Everlasting Dragon Emperor Chapter 2398: Expanding power

However, Lu Ming didn’t take the Xuan family’s affairs to heart at all.

Now, in the Metaverse, his enemies have basically been eliminated by him, and he can almost feel at ease.

Next, Lu Ming still has two things to do. The first thing is to solve the kingdom of death.

The second thing is that of the inheritors of Hunyuanzong.

At the beginning, he passed the Hunyuanzong examination and got the position of the Hunyuanzong golden inheritor. At that time, he got a list.

The records on that list are all inheritors of Hunyuanzong since ancient times, such as silver inheritors and bronze inheritors.

According to the rules, these inheritors must obey Lu Ming.

However, in the past, Lu Ming didn’t dare to rely on his identity as a golden heir to come to the door and order these people.

Because most of these people are now in the Wudi realm.

Inside, there are even real emperors and even characters from the Great Emperor realm.

Looking for these people with Lu Ming’s previous strength might be slapped to death by these people.

But now it’s okay!

Lu Ming plans to subdue all these people first, and then remove the Kingdom of Death.

However, if you want to subdue those people, you need to wait for a while. After the events of the Eternal City are spread out, it will be much easier to do that.

Lu Ming and the others, just settled in Wangu City.

As for the battle of Wangucheng, it spread out at the speed of a hurricane.

Not only spreading in the land of fate, but also spreading to other regions.

For a time, a twelve-magnitude earthquake occurred in the Yuanjie mainland.

Lu Ming returned strongly and wiped out the Mu Family, the overlord force of the Eternal City, and beheaded all the masters of the Mu Family, revealing his terrifying combat power.

But the most amazing thing is that in the end, someone from the Emperor of Heaven tried to kill Lu Ming, but he was easily killed by Lu Ming’s subordinates. Lu Ming’s subordinates actually had terrifying characters from the Emperor of Heaven.

Everyone who heard this news was shaken violently.

They knew that Lu Ming had risen against the sky.

At that time, Lu Ming was asserted by the Emperor Rentian that he could not become an emperor in this life, and was called a waste, a waste body by many people.

But how many years have passed now? Lu Ming rose strongly, his own combat power was actually terribly powerful, and he killed more than a dozen great emperors of the Mu family alone.

That’s more than a dozen great emperors, what kind of record is this, it is scary to death.

What’s more terrifying is that Lu Ming still has Tiandi as his subordinates.

After being heard, there was a daze and speechless.

Everyone knows that an enemyless thing has risen unstoppably.

Time flies, and a month has passed in a blink of an eye.

This month, the whole Yuanlu was talking about Lu Ming.

“It’s time, the first one, Liu’s family, it just happens to be in Wangu City!”

In an inn in Wangucheng, Lu Ming smiled at the corner of his mouth, and then led Dan Dan and others toward one direction.

The Liu Family, a powerful force in the Eternal City, is not weaker than the Xuan Family.

The list of Hunyuanzong records that the ancestor of the Liu family is the inheritor of Hunyuanzong, and he is also the inheritor of silver.

The Liu Family is one of the strongest forces among the inheritors of Hunyuan Sect.

When Lu Ming moved, he was immediately known by those who followed Lu Ming all the time. Immediately, countless people followed Lu Ming from a distance.

“Where is Lu Ming going?

“This direction seems to be the direction to Liu’s house!”

“Does Lu Ming go to Liu’s house?”

Many people secretly guessed.

Now, it can be said that Lu Ming’s every move affects people’s hearts.

The Liu family also got the news early, and the entire Liu family’s senior management was alarmed, and some of the Liu family’s retired veterans all left.

The Liu family was caught in a tense atmosphere.

Lu Ming is coming to their Liu’s house? For what? Did someone in the Liu family offend Lu Ming?

The senior members of the Liu family are extremely anxious.

Lu Ming did not rush, and soon after, Liu’s house arrived.

As soon as Lu Ming arrived, a large group of figures flew out of the Liu family. The first ones were all white-haired old men. They were all powerful men in the Liu family. There were more than a dozen great emperors.

“Little brother Lu Ming is coming here, I really missed you!”

Liu’s Patriarch stepped forward, clasping his fists again and again, smiling all over his face, very polite.

Leave aside, Lu Ming’s own strength alone deserves his politeness.

Now, no one would regard Lu Ming as a young junior, but as a powerful emperor with unpredictable strength.

“You are welcome!”

Lu Ming clasped his fists at random.

“I don’t know what the so-called little brother Lu Ming came to my Liu’s house?”

Liu’s Patriarch asked tentatively.

“I want to see Liu Gao!”

Lu Ming bluntly stated his purpose, and Liu Gao was the ancestor of the Liu family.

“Do you want to see the ancestor?”

Liu’s Patriarch’s expression changed.

“Why? No?”

Lu Ming said.

“Of course you can, but the ancestor is in retreat, we can go to pass the pass, and the little brother Lu Ming can sit inside first, how about?”

The Liu family is the master of the family.


Lu Ming nodded, and then followed Liu’s family into Liu’s house, and Liu’s house immediately served delicious wine and delicacies.

Lu Ming smiled slightly, this is the change brought about by strength.

If there was no battle with the Mu family, no reputation, no strength, Lu Ming rushed to the Liu family, and said that he wanted to see the other party’s ancestor, I am afraid he would be slapped to death by the master of the Liu family.

But now, the other party wants to serve him politely, he just needs to wait.

Lu Ming, Qiuyue and the others chatted first, while chatting and waiting.

They didn’t wait for too long. The head of the Liu family and others followed a wrinkled old man.

“Old man Liu Gao, I have met Little Brother Lu!”

When the old man came, he greeted him with a smile on his face.

This old man is Liu Gao, the ancestor of the Liu family, and the silver inheritor of Hunyuanzong.

Obviously, he had heard about Lu Ming, so he was so polite.

“Senior, you are welcome!”

Lu Ming also smiled slightly.

“Little brother Lu Ming came to see the old man, I don’t know what is going on?”

Liu Gao asked, doubting in his eyes.

“Senior, do you remember what this is?”

A token appeared in Lu Ming’s hand. This token was the golden inheritor token of Hun Yuanzong.

Seeing this token, Liu Gao’s expression suddenly changed, and he blurted out: “Hunyuanzong golden inheritor!”

“Senior, do you remember the vows back then?”

Lu Ming still asked with a smile~IndoMTL.com~ Liu Gao’s face changed sharply.

With his cultivation base, the vows back then can’t restrain him at all, he can break free from the shackles of the oaths.

But the person in front of me is Lu Ming!

An unparalleled talented Tianjiao who had just destroyed the Mu Family, and behind him stood a few terrifying emperors.

He had to be cautious.

“Liu Gao naturally remembers his vows back then!”

After saying this, Master Liu moved, and a token appeared in his hand, which was a token of Hunyuanzong silver inheritor.

Lu Ming didn’t speak, waiting for Liu Gao to follow.

Liu Gao’s eyes flickered as if he was thinking, and finally his eyes calmed down, as if he had made a decision.


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