Everlasting Dragon Emperor Chapter 2571: Exposed

Chapter 2571 is exposed

A male city, standing on the ground, looks bigger than the two-world city.

Lu Ming walked into the city along a huge gate.

“Many races!”

After entering the city gate, Lu Ming found that on the streets of the city, people came and went, divided into different races.

Looking at it, Lu Ming found at least dozens of races.

Human race, although there are some, it is the least.

“The Riot Galaxy has brought together different races, it is true!”

Lu Ming turned a thought.

In these days when Lu Ming was on the road, he sometimes chatted with Zulong, and Zulong also told Lu Ming a lot about the prehistoric universe.

The prehistoric universe, boundless, is really too big, with countless planets of life.

In the primordial universe, there are countless races occupying large areas.

These territories are called star fields!

Under each star field, there are many galaxies, and under each galaxy, there are many amazing planets of life.

The location of Yuanluo Temple is on the edge of the wild universe, a place called Riot Galaxy.

The Riot Galaxy can be said to be one of the most barren galaxies in the primordial universe.

Here, those powerful forces simply look down on it, so it has become a special galaxy.

People of all races who can’t mix, or fugitives, or those who are chased by others, will come to riots in the galaxy.

So, Riot Galaxy has gathered countless races.

Here, full of chaos, fights can be seen everywhere.

Of course, Riot Galaxy has also formed forces of different sizes. These forces, conquering each other, can also be seen everywhere.

When Lu Ming first heard that this place was one of the most barren places in the prehistoric universe, he was truly shocked.

The cultivation environment here, in Lu Ming’s eyes, is already extremely astonishing, dozens of times better than the heavenly realm.

A place like this is actually the most barren place in the primordial universe, so how amazing is the place where the cultivation environment is good?

Lu Ming was looking forward to it in his heart.

He feels that the Primordial Universe will be more exciting than the Celestial Realm and the Heretic God Realm.

What about Taixu Shengchao?

Lu Ming not only thought of the Taixu sacred dynasty that Bai Ya said.

The owner of Huangquan Mountain, Jingyu, came from the Taixu sacred dynasty. Where is the Taixu sacred dynasty?

Lu Ming once asked Zulong about it, but Zulong shook his head. He had never heard of the Taixu sacred dynasty.

The Zulong was born and raised in the Riot Galaxy. According to his own words, he has never been out of the Riot Galaxy in his entire life.

Lu Ming wandered around on the street. There are all races here, so naturally no one pays attention to Lu Ming.

“Huh? It seems that there are not too many virtual gods?”

Lu Ming turned around and found that most of the people on the street were in the realm of Emperor Wu.

In the prehistoric universe, it is also to see the virtual realm, the real virtual realm, the hole virtual realm, and the virtual realm.

There are not many people who have reached the Void God Realm.

Especially the Void Transformation Realm and the demigods, Lu Ming has seen the most. It seems that in the Primordial Universe, it is not easy to break through the Martial God Realm.

Lu Ming turned around and found an inn to live in.

In the next few days, Lu Ming will wander around the city, or go to some restaurants to inquire about news.

Lu Ming knew that the teleportation formation was only found in the two largest cities, but those two cities were guarded by a large number of masters in the Yuanluo Palace.

“Would you like to take a chance?”

Lu Ming thought.

He wants to dissolve the forward teleportation array, to see if he can take the opportunity to pass the level.

However, he has no bottom in his heart. Although his Divine Breath Technique has tried hundreds of spirits in the heavens, there are too many powerful people here. Who knows if those strong will see through Divine Breath Technique? camouflage.

Furthermore, as Lu Ming’s cultivation level improved, the effect of the Divine Breath Technique became smaller and smaller, making it more and more difficult to conceal his breath.

This is natural. The stronger the cultivation base, the stronger the aura. If you want to change the cover, the more difficult it will be, unless there is a more subtle way to converge the aura.

“Observe for a while to see if there are other ways. If it doesn’t work, you can only take a risk!”

Lu Ming made a decision.

In the rest of the time, Lu Ming stayed in this city, cultivating and thinking of ways.

Here, when Lu Ming started practicing, he was indeed much faster than the Celestial Realm. From time to time, Lu Ming used Jingyu’s portraits to comprehend the meaning of dominance and made rapid progress.

However, there is a seal on Jingyu’s picture scroll, and Lu Ming still can’t open it. It is estimated that his cultivation is not enough.

In a blink of an eye, two months passed.

In two months, Lu Ming’s understanding of the way of dominance has improved a lot, which is comparable to ten years of cultivation in the heavens.

I believe it will not be long before his cultivation level will be improved again.


On this day, Lu Ming was spinning around on the street and suddenly looked towards the sky.

Huh! Huh!

In the sky, a few streams of light flashed by, and they were masters of the virtual **** realm.

“In recent days, there have been more and more masters nearby!”

“Indeed, they seem to be looking for someone!”

Many people are talking around.

“Is it a master of Yuanluo Temple, looking for me?”

Lu Ming turned a thought.

He won Kang Long, and Yuan Luodian will definitely not let him go. It is normal that a large number of masters will be sent to hunt him down.

Next, Lu Ming acted more carefully, but in the next few days, Lu Ming discovered that the number of masters haunting this city is not increasing but decreasing, and there is an increasing trend.

Some people even walked into the city and glanced around sharply.

It seems that the other party has locked down this city.

Lu Ming returned to the inn, summoned Zulong out, and talked about it.

“No, the other party must have locked you down. You have not assimilated into the prehistoric universe a long time after you came out of the heavens. You must have a strong celestial aura on your body. The other party only needs to spend some time researching, it is not difficult to lock you!”

Zu Long’s face changed drastically.

Lu Ming’s face also changed.

“However, the other party did not find you immediately, indicating that they can only determine the approximate range, but cannot accurately determine you. Now, you have to leave this place as soon as possible!”

Zulong Road.


Lu Ming did not hesitate, and brought Zulong closer to the small world. Lu Ming left the inn directly and headed outside the city. Before long, Lu Ming left the city gate, chose a direction at will, and flew forward.


After Lu Ming flew for a while~IndoMTL.com~ two people flew up in front of him, and one of them yelled.

Lu Ming’s heart jumped!

These are two middle-aged men, both of whom have the cultivation base of the Void God Realm. One of them holds a crystal ball in his hand. At this moment, the ball is shining with a faint light.

Two middle-aged big men flew towards Lu Ming. When they approached Lu Ming, the crystal ball suddenly shined brightly.

“It’s him!”

The eyes of the two middle-aged men lit up.


Lu Ming burst out directly and flew in the other direction at extreme speed.

“Stop me!”


Two middle-aged big men chased Lu Ming at swift speed.

(End of this chapter)

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