Everlasting Dragon Emperor Chapter 2497: Ready to shoot

Chapter 2497 is ready to shoot

Seeing Lu Ming, the Titan Beetle and others flew over.

“Lu Ming, how is the situation now? Where have you been?”

The Titan Beetle quickly asked.

“I am in Huangquan Imperial Capital now!”

Lu Ming said.

“Huangquan Imperial Capital, how did you get in?”

The Titan Beetle’s eyes stared, very surprised.

The same goes for others.

“My wife is still relying on a secret method to hide the breath of the heavens, so I just came in. I have found news about Senior Zu Long!”

Lu Ming said.

“How is Senior Zu Long?”

The Titan Beetle, Jiu Ming Demon Silkworm and others all watched Lu Ming nervously, for fear of hearing the news of Zulong’s accident.

“Senior Zu Long didn’t die, but he was injured and escaped from Emperor Huangquan’s capital.” Lu Ming briefly said what he knew.

“That’s good!”

Hearing that Zu Long is okay, everyone took a long breath and felt relieved.

“I also found a piece of news that the Cthulhu tribe might send masters to besiege a cursed place. There should be masters from the heavens. We might have a battle!”

Lu Ming said.

“War, must fight!”

“Yes, I’m going to kill those Cthulhu tribes!”

The Titan Beetle and others roared.

“Two seniors, Lu Ming has something for you!”

Lu Ming looked at the Titan Beetle and the Nine Life Demon Silkworm, and the jade bottle in his hand appeared.

“Anything for us?”

The Titan Beetle and the Nine Life Demon Silkworm both showed their doubts.

“This is a kind of pill that I got from a family of refining medicine in Huangquan Emperor Capital. It is called the Pill of Life and Death. It can be cured!”

Lu Ming said.

“What? Under the world, there is such a pill?”

Everyone opened their mouths in shock.

“Lu Ming, how can we collect such an expensive pill!”

After that, the Nine Life Demon Silkworm shook his head again and again.

“Senior, the pill is just a dead thing. If it can’t exert its effect, it will not reflect its value. If the two seniors can recover to their peak, it will be a blessing for us in the heavens. The pill of life and death is also considered Reflect the value!”

Lu Ming said.

“Yes, that’s it!”

The others nodded one after another, admonishing them to accept.

Once the Titan Beetle and the Nine Lives Demon Silkworm return to their peaks, they will be the two peak heaven emperors.

There are not many celestial realms that can reach this point.

“Okay, Lu Ming, your kindness, I have written it down!”

The Titan Beetle is more straightforward and nodded in agreement.

Actually, they are also very moved.

After all, after the First World War, there are endless years, and they can’t recover to their peaks. This feeling is really uncomfortable.

Lu Ming poured out two life and death pills and gave them to the Titan Beetle and Nine Life Demon Silkworm. The two took them. They each chose a place, sat cross-legged, swallowed the life and death pills, and began to refine the pill.

And Lu Ming, left the small world, appeared next to Xie Nianqing, and continued to pay attention to the mansion.

In a blink of an eye, a few days passed.

At last there was movement in that mansion.

A group of strong men from the Yellow Spring Empire appeared and entered the mansion. After a while, a large group of people flew out of the mansion.

There are Cthulhu tribes and Huangquan Empire powerhouses, and there are hundreds of them.

They headed directly to the west gate.

Lu Ming and Xie Nianqing followed far behind.

Not long after, the masters of the Cthulhu Clan and Huangquan Empire went out of the city gate and headed west.

—–This is a gorgeous dividing line–

Friends please note: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

—-This is a gorgeous dividing line—

Lu Ming and Xie Nianqing also managed to get out of the city gate and followed from a distance.

They dare not get too close, because there are too many masters in these evil gods and the Huangquan Empire.

There is even a peak emperor, and not one or two, at least five or six.

In addition, the number of the six-star emperor and the five-star emperor is also quite large.

This is an extremely amazing force.

To send out so many powerful people at once is obviously to catch the heavenly creatures in that cursed land without leaving one.

After flying for more than a day, they came to a very remote place, in front of them, there was a hot breath.

It turned out that there was a large group of volcanoes in front of you, and you could not see the end at a glance.


Volcanoes are constantly erupting, magma soars into the sky, and the air is filled with black smoke and a pungent smell.

The cursed place is in the volcanoes.

The people of the Huangquan Empire couldn’t enter, they were lying in ambush outside the volcano.

The Cthulhu tribe rushed into the volcano group.


Soon after, a terrifying roar erupted in the volcanoes.

The war broke out, and the terrifying energy pierced the earth, endless magma rushed into the sky, and this area became more heated.


In the depths of the volcano, there is a golden lion with nine heads.

The surrounding volcanoes exploded one after another, extremely mighty.

“Brother Qingcang!”

Lu Ming was shocked.

That is clearly nine golden lions carrying the sky.

Qing Cang is the pinnacle emperor, extremely powerful, but the Cthulhu clan also has the pinnacle emperor.

In the volcano group, a series of terrible auras rose to the sky, colliding with each other.

“There are two peak emperors in the heavens, but there are three of the Heretic Gods!”

Lu Ming felt heavier in his heart.

The peak heavenly emperor has one more Cthulhu tribe, and Lu Ming can feel that the number of five-star heavenly emperors and six-star heavenly emperors is also large.

If this continues, the Heaven Realm side is definitely not an opponent.

In addition, outside the volcano, there are still experts from the Huangquan Empire. The number of masters is more than that of the Cthulhu. If the creatures of the heavens rush out, it will be truly dangerous.

“I don’t know how the two seniors, Titan Beetle and Nine Life Demon Silkworm, are recovering?”

Lu Ming was a little anxious.

Wait a moment, if they make a move, there are not enough strong players on their side, and they are at a disadvantage.

Lu Ming controls the Nine Dragon God Cauldron, which can be regarded as a peak emperor.

Xie Nianqing, also considered the last peak emperor.

In addition to Zhanli, there are only three peak emperors, and the number is not enough.

Lu Ming could feel that in the Huangquan Empire, there were a total of four peak heaven emperors, plus three of the Cthulhu Clan, making it seven.

In addition, there is also a six-star emperor.

If the Titan Beetle and Jiu Ming Demon Silkworm recover, then don’t be afraid.

“Get out!”

IndoMTL.com~ a roar of Qing Cang resounded in the volcano group.

Then, a group of strong men from the heavens joined forces and rushed towards the outside, followed by the Cthulhu tribe behind them.

“Not good!”

Lu Ming’s expression changed, and then his thoughts moved and he entered the small world. He wanted to see if the Titan Beetle and Nine Lives Demon Silkworm had recovered.

At this moment, the two of them are filled with bright brilliance, and their breath is very powerful.

“The Emperor of Heaven!”

Lu Ming was overjoyed when he sensed the breath of the two.

The pill of life and death is worthy of a peerless miracle medicine, and its effects are amazing.

It has only been a few days. The Titan Beetle and Nine Lives Demon Silkworm have almost recovered, and their auras have returned to the peak of the Heavenly Emperor.


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