Everlasting Dragon Emperor Chapter 2487: 9 Ding Fawei

.., Ten Thousand Dao Dragon Emperor

On the opposite side of the wasteland, there is also a road, straight forward, not knowing where it leads.

Lu Ming didn’t hesitate and set foot on the road.

He has a lot of confidence. Now, with the help of the Nine Dragon God Cauldron, even if he meets the peak of the Emperor, he is not afraid.

Now, the only threats to Lu Ming are the invincible powerhouse and the existence of the Martial God Realm.

However, this kind of existence, the number is too small.

The existence of the Martial God Realm, now only the alien ancestors and ancestor dragons remain.

While Emperor Wu is strong, there are not many.

Like the emperor of Chaos, the emperor of immortality, they all fell.

These characters have stepped into the Martial God Realm with half their feet, and the Heaven Realm and the Heretic God Realm are not too many.

As far as Lu Ming knows, this time neither the Celestial Realm nor the Cthulhu Clan came in and guarded outside.

Of course, this was only on the surface. Lu Ming couldn’t figure out whether such a character came in secretly.

Go all the way, but the next road is not dangerous and calm.

Lu Ming traveled thousands of miles at least.

Lu Ming was a little speechless. From the outside, although the castle was big, it was not so exaggerated. After entering, I realized that the internal space was amazingly large. I am afraid that space technology was used.

Thousands of miles later, the road has narrowed and can only accommodate a few people side by side.

A thousand miles ahead, Lu Ming’s eyes lit up because a door appeared in front of him.

It’s over!

Lu Ming strode forward and rushed into the door with the protection of the Nine Dragon God Cauldron.

Behind the gate, there is a vast hall, and the hall is full of splendid light.

Lu Ming was stunned when he saw it.

The sources of light in the hall are light clusters.

In the hall, there are light groups, and each light group is dazzling. Inside each light group, there is a treasure.

Yes, it’s a treasure.

Most of them are soldiers!

Some of them are storage rings or storage bracelets.

All are treasures, there are hundreds of them.

“Hahaha, it’s posted!”

Lu Ming was overjoyed, and then flew up, grabbing towards the beam of light.


But when Lu Ming approached the beam of light, the beam of light, seemingly spiritual, flew away.

“Huh? I want to go, don’t think about it!”

Lu Ming smiled lightly, his muscles vibrated, and his body burst out. The Dominant Way condensed a big hand and grabbed it towards the beam of light.

This time, the beam of light couldn’t fly away, and it was caught in Lu Ming’s hand.

However, after grabbing the light group, Lu Ming did not take out the soldiers inside. Because it was blocked, the light group seemed to be formed by the formation above. It was not so easy to take out the treasures inside.

“Fine for me!”

Lu Ming exploded with the power of dominance and began to refine the light group.

Fortunately, the defensive power of the light regiment was not that strong. After a few minutes, it was opened by Lu Ming, and a soldier in the shape of a spear fell into Lu Ming’s hand.

“Only equivalent to the Great Soldier!”

Lu Ming checked and was a little disappointed.

This spear is just equivalent to the Great Emperor’s soldier, and for Lu Ming, it is of no use.

But it was not bad to take it out and use it for other people. Lu Ming put it away.

Next, Lu Ming grabbed another light group.

In this light regiment, there is also a war soldier and a war sword.

After being caught by Lu Ming, after refining for a few minutes, Lu Ming took out the war sword.

“It is equivalent to a heavenly soldier!”

This time, Lu Ming was ecstatic.

This war sword is actually equivalent to a heavenly soldier.

The inside was filled with layers of peculiar formations. Lu Ming injected energy and waved his war sword, exploding with amazing power.

It is equivalent to a weapon of the Heavenly Dao Soldier, but it is of infinite value. So far, Lu Ming has not obtained many pieces.

Even if Lu Ming doesn’t use it by himself, taking it out for use by the emperor of the heavens, it can greatly increase the combat power of the heavens.

Getting a handful of soldiers at the rank of Heavenly Dao Soldier, Lu Ming’s heart is fierce, and he continues to grab the other light regiments.

Next, Lu Ming successively captured dozens of light groups.

However, the number of heavenly soldiers is not very large, but there are more than 30 light regiments and five heavenly soldiers, and the others are almost all of the emperor’s level.

In addition, those storage rings and storage bracelets are mainly made of sacred stones.

A lot of sacred stones.

Lu Mingle is blooming.

It’s really posted this time.

There are more than thirty Daoguang regiments, and there are five Celestial Soldier-level weapons, and Lu Ming is already very satisfied.

There are hundreds of light regiments here, don’t they have dozens of weapons of the heavenly soldiers?

Speaking of this, it will scare people to death.

Also, there are a large number of sacred stones. Lu Ming will not worry about resources for a long time in the future.

Lu Ming was even more excited to collect those light groups.

At this moment, in the other direction of the hall, behind a door, a figure flickered, and dozens of figures rushed in.

The Cthulhu!

They were all the evil gods that Lu Ming had encountered before.

It seems that these alien races, after so long of hard work, finally opened up the road on the left, the two roads on the left and the right, and finally all lead to this hall.

As soon as these evil gods saw the light clusters in the main hall, their eyes burst into fiery light.

When they saw Lu Ming, the fiery brilliance turned into a cold murderous intent.

“It’s Lu Ming, **** it, he is not dead!”

The six-star alien emperor roared.

Lu Ming entered the road on the right, but he didn’t die, and he entered here earlier than them.

Make them extremely puzzled.

But now, they didn’t think much, because they saw that Lu Ming was collecting the treasures, and their eyes were red.

They worked hard for several months. In their opinion, these treasures belong to them.

“Kill him!”

The six-star alien emperor coldly shouted, holding a sword, and took the lead to kill Lu Ming.

The cold light of the sword slashed towards Lu Ming.

At the same time, other alien races also attacked Lu Ming and wanted to kill Lu Ming.

“I originally wanted to collect these treasures and go to you, but now you send them by yourself, then send you on the road!”

Lu Ming spoke indifferently, and with a thought in his heart, the nine Nine Dragon God Cauldrons flew out.


The Nine Dragon God Cauldron shook, exuding a terrifying aura, and moved towards the suppression of dozens of alien races.

“Not good!”

Feeling the power radiated by the Nine Dragon God Cauldron, the alien race in the Six-Star Heavenly Emperor Realm was shocked, and burst out with full force, turning the attack into defense.

However, for other alien races, the reaction is not so fast.


When the Nine Dragon God Cauldron bombarded them~IndoMTL.com~ those aliens whose cultivation bases were weak, their bodies exploded directly.

Even the five-star emperor was torn apart by the vast power of the Nine Dragon God Cauldron and fell on the spot.

Only the six-star emperor did not fall, but was also seriously injured, vomiting blood and retreated.

The Nine Dragon God Cauldron, the nine statues erupted together, and the power was equivalent to the peak of the Great Emperor. How could these alien races be able to stop them.


The alien six-star heavenly emperor turned around and fled without even thinking about it.

But it’s too late!

Nine big tripods, which have grown in size rapidly, suppress all directions and envelop them.


The foreign race roared, the sword slashed out violently, cutting out hundreds of blades.


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