Everlasting Dragon Emperor Chapter 2425: Prison Township

Lu Ming walked out of the stone room and followed the blood-red armor of the alien race.

“So many stone chambers?”

Lu Ming was taken aback.

Outside the stone room, there is a stone passage. On both sides of the passage, there are stone doors. Obviously, these are all stone rooms.

This place is completely different from the place where Lu Ming was detained for a hundred years in the first place.

Here, it’s definitely not the royal city.

At this moment, the doors of the stone chamber opened, and figures came out from inside.

“Human Race!”

Lu Ming was taken aback.

Those who walked out of the stone room are actually Humans.

One person walks out of every stone room.

Are these human races captured from the Celestial Realm?

Not long after, Lu Ming saw some sacred beasts, but they all turned into human forms.

In addition, Lu Ming also discovered a characteristic, that is, some people, like him, don’t wear anything on their bodies, just like they were outside before.

But some people wear a silver chain armor that even covers their arms and legs.

“Where is this? Is the place where the Celestial Prisoners are held?”

There were thoughts in Lu Ming’s mind.

Other people also saw Lu Ming, showing their curiosity.

However, no one spoke, because there were many alien races wearing blood-red armors, all of them were from the Celestial Emperor realm. Lu Ming saw that there were no fewer than ten.

Along the passage, all the way forward, and after a while, the passage came to an end.

At the end of the passage, there is a huge cave, very huge. Above the cave, there is a hole and a beam of light shoots down from the hole.

Lu Ming guessed that this might be the interior of a big mountain.

There are passages all around the cave, and from every passage, people gather.

The majority are the human race, as well as the mythical beasts. Even Lu Ming saw the alien race, wearing silver chain armor, and acting like a prisoner.

Around the cave, there are foreign races wearing fire-red armor. Of course, it is impossible that all of them are emperors, most of them are in the realm of great emperors.

But the number is very large, there are more than two hundred.

In this place, the gathering of foreign forces is amazingly strong.

“Is this a cage of a foreign race?”

Lu Ming speculated in his heart.

“This little brother, new here, I haven’t seen you before!”

At this moment, a big guy with messy hair came over and greeted Lu Ming.

“Yes, I have just been here for a few months!”

As Lu Ming said, he also looked at the other party.

The other party looks like he is in his fifties, his hair and beard are messy, but he can barely see that he is very handsome, and his eyes flicker with a sense of majesty.

He is also wearing a chain armor.

“You should have come from the heavens, and you should have come from the heavens. It should be less than a thousand years old. You still have the smell of the heavens, a familiar but unfamiliar smell!”

The big man sighed, showing a nostalgic expression.

“Big Brother also came from heaven?”

Lu Ming asked.

“Yes, but it was many years, many years ago. I don’t know how many years ago. I heard people say that it should be ancient times!”

The big man sighed.

“Ancient times!”

Lu Ming was taken aback.

Could it be that the opponent was caught by a foreign race during the war in ancient times and was imprisoned here.

It’s really hard to imagine how many years it has been since being imprisoned in ancient times.

“Are the human races and mythical beasts here all seniors from the heavens?”

Lu Ming asked again.

“No, it’s from the heavens, only a small part!”

The big man shook his head.

“A few parts?”

Lu Ming was surprised,

“Haha, you don’t think that only the heavens and the metaworld have human races, right? Actually, the evil gods also have human races!” The big man laughed.

“The Cthulhu, there are also humans?”

This time, Lu Ming was even more surprised.

He has never heard of the Heretic God Realm, there are also human races, and the Heretic God Realm, aren’t they all foreign races?

The ten great alien races occupy the entire Heretic God Realm.

“Haha, I am the human race here, Qingcang, this little brother, is it from heaven?”

At this moment, a big man with flaming red hair came over, he looked like he was in his fifties, and he was also wearing a chain armor.

The big guy with messy hair before is called Qingcang.

“Not bad!”

Qing Cang nodded and introduced: “His name is Mrs. Wu, which is the human race from the Heretic God Realm, brother, what is your name?”

“My name is Lu Ming!”

Lu Ming introduced himself, and then chatted with Qingcang and Mrs. Wu.

The two are very outgoing. During the chat, Lu Ming learned a lot about this place.

This place is called the Cage of Eternal Life. It is a place where a foreign race detains serious offenders. It means that once you are locked in, it will be difficult for Eternal Life to get out.

These people were taken into custody and were given drugs on the spot.

Yes, it is medicine. Every time the alien races will send people to draw their blood, and use their blood to refine the pill for some aliens to take to improve their cultivation.

Furthermore, Lu Ming learned that in the Heretic God Realm, there are human races, and there are still people who stay in a place called Prison Realm to resist foreign races.

Moreover, the power of the prison world is very powerful.

“The prison world? The name is so similar to the prison monument!”

Lu Ming’s heart moved, and he thought of many, many things.

Perhaps, the alien race was restrained by a part of the power in the prison world, and it was unable to attack the heaven with all its strength.

“Here, why are there other races being imprisoned here!”

Lu Ming asked again.

“Because some alien races are also opposed to attacking the heavens. You see, the dozen or so aliens over there are very powerful, but in the ancient years, they opposed attacking the heavens, so they were also imprisoned here! “

Qing Cang pointed to the left.

Lu Ming looked over, and he saw a dozen alien races, all alien kings, wearing silver chain armor.

“That’s it!”

Lu Ming suddenly, it seems that not all alien races are in favor of attacking the heavens, and some are opposed to it.

In fact, Lu Ming has always wondered why the aliens must attack the heavens and destroy the heavens, wouldn’t it be better for everyone to live together peacefully?

“Big Brother Qingcang, you have been imprisoned since ancient times, hasn’t anyone escaped from here for so many years?”

Lu Ming asked again.


Qing Cang shook his head~IndoMTL.com~ sighed: “The entire prison of eternity is shrouded in a treasure, which is under a terrifying prohibition. It is said that that treasure is the treasure of the ancestor of the evil **** race. Once laid down, the prohibition cannot be broken at all!”

“Furthermore, the prohibition also has terrifying killing power. As long as there is an abnormal movement within the prohibition and the prohibition is activated, even the peak emperor will be killed!”

Lu Ming was shocked, and the peak of the emperor would be punishable, which was too terrifying.

The peak emperor, that is the highest power in the world, Lu Ming can’t imagine how strong he is.

“Lu Ming, brother Qingcang, but a peak emperor!”

On the edge, Mrs. Wu spoke.

“What? The Emperor of Heaven!”

Lu Ming was shocked and dumbfounded. He never expected that Qing Cang was actually a pinnacle emperor.


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