Everlasting Dragon Emperor Chapter 2095: Goodbye unscrupulous monk

“Well, this batch, let’s start testing!”

The emperor ordered.

This great emperor seems to be only in his fifties, with a majestic aura.

Immediately, an old man stepped out.

“Wait a minute, I will burst into pressure and press on you. You will resist with all your strength. As long as you can withstand 30 breaths and can stand firm, you will be promoted successfully, and those who cannot bear it will be eliminated!”

The old man speaks.

Many people are moved in their hearts. This method is simple.

A group of people are directly together, oppressing with breath, and those who can resist are directly promoted.

In this case, the efficiency is indeed high, and some of the weaker cultivation bases can be quickly screened out.


As the old man’s voice sounded, a terrible breath erupted from the old man, covering the entire platform. “True Emperor!”

Lu Ming judged that this old man was a strong man in the true emperor realm.

As soon as the old man’s breath came out, some people’s faces changed on the platform, their bodies vibrated, and then coughed up blood and knelt directly on the ground.

“Senior, please be merciful, I can’t stop it!”

The young man shouted, feeling that his body was about to be crushed into flesh.

“Go down!”

The old man spoke indifferently and controlled his breath. The pressure on that young man suddenly eased. He hurriedly rushed down the battle platform, gasping for breath.

“It’s overwhelmingly self-reliant to even dare to take the stage in a mere sacred state!”

“This is a battle of ten places, it’s not a small place, and it’s ridiculous to dare to go to the Ming Shengjing!”

Many people shook their heads and laughed.

The battle of the ten places brought together the strongest Tianjiao from the ten places.

The young man’s face flushed red.

Actually, there are more than one like this young man, but many.

Plop! thump! …

On the platform, a large group of young people knelt down and vomited blood.

The cultivation bases of these young people are all around Ming Sheng.

The battle of the ten places really touched people’s hearts. It was the first time in history that countless people paid attention to.

Many young people want to perform on such a stage, hoping to attract attention, so many people with low cultivation level want to participate.

The people vomiting blood in the blockbuster, and finally rushed off the platform to be eliminated directly.

Moreover, as time passed, the pressure on the old man’s body became stronger and stronger.

Behind, even the Tianjiao of the Great Sacred Realm could not resist and was eliminated.

In the end, more than a thousand people, only about a hundred people successfully resisted thirty breaths.

Of course, the state is also different. Some people are shaking, sweating, panting, and apparently doing their best.

Some people are light and breezy, and their complexion is as usual and relaxed.

The list of those who have been promoted will remain on the list and can proceed to the next round.

“You have also seen that if the strength is not good, don’t sign up, so as not to get humiliated and get hurt!”

The middle-aged emperor speaks.

Many young people looked ugly, and finally sighed helplessly.

They originally wanted to show off, but in fact, they didn’t even have the qualifications to participate, and they didn’t even have the qualifications to foil.

The Battle of Ten Places is the stage for the real arrogance.

As long as you can fight in ten places and get a place, it is a great honor, but most people can only be spectators.

Next, someone came forward to sign up one after another.

When there were about a thousand people, the old man exploded again and pressed against the youth on the platform.

This time, the situation is much better. With a thousand people, there are about five hundred people entering the next round.

Because those who have insufficient cultivation skills, I know that I can’t make it through. I will only get hurt when I go up.

Next, the screening continues.

“Xiangxiang, Mo Li, Qiuyue, Huang Ling…”

Lu Ming’s eyes lit up. He saw Xiangxiang, Qiuyue and the others in the crowd.

They are all here, and they are all in the southern theater.

With their cultivation, they naturally passed the screening easily.

“I’ll go up too!”

Lu Ming smiled and started to sign up.

He didn’t rush to recognize Xiangxiang and the others.

“What’s the name?”

On the registration stage, someone looked at Lu Ming.


Lu Ming said.

“Leave your breath!”

The other side said.

Lu Ming nodded, leaving a ray of breath, which is good for distinguishing his identity.

After that, Lu Ming stepped onto the platform.

“My hair, poor monk and unscrupulous!”

As soon as Lu Ming stepped on the platform, he heard a Buddha’s name coming from behind.

Lu Ming’s eyelids jumped. This sound is too familiar to Lu Ming. Although he hasn’t heard it for more than ten years, he will never forget it.

Lu Ming turned around and saw a fat young monk stepping onto the platform.

Unscrupulous monk!

Lu Ming was in a daze. He didn’t expect to meet an unscrupulous monk here.

In the beginning, Wuxin and Wuyue set off before him in the Shenhuang Continent, and came to Yuanlu. They have not seen them for more than ten years.

The unscrupulous monk, as it was more than ten years ago, remains the same, unchanged at all.

When he walked up, he could not help chanting the Buddha’s name when he saw Lu Ming had been looking at him.

“My hair, the benefactor, you stare at the poor monk like this’sentimentally’, are you looking at the poor monk? It’s a pity that you are a man. If you are an alluring beauty, the poor monk can be considered Of!”

The unscrupulous monk said with a smile.

“Go to death!”

Lu Ming curled his lips, this guy hasn’t changed at all.

“Donor, how do I feel that we are deja vu, there is a familiar feeling, over, over, how can I feel this way towards a man?”

The unscrupulous monk began to stare at Luming, then his face became bitter, and he sighed there.

“Get out!”

Lu Ming scolded, and at the same time, he was shocked. This unreliable monk had really keen spiritual sense. He used divine breath technique, but the unscrupulous monk still felt it.


Then, the Buddha’s horn sounded again, and then a few young monks stepped onto the platform.

“No moon, no dust!”

There are a few people, Lu Ming still knows.

The Moonless Lady Bodhisattva is also an acquaintance of the Shenhuang Continent.

The other one is Wuya Temple’s Wuchen, who controls the law of cause and effect, one of the sons of God.

Soon, there were about a thousand more people on the platform, and the old man in the true emperor realm began to explode, and everyone seemed to press a mountain.

However, this pressure is nothing to Lu Ming, and it doesn’t feel much.

Lu Ming saw that unscrupulous~IndoMTL.com~no month, no dust, a few people, the same is true, his face is calm, and there is no reaction at all.

“It seems that Wuliang and Wuyue have been amazingly improved after coming to Yuanlu!”

Lu Ming thought to himself.

Lu Ming was originally unfamiliar with the practice of Buddhism and Taoism. He found that he could not see through the cultivation of a few young monks, as if there was a brilliant golden light in their bodies, which concealed the realm of their cultivation.

Thirty breaths, in a blink of an eye, they all passed the level easily.

“My hair, the donor, have we seen it before? Or you have a relationship with my Buddha, so why don’t you join Buddhism!”

Unscrupulous came to Lu Ming and said with a smile.

“Have fun!”

Lu Ming waved his hand and walked off the platform alone.

(End of this chapter)


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