Everlasting Dragon Emperor Chapter 2566: Proactively attack

“Senior Zulong, wait a moment, I will search to see if there are any masters in Yuanluo Palace!”

Lu Ming said to Zu Long. After speaking, Lu Ming closed his eyes.

At this moment, Lu Ming is dominating the world, so he can sense it anywhere in the heavens, heavens, and Cthulhu realms, even in the void and dark space.

“Well, there is one more person!”

In a dark space, Lu Ming sensed a powerful existence, which should have the strength of the Void God Realm, and he was sitting in the void to heal his wounds.

Suddenly, this person opened his eyes, showing a hint of shock, and turned around and ran.

“Did you run away?”

Lu Ming sneered, mobilizing the power of the entire world, forming a sword, and slashing it down.


The person let out a scream and was directly beheaded.

The existence of a Void God Realm dual presence could not stop Lu Ming’s move.

Lu Ming’s state at this moment is too strong. It can dominate the entire world and mobilize the power of the entire world. It can be comparable to the powerful four of the virtual gods, and kill the two virtual gods with ease.

Next, Lu Ming continued to check, but no trace of other strong men was found.

The strong Yuan Luo Temple who entered here before have been all beheaded.

At this time, the aura on Lu Ming’s body fell and returned to normal.

And his injury completely recovered.

“Lu Ming, did you mobilize the power of the entire world just now?”

Zu Long looked at Lu Ming in shock.


Lu Ming nodded, and then waved his hand, all the storage rings left by the master beheaded were all put away by Lu Ming.

“Lu Ming, are you okay!”

At this moment, Xie Nianqing flew over with a look of concern.

Then, Dan Dan and others also flew over.

“It’s okay, don’t worry!”

Lu Ming smiled.

Everyone chatted for a while, and the Titan Beetle and others all left one after another.

Not long after, the news about Lu Ming’s slaying of the gods spread widely.

Countless people were shocked after learning about it.

Lu Ming, alone, even cut the gods.

That’s a god, it’s like a myth. Lu Ming’s prestige in the hearts of everyone in the heavens has reached its peak, even surpassing the ancestor dragon by a large amount.

In their eyes, Lu Ming is simply the **** among the gods.

However, Lu Ming and Zu Long had serious faces.

Zu Long and Lu Ming are discussing matters in the Zhentian Rune Seal area.

“It won’t work if this continues. If Yuanluodian knows that it has failed, it will definitely send a stronger presence!”

Zu Long frowned.

“Senior, what should I do now?”

Lu Ming asked.

“A small thousand world is a fortune for Yuan Luo Temple. Under normal circumstances, they are reluctant to destroy it, but there is no guarantee that they will not do such a thing when they are angry. They can send out existences of more than four levels of the Void God Realm to completely destroy the Heaven Realm, the Meta Realm, and the Evil God Realm!”

Zu Long said intently, frowning and thinking, and then said: “Nowadays, there is only one way to have a ray of life!”

“Senior, please say!”

Lu Ming said.

“That is to take the initiative. Right now, the people in the Yuanluo Temple don’t know that the people they sent in have been wiped out. They must be waiting for good news. Therefore, the power outside the Zhentian Symbol should not It will be too strong!”

“Now, if we take the initiative to attack, tear off the seal of the heavens, and rush out, we may have a chance to succeed!”

Zulong Road.

“Get out!”

Lu Ming whispered, groaned for a moment, and said: “Okay, then we will dispatch!”

Lu Ming is a decisive person. If he continues to stay here, he can only sit and wait for death. There is no chance, but if he rushes out, there is still a chance.

“However, rushing out, there is an important question, and that is the problem of your small world!”

Zulong Road.

“The problem with the small world?”

Lu Ming was puzzled.

If they want to rush out, they will surely collect most of the creatures into the small world, and then take them out.

“The primordial universe is a truly ancient, truly perfect world, a truly great world, such a world, such a small world through cultivation, cannot coexist with it!”

“So, once you enter the prehistoric universe, within a year, the small world will break out of your body, merge with the prehistoric universe, and become a part of the prehistoric universe!”

Zulong Road.

“What? The small world will merge with the prehistoric universe?”

Lu Ming’s face changed.

In that way, wouldn’t his cultivation base fall wildly?

“But one thing, you don’t have to worry, the prehistoric universe is fair, your small world blends with it, and it will also give you the same amount of energy. Therefore, your realm strength will not regress. !”

“However, all the creatures you bring out will be revealed. In this way, our traces will be exposed. Therefore, once we go out, we must find a safe place and settle down within a year. Down everyone.”

Zulong Road.

“So, is it only one year?”

Lu Ming whispered.

In other words, after they go out, they must be out of danger within a year, otherwise, it may be even more dangerous.

“Lu Ming, you decide this matter!”

Zulong Road.

“Just do it!”

Lu Ming spoke, his eyes firm.

It’s better to fight to the death instead of just waiting to die.

Zulong’s eyes show admiration, and there are not many people who can be so decisive.

“Okay, since you have decided to rush out, you should do it as soon as possible, so that the other party will react and mobilize more masters over time!”

Zulong Road.

Then the two discussed for a while and moved separately. They wanted to gather most of the creatures in the heavens.

Fortunately, many people in the Celestial Human Race are practicing the law system, and they have opened up a small world that can hold a large number of creatures.

Lu Ming first returned to Longhuangfeng and explained his plan again. Everyone agreed, and then everyone dispersed and spread the news.

The entire celestial world has begun to act.

Most people are willing to fight desperately after hearing about this plan, because staying here will eventually lead to a dead end.

Those who have a small world, collect all the people around them, mythical beasts, etc., into the small world, and then rush to the land of Zhentian Rune.

In just ten days, all parts of the heavens were almost emptied, and many ordinary people were also taken into the small world.

Then, the crowd gathered in the Zhentian Symbol.

Next, Lu Ming took everyone into his small world.

In this way~IndoMTL.com~Most of the creatures in the entire Celestial Realm were taken into the small world by Lu Ming.

The heavens suddenly became empty.

Under the seal of the Zhentian Talisman, only Lu Ming and Zu Long were left.

“Lu Ming, let’s start!”

Zulong Road.


Lu Ming nodded, and the two of them started to tear off the seal of the Heavenly Zhentian.

Starting from within the heaven realm, it is easy to tear off the seal of the heavens, especially the power that Lu Ming can dominate this heaven and earth.


Shortly after, the seal of the heavenly town was finally torn off by the two, revealing a dark passage.

(End of this chapter)


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