Everlasting Dragon Emperor Chapter 2267: Joining hands

Lu Ming touched his nose, and he understood that the gap was ten thousand miles away.

Three second realms, nine third realms, this gap is really astonishing.

“The weakest true emperor is that his cultivation base is one star and he controls three second-level laws, while the pinnacle true emperor has seven-star cultivation base and controls nine third-level laws. The difference in strength is too amazing. , Simply relying on one-star, two-star, and three-star, it is impossible to accurately classify the true emperor’s combat power!”

“So, in ancient times, the ancestors made a more detailed division of the true emperor realm, that is, the division of combat power. According to the combat power, the true emperor was divided into eighteen tiers!”

“This is the true emperor’s eighteenth-order combat power!”

Baitai explained.

Lu Ming was stunned and finally understood.

“The true emperor, actually divided the eighteenth-tier combat power!”

Lu Ming also sighed.

“For example, the one that has just broken through the true emperor and only controls the three second-level laws is the weakest true emperor’s first-order combat power. Of course, the same-level combat power can also be strong or weak. Someone has the most control. Strong law, some people control the kingly law, some people control the common law, and the use of magical powers, which also affect combat power!”

“Even if he controls three second-level laws, plus one or two first-level laws, it is also true emperor’s first-order combat power!”

“Similarly, those who control four or five second-level laws, the cultivation base belongs to the one-star true emperor, and the second-order combat power of the true emperor…”

“In short, the division here is very complicated. It is difficult to explain in a few words. I will give you a jade talisman, which contains the detailed division of the true emperor realm’s combat power. Take a look!”

After saying this, a jade charm appeared in Bai Tai’s hand and handed it to Lu Ming.

“Thank you, Senior Bai!”

Lu Ming took it, swept away his spiritual sense, and watched it carefully.

After a while, Lu Ming put down the jade talisman, and finally divided the true emperor realm’s combat power and understood clearly.

In the true emperor realm, the law most affects the combat power, but the cultivation base, that is, the power of the world, the power of the flesh, the magical powers, etc., can also affect the combat power.

So, divide the total combat power into eighteen tiers.

The two Cthulhu races previously beheaded by them had the strength of the fifth-order True Emperor.

Compared, Lu Ming estimated that he had the fourth-order combat power of the true emperor.

Although Lu Ming’s cultivation base is only a five-star virtual emperor, Lu Ming’s physical body is very powerful, which can make up for the lack of cultivation base.

Lu Ming controls nine kinds of laws, but three of them are the strongest. They are transformed into supernatural powers, and their attack power is amazing. In addition, the Chaos Law has reached the second stage, and only then can the true emperor’s fourth-order combat power be achieved.

It’s already amazing.

In history, there has never been a five-star virtual emperor who can reach the fourth-order combat power of the true emperor.

The strongest, it is equivalent to the true emperor’s first-order combat power.

However, Lu Ming also understands that although his combat power is true Emperor Tier 4 combat power, but with the indestructible ancient scriptures, Lu Ming is enough to fight True Emperor Tier 5 combat power, and even consumes energy. The dead opponent, the previous battle, suffices to explain the problem.

“My combat power is the seventh-order combat power of the true emperor!”

White Tai informed.

Lu Ming nodded, no wonder the opponent can easily kill a true emperor’s fifth-order evil **** race.

“Lu Ming, in the battlefield of the True Emperor, only the strong dare to enter, and the worst ones usually have the fourth-order combat power of the True Emperor. The weaker ones do not dare to enter and are easy to be killed! “

Bai Tai Road.

Lu Ming smiled bitterly. It seemed that his combat power was the weakest in the battlefield of Emperor True Emperor.

However, Lu Ming didn’t worry, instead, he was more able to arouse his fighting spirit.

Only in this environment can he break through faster.

In the previous battle, Lu Ming felt that the law of death and the law of formation could soon be broken.

Moreover, Lu Ming has a lot of hole cards, such as Starfall Bow, and the physical body of the Emperor.

“Lu Ming, next, how about we two join forces and hunt down the evil **** race together, what do you think?”

White Tai proposed.


Lu Ming groaned a little, then nodded in agreement.

First of all, he thinks that Baitai is good, not like that kind of insidious person. In addition, he is indeed very strange to the battlefield of the true emperor. Only with Baitai can he better hunt down the evil gods.

“Okay, but the outskirts of the Zhendi battlefield are also very dangerous. There are many masters and cannot be rushed. Let’s find a place to ambush and see if we can ambush the evil gods!”

Bai Tai suggested that Lu Ming naturally had no objection.

The two left here and found a hidden place. Bai Tai took out a piece of black cloth and covered them. Suddenly, they merged with the rocks around them, the colors were exactly the same, and they couldn’t be seen at all.

Furthermore, this cloth has the function of concealing breath. If you don’t get close, you won’t be able to detect it.

Lu Ming secretly wondered, it seems that those who can be active on the battlefield all year round have unique coups.

The two waited like this.

In the first two days, there was no movement at all, no alien races, not even a creature in the heavens.

Nothing happened until the third day!

“Come on!”

Bai Tai’s eyes lit up and he looked to the north.

Lu Ming also looked over, and saw three figures walking across the ground. They were slow and very secretive. If you didn’t look closely, they wouldn’t be able to see it.

A member of the Cthulhu race.

Two burly Cthulhu tribes, and a thin Cthulhu tribe with four arms.

The three evil gods were very careful and looked around carefully to prevent them from being ambushed.

“Senior, shall we take action?”

Lu Ming transmits to Bai Tai.

“Take a shot, but you can’t rush out rashly, you need a strategy!”

Bai Tai Road.

In the True Emperor Realm, it is difficult to judge the strength of the opponent’s combat power when he is not using his hands.

True Emperor Realm is different from other realms. Other realms can be judged somewhat based on the strength of the cultivation base, but True Emperor Realm is hard to say.

Some people have low cultivation bases, but the laws are amazingly strong, and the combat power is naturally amazingly strong.

So in the battlefield of Emperor Zhen, sometimes luck is also very important.

For example, if you ambush a person, if you are unlucky, and ambush a terrifying existence, you can only consider yourself unlucky.

So, for these three evil gods, it is difficult for them to judge the strength of each other.

If he met three people before, Bai Tai would not make a move because it was too risky, but now, he decided to make a move.

“Let’s do this, wait a minute, you don’t take action first, let me take action first to test the opponent’s combat power. If the opponent’s combat power is stronger than me, you will use that bow and arrow to suppress the opponent, and we will retreat!”

“If the opponent’s combat power is within our range, we will fight together to kill the opponent!”

White Tai proposed.

“Senior, would you be in danger like this…”

Lu Ming said, feeling a little moved.

He understood that Bai Tai was protecting him. If the opponent’s combat power was too terrifying and far above them, then Bai Tai rushed out, it would be more fierce, but Lu Ming could at least survive.

“On the battlefield, there is no danger at all.”

Bai Tai smiled.

?? Tell me about the update~IndoMTL.com~ In the past few days, the update has become four chapters a day. That’s because the old man was badly hurt in order to help Lu Ming become the emperor. Quack, joking.

? The real reason is that this book has been written so far, with more than 2,000 pages. It involves too many content, characters, and plots. It takes a lot of time for Xiao Mu to sort out, sort out ideas, conceive, and write. It was very slow, so it became four chapters a day.

? However, Xiao Mu can’t write scribbled, scribbling, writing like that is also irresponsible to everyone. If you write scribbled, Xiao Mu can have five chapters or even six chapters a day, but that’s absolutely ugly, Xiao Mu must I wouldn’t do that, and my state hasn’t been very good recently, so during this time, I can only have four chapters a day. Xiao Mu will try his best to make adjustments.



(End of this chapter)


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