Everlasting Dragon Emperor Chapter 1998: The weapon of the Chaos Emperor

Yes, what if the opponent will attack aggressively in the future?

Some people showed hopelessness.

“So, we must win this battle. If we can’t win even this small battle, how will we fight in the future, how will we fight decisively, and how will we annihilate the evil gods?”

The voice of Wuxiang Great Emperor suddenly rose, and the aura on his body became stronger and stronger, with the spirit of qi swallowing like a tiger.

Many people’s fists are clenched together.

“Who are you willing to chase after us and win this battle? Annihilate the evil gods, protect your family, protect your lover, and protect your friends?”

The voice of Emperor Wuxiang grew louder and louder, filled with an indomitable momentum.

“Yes, yes!”

Many people yelled and shook the sky.

Especially some young people, they are even more passionate.

Isn’t it the Cthulhu? It’s just a battle. In order to protect what I want to protect, what about the death of the battle?

“Okay, next, we will be divided into three armies, led by the three of me, in the horns, and completely annihilate the evil gods!”

The Emperor Wuxiang announced.

After that, all the strong were divided into three armies, led by three great emperors.

All the forces in Ancient Moon Holy Land follow Emperor Wuxiang.

One day later, the army set out and killed the Cthulhu.

Of course, the Emperor Wu on their side dealt with the emperor-level powerhouses of the other side, and those under the Emperor Wu dealt with those under the Emperor Wu.

This battle almost wiped out the army of the Cthulhu tribe in the north of Yuanshan Holy Land.

After that, the Heretic Gods mobilized armies from several other directions, as well as from the Celestial City, there were also armies coming in, and the two sides fought a fierce battle in the north of Yuanshan Land.

This battle became a stalemate, and it lasted for half a year.

For the past six months, Lu Ming and the others have been fighting each other and tempering themselves all the time, often walking on the edge of life and death.

For them, the improvement is very fast.

Lu Ming’s cultivation base has reached the peak of the sage, slowly approaching the sacred consummation, and his combat power is even more amazing. The general quasi emperor will punch down, and there will be no residue left.

Huang Ling, Long Chen, and Huangli have also made great progress, and each of them has reached the Most Holy Consummation.

Even Luo Tianyi successfully cultivated the light of law.

And Huang Ling, Long Chen and the others have also touched the edge of the light of law.

Hone through life and death. As long as you don’t die, you will achieve amazing results.

If they practice normally, they won’t want to break through without a few years.

The fastest improvement is Lu Xiangxiang. Not only did she enter the Great Sage Consummation very early, she even stimulated her potential in World War I, broke the limit in one fell swoop, and stepped into the most holy realm.

Even Lu Ming admires this speed.

However, after entering the Holy Land, Xiangxiang’s cultivation speed also slowed down.

In the past six months, Lu Ming also brought Ouyang Moli, Xue Ningxin, and Tianhammer to join the war and made great progress.

Ouyang Moli is the body of reincarnation, coupled with the world heart of the reincarnation, the speed of cultivation is even more terrifying, like riding a rocket, catching up with Xiangxiang, it will be a matter of time.

In the past six months, Lu Ming didn’t know how many three-eyed gods were killed and how many resources he obtained. These resources were finally turned into energy and absorbed by the heavenly emperor’s body.

The energy stored in the Emperor’s physical body finally reached 9%, not far from 10%.

After half a year of fierce fighting, they have gained the upper hand, reclaiming all the land occupied by the Cthulhu tribe, and starting to attack Heavenly Emperor City.

However, the Cthulhu tribe in the Celestial City, relying on the walls of the Celestial City, laid heavy defenses.

After many battles, even though countless Cthulhu tribes have been strangled, the Cthulhu tribe can always replenish the number, and it continues.

On this day, Lu Ming just fought for a while and returned to the barracks. An old man came to find Lu Ming.

This old man, Lu Ming knew, was a teacher from the original Yuanshan Holy Academy.

“The three great emperors want to see me?”

When the teacher of Yuanshan Holy Academy Dao Ming came, Lu Ming was a little startled.

What do the three great emperors want to see him for?

Lu Ming didn’t ask much, and followed the teacher from Yuanshan Holy Academy to a military tent.

In the military account, the three emperors are sitting together, seeming to be discussing matters.

“Lu Ming, you are here!”

When seeing Lu Ming, Emperor Wuxiang smiled.

“Meet the three great emperors!”

Lu Ming saluted, and the teacher from Yuanshan Holy Academy retired.

“Lu Ming, this time I am looking for you, I am asking you for help!”

The Emperor Wuxiang smiled.

“Can you help me?”

Lu Ming became even more confused. The emperor asked him for help. What’s the matter? If even the emperor can’t figure it out, it’s useless to find him.

“Lu Ming, you have seen the battle during this period of time. Although we have the advantage and continue to kill the evil gods, the evil gods are always connected, and the number can always be supplemented because of the void. Channel!”

“As long as there is that void passage, we can’t completely annihilate the evil gods. We can only form a stalemate. The land of Yuanshan cannot be stabilized!”

The Way of the Emperor Wuxiang.

Among the three great emperors, Wuxiang Great is better at speech, so in general, the Wuxiang Great always speaks.

Lu Ming nodded. Indeed, the Void Channel is the root. As long as the Void Channel is there, the Heretic God Race cannot be completely annihilated.

But what does it have to do with him? With his current cultivation base, he couldn’t help much at all.

“If you want to defeat the Cthulhu Clan, you must seal the void passage, and you need Lu Ming’s help!”

The Way of the Emperor Wuxiang.

“The emperor said it’s okay, as long as Lu Ming can help, he will never refuse!”

Lu Ming said.

“Okay, we will take you to a place!”

The Great Emperor Wuxiang nodded, and then waved his hand, a force enveloped Lu Ming, and then the space split, and the three emperors led Lu Ming and disappeared into the military tent.

The next moment, they came to a valley~IndoMTL.com~This valley, they didn’t know where it was, it seemed very secretive, and there was a powerful force in the air.

After arriving here, Lu Ming was inexplicably throbbing, as if something was attracting him.

A few people moved forward and came into a recessed ground.


Lu Ming saw on the ground in front of him, there was a huge stone disk, like an array disk, in a circular shape, which looked very old and full of the breath of time.

The stone plate is embedded on the ground, no, it should be said that the stone plate fell from the sky and fell to the ground.

Lu Ming could sense, and it was this stone plate that attracted him.

“On this stone plate, there is an aura of the law of chaos!”

Lu Ming couldn’t help but speak.

“You have sensed it. Yes, this stone disk does have the aura of the law of chaos. We speculate that this stone disk may be used by one of the strongest in the heavens and the emperor of Chaos in ancient times. Weapon!”

Emperor Tianhuo rarely speaks with a deep voice.

“The weapon of the Emperor Chaos!”

Lu Ming’s eyes suddenly widened, showing shock.

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