Everlasting Dragon Emperor Chapter 2401: The big secret

When he saw some information and pictures in the crystal tower, Lu Ming was shocked.

Not only Lu Ming, Dan Dan, Bao Bao, Tu Yi, and Lei Yi were also shocked, showing incredible expressions.

Because from the information in the crystal tower, they learned that the foreign race actually wants to open a huge passage to the metaworld.

Yes, this project has been underway for many years.

A picture emerges from the crystal tower.

In this picture, an unknown area, endless heterogeneous gatherings, is arranging a large array, and the foundation of this large array is some bones.

With these bones as the foundation, open a huge channel.

“Tweet Tweet…”

Seeing this picture, Bubbles kept screaming, looking very sad, anxious, and angry.

“The skeleton of the Chronicles, **** it, the bones of the previous generation of Chronicles were obtained by a foreign race, and they were used to open a passage!”

Dan Dan also yelled angrily.

The skeleton of the time and space rat!

Lu Ming understands everything!

It seems that after the death of the previous generation of Time and Space Rat, the body fell on the hands of the alien.

The Time and Space Spirit Mouse controls time and space, and uses time and space to the extreme. A drop of blood and a hair on the body are all related to time and space.

The alien race uses the bones of the time and space spirit rat to build a large array. It is indeed possible to open a huge, stable passage in the boundless void, allowing a large number of aliens to pass through.

The destination of this passage is in Metaverse.

“Where is it?”

Lu Ming became anxious and continued to watch the information in the crystal tower. Soon after, they found out.

On a huge island, the figures of people in black flickered, and in the sky, there was a huge whirlpool.

Obviously, people from the kingdom of the gods of death are cooperating with the evil gods to open the channel on the metaworld side.


Soon, they finally reached a specific location.

Not on Yuanlu, but overseas.

This crystal tower actually hides such a secret. No wonder that alien race was worried about destroying it when he died.

Lu Ming and the others are secretly afraid!

If a foreign race opens this passage and a large army invades, the metaworld will be over.

Once the Metaverse is over, Taiqing Tianyu is also dangerous.

After taking a closer look and checking the information in the crystal tower clearly, they stopped.

“Go, let’s kill the people of the kingdom of death first, and then go to inform the strong in the heavens, and let the heavens send people to guard there!”

Lu Ming’s eyes were filled with cold murderous intent.

He was secretly afraid, but fortunately they found out, otherwise, the consequences would be disastrous.

“Kill, you must kill them, tweeted!”

Bubble also screamed, dancing with his hands, with a fierce look on his face.

The previous generation of Time and Space Rats was equal to Bubble’s mother, but now, after death, her bones are used by foreign races for this toss, and she is not full of murderous intent.

The plan was settled, they left here immediately, and then flew towards the north.

According to the information they have learned, the destination that the alien passage leads to is in the endless sea north of Yuanlu.

There, like the Divine Desolate Continent, it is called the Barren Land.

However, there is no such eccentric as Shenhuang Continent, nor is it as far away from Yuanlu as Shenhuang Continent.

Lu Ming, Dan Dan and Bao Bao in the vicinity of Tu Yi and Lei rushed to the north of Yuanlu.

With the cultivation base of the two people in the Heavenly Emperor Realm, the speed was too fast. Soon after, they left Yuanlu and came to the boundless sea.

They walked along the sea, all the way north.

Two days later, they finally approached their destination.

Ahead, there is an island, huge.

This is not so much an island, as it is a continent, a continent the same as the Divine Desolate Continent, and its area is even larger than the Divine Desolate Continent.

Compared with Yuanlu, it is like an island.

Over the island, a huge whirlpool is suspended there, covering the entire island.

It can be seen that once this passage is opened, how huge it will be, and in an instant, countless evil gods can flood into it.

From a distance, they can see that in the island, there are flashes of black shadows, all killers in the kingdom of death.

“Depending on the situation, that channel should not have been opened yet. The Kingdom of Death is here to cooperate with the Heretic Gods, and want to open the channel as soon as possible!”

Dan Dan whispered.

“We take action, first kill the people in the kingdom of death, and then destroy the big formation here!”

Lu Ming said.

The others nodded.

Huh! Huh!

They moved, not hiding their bodies, and rushed towards the island. After a few breaths, they approached the island.


“Not good, I was found!”

“Kill them!”

One by one, people in black rose into the air from the island, there were thousands of people, and they attacked Lu Ming and them.

Shoo! call out! …

Thousands of sword lights, from all directions, like raindrops, assassinated Lu Ming and the others.


Lei drank coldly and slapped it out with a palm. The endless thunder formed, densely in the air like a spider web, rushing towards those people in black.

Those people in black were completely unstoppable. They were killed directly. From a distance, thousands of people in black fell to the ground like thousands of mosquitoes.


Lu Ming drank coldly, rushed away and rushed into the island.

This island is really big, like a continent.

On this island, I don’t know how many killers from the kingdom of death survive, and obviously, the other creatures on this island have long been killed by them.

As Lu Ming and the others went deeper, people in black kept rushing out of the island.

“Metaworld’s human race, kill!”

Suddenly, bursts of roar sounded, and in the depths of the island, there were burly figures, bursting towards Luming and the others, their breath was extremely shocking.

The Great!

At least there are dozens of great emperors, rushing towards them, the most amazing thing is that these great emperors are actually evil gods.

Metaworld, how come there are so many evil gods?

“No, the passage has probably been torn apart a bit, so some evil spirits have entered!”

Dan Dan’s face changed, extremely solemn.

If this is the case, then the passage is completely opened and it is not far away.

In an instant, those evil **** races had already rushed over.

“Die to me!”

Lu Ming’s hand ~IndoMTL.com~ The Great Wilderness Spear appeared, and the Great Wilderness Spear shook. Spear beams flew out, immediately killing several alien races in the Great Emperor Realm.

At the same time, Tuyi and the others also took action.

The two heavenly emperors took action, the emperor was invincible at all, and he was constantly killed.

However, in the depths of the island, there are constantly flying out of them, all of the evil **** race, the number is huge, and the number is astonishing. From the aura, there are actually more than one hundred powerhouses in the Great Emperor Realm.

Moreover, it is still increasing, and there are not a few peak emperors.

“Come and kill as many!”

In the eyes of the earth, murderous intent was pervasive, and the meteor hammer appeared in his hand, exuding a terrifying aura.


The meteor hammer blasted out suddenly, like a planet smashing forward.

(End of this chapter)


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