment, their eyes focused on Fa Zu.

“This is…”

After seeing Fazu, Zulong, Tianlei Dizun and others, they were stunned.


The Emperor Tianlei muttered to himself as if stupid, and then trembled with excitement.

“Disciples pay respect to Master!”

After a long while, Emperor Tianlei bowed his head and bowed down.

“Fazu, it is a Fazu!”

At the same time, some people exclaimed.

Some of these people have existed since the time immemorial, and some of them were even older than Fazu, so they naturally knew Fazu.

I was shocked to see Fazu at this moment.

Fazu, left the heavens a long time ago, and didn’t expect to meet here.

“Tian Lei, it has been gone for many years, and it is time for your cultivation base to break through!”

Fazu smiled slightly.


Zu Long whispers, his eyes are very complicated.

When Fa Zu was still in the heaven, he had been ordered to sit in the heaven. Later, when Fa Zu left the heaven, he naturally knew.

Also, he also knew that those people who left the heavens would be controlled by Yuanluo Palace, but he was helpless, unable to stop it, and couldn’t remind them.

Afterwards, the ancestor of the prison went to the heaven and took out the seal of the heaven, and they teamed up to seal the passage to the heaven.

However, to his surprise, Fazu was obviously not controlled by Yuan Luo Temple.

“This is the case, the Fazu-senior has now created the Zhengtian Army to fight against Yuanluo Palace…”

Lu Ming briefly said about the Fazu and also about how they came to Zhengtianxing.

“Leader of the Zhengtian Army…”

Zulong and the others whispered. At this moment, they deeply understood that Fa Zu’s current realm is far beyond what they can guess, and the estimate is astonishing.

Otherwise, how to create the Zhengtian Army and how to fight against Yuanluo Palace.

Some people here are of the same generation as Fazu, and some are even older than Fazu, but at this moment, all of them are showing respect.

The way of practice is like this, the one who achieves it first, regardless of age.

Since the cultivation base of Fazu is far above them, they naturally can’t look at Fazu from the eyes of their peers.

Fazu glanced across everyone~IndoMTL.com~ nodded slightly.

He is also quite complicated.

Here, there are quite a few of his acquaintances.

For so many years, seeing so many acquaintances, he is quite impressed.

“Okay, you will live here first, I will send someone to help you, if you have any needs, you can also mention it with me!”

Fazu Dao, after speaking, he turned into a rainbow of light and left here.

“Is this the prehistoric universe? What a strong air!”

“This kind of cultivation environment is really amazing, I have a feeling of breaking through!”

“Haha, me too!”

As soon as Fazu left, everyone felt that they were shocked by the cultivation environment here.

(End of this chapter)

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