Everlasting Dragon Emperor Chapter 2159: Annihilation

Seeing that he couldn’t escape, the Sect Master of Tianyu Demon Sect began to plead.

“Pray for mercy? It’s really ridiculous!”

Lu Ming smiled faintly.

The Sect Master of Tianyu Demon Sect had almost let Xie Nianqing be robbed for his own selfishness. Later, with the evil spirit cultists, Lu Ming forced Lu Ming to flee Cangzhou.

Is it possible to beg him for mercy now?

The sword of death was swung out, and in the desperate eyes of the Sect Master of Tianyu Demon Sect and the Sect Master of Heaven God Sect, they beheaded.


Lu Ming screamed, sacred power surged, around his body, a spear was condensed, these spears shot through the air, piercing through the strong men of the evil spirit cult and the emperor clan, and hit Kill in the air.

Qiuyue has also taken action. Now that Emperor Wu of the opponent has all been beheaded, under Emperor Wu, how can he contend with Qiuyue is the only way to be killed.

Lu Ming didn’t show any mercy.

This is the evil spirit sect, created by a foreign race to kill the strong and tianjiao of the Metaverse. There is no unbearable saying, only killing all.

People from the emperor clan, Tianshenzong and other forces have already taken refuge in the evil spirit cult, which is no different from the evil spirit cult.

Screams, ups and downs with each other.

This is a massacre!

Lu Ming specially selected the quasi-emperor, the most sage, and the great sage to kill. No one can stop a move. As long as Lu Ming is staring at him, there is only a dead end.

Soon, those in the Quasi-Emperor Realm were beheaded by Lu Ming.


Soon, the Evil Spirit Sect and the Emperor Clan collapsed, and without the heart to resist, they fled frantically in all directions.


Lu Ming yelled, shot frantically, and waved his hand, the spear pierced hundreds of miles, and several masters of the Holy Land were blown up in the air.

At the same time, eighteen puppets from the quasi-emperor realm were hunting wildly.

The scene is like a **** on earth.

Evil Spirit Sect, the people of the Emperor clan, like raindrops, fell to the ground.

“Go ahead, don’t let the evil spirits teach the remnants to escape!”

The Lord of Yunlong Valley roared, and with the powerful men of Cangzhou, he began to hunt and kill the escaped evil spirits and the emperors.

The opponent’s top masters were almost completely killed by Lu Ming and Qiuyue, and the rest is enough to be handed over to Master Yunlonggu.

After a while, Lu Ming was not doing it. Instead, he asked the eighteen puppets to help the Lord Yunlonggu and the others, while he himself went to the depths of the emperor clan.

Although these puppets have not fully born their spiritual wisdom, they already have a sense of ignorance. As long as they give orders, they will follow them.

The puppets of the God Puppet Sect are naturally incomparable with the Tuyi, Jinyi and others in the Chaos Palace.

Tu Yi, Jin Yi and others have been born with spiritual wisdom, and their intelligence is no different from ordinary people. Even the Tu Qian in the back has spiritual wisdom.

This is not determined by the strength of the combat power, but by the strength of the puppet technique.

Lu Ming came to the depths of the Di clan, and his spiritual sense diffused out, covering the borders of the Di clan.

Nothing found!

Lu Ming frowned. It was strange that Di Shitian, the patriarch of the Di clan, was not there.

Suddenly, Lu Ming raised his brows, swooped down, and blasted out with a punch. The ground burst and an underground passage appeared.

Lu Ming flew in.

Under the underground passage, it was deep and quiet, Lu Ming went all the way down, and finally found that there was another universe deep underground, like an underground world.

Among them, piled up with various treasures of the Emperor clan, Lu Ming accepted it unceremoniously.

Here, it should be the place where the Di clan treasures treasures, and the place where Di Shitian retreats, because here, there is a touch of imperial prestige.

However, Duo Di Shi Tian was not seen.

Lu Ming was here, making a big circle, and he took away everything that could be collected.

Then exited here.

As soon as he came out, he found that the two groups were facing each other.

Lu Ming frowned.

One group of people is naturally the master of Yunlong Valley, while the other group is the group of people who haven’t come with Lu Ming before, and headed by the old man with a nose.

“The king, you are too despicable. I asked you to kill the Emperor Clan together before. You were greedy for life and fear of death, and you didn’t dare to kill. Now the Emperor Clan, the evil spirit sect has been destroyed, but you came to fish in troubled waters. Fighting for resources and treasures, shameless?”

Lord Yunlonggu shouted.

“Yun Ruoxu, you have too much appetite, do you want to swallow it alone? Also, in these years, the evil spirits, the emperor clan, have exploited our Cangzhou resources, we should get some back!”

The old man with the hook nose sneered and quibbled, and said: “Also, the storage rings of the masters of the evil spirits, hand it over, you don’t want to swallow it!”

“With me, do you want it?”

At this moment, Lu Ming spoke coldly and stepped forward.


The Lord Yunlonggu showed joy.

Lu Ming stepped into the air, cold eyes flashing in his eyes.

When he heard it, he knew what was going on?

Elders like Eagle Goblin, who were greedy for life and fear of death, did not dare to come to fight, but followed in secret. Seeing that the evil spirit cult and the emperor clan were exterminated, and there were advantages, they would fight for resources.

How can there be such good things in the world?

The old man and the others flashed solemnly when they saw Lu Ming.

Their speed is much slower than Lu Ming.

Actually, they just arrived. In the previous battle, they didn’t see, nor did they see Lu Ming’s great power and even the feat of killing Emperor Wu.

But in the Tianyu Demon Sect before, Lu Ming’s strength still made them very jealous.

Lu Ming waved his hand, and several storage rings appeared in the air.

“These are the storage rings of some of the strongest members of the Emperor Clan and the Evil Spirit Cult. You want them. Come and get them!”

Lu Ming said lightly.

The old man and the others, with a dignified expression, didn’t dare to step forward for a while, but the color of greed in his eyes was very strong.

“Lu Ming, do you really want to give it to us?”

The old man with a hook nose asked tentatively.

“What did you say?”

Lu Ming looked at the old man with a hook nose, with a smile.

The old man with the eagle hook nose knew that Lu Ming was playing tricks on him, his face was ugly, and said: “Lu Ming, the emperor clan, evil spirits teach so many treasures, you want to swallow it, it would be too much, we are also Cangzhou People deserve a share!”

“What qualifications do you have to divide these treasures?”

Lu Ming said lightly, and then said: “Also, I’ll give you the opportunity to call you to join the war. You are greedy for life and afraid of death. You also said that you want to quit the three states and go to other continents. Now, get out! “

“Lu Ming, do you want to drive us away? Don’t go too far, Sanzhou Dadi, it’s not yours…”

The old man with eagle nose angered.

Now ~IndoMTL.com~The emperor clan, the evil spirit sect has been destroyed, and the land of Dizhou, Yunzhou, Cangzhou, and the three states have become unowned. Only some forces in Cangzhou are left. Next, definitely It was them who came to divide up, how could they be willing to leave?

“Lu Ming, don’t go too far. We are also from Cangzhou. You are not qualified to let us leave. Don’t think that if you have some strength, you can do whatever you want, unless you can kill us all!”

The old man yelled.

“Yes, I won’t leave when I die!”

Some people yelled along.


A ray of light flashed, and flesh and blood splashed.

The eyes of the old man with a hooked nose are round, an incredible color.

There was a big, translucent hole in the center of his eyebrows.

(End of this chapter)


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