Everlasting Dragon Emperor Chapter 1981: Terrorist is born

The huge figure struggling, pulling the iron chain, the Time God Island shook, and some places cracked huge cracks, and the entire Time God Island was crumbling.

“Come and help me cut this **** chain of demon suppression!”

The huge figure speaks.

“Yes, my lord!”

The evil spirit leader several people bowed to their orders, and then broke out a terrible attack, attacking the iron chains.

Keng! Keng! Keng!

The cultivation bases of these figures are very terrifying. Although they have not reached the realm of the emperor, they are not far away. Various attacks fall, the iron chains vibrate, and sparks are everywhere.

Together with the help of the huge figure, soon after a while, one of the iron chains snapped off with a bang.

“Hahaha, I am finally going to be born, Hengyu, you did not kill me back then, use my power to suppress the void passage, and in the end you will only be smart and be mistaken by cleverness. I will make you regret it, hahaha!”

The huge figure laughed wildly, and the breath was even more amazing, struggling violently.

Although Emperor Wuxiang was anxious, he was entangled by the demon leader and was unable to stop him.

Keng! Keng!

The sound of the chain breaking came, eight consecutive breaking sounds, and then, a horrible breath rose to the sky, and the sky was swaying.


At this moment, the entire time **** island shattered, and a huge figure stepped out.

As he stepped out step by step, his figure began to shrink, and finally turned into a normal human size, revealing his true face.

This is a dark-skinned middle-aged strong man, naked/naked, and the breath exuding from his body is astonishing. He is no weaker than the Wuxiang Great Emperor, the Demon Lord.

This is also a strong man in the Great Emperor Realm.


The middle-aged strong man punched directly and blasted towards the Wuxiang Great Emperor.

The Great Emperor Wuxiang waved his palm to resist and fought against the demon leader and the middle-aged strong man.

Although the middle-aged strong man has been sealed for countless years and is no longer strong in his heyday, he is still at the emperor level after all. Together with the demon leader, the Wuxiang Great has fallen in the face.

In another world, Ten Thousand Beasts.

A figure also appeared in the cave where Lu Ming was sealed with the second volume of Nine Volumes.

This person’s breath is extremely amazing, and he is also a great emperor.

Moreover, it is not the emperor of the He family, the Heng family, and the great Luo Tianzong, but an unfamiliar emperor.

A huge knife appeared in his hand, and it was cut down with a single knife, and the entire cave was cut in half.


At the bottom of the cave, there was a roar of excitement, which brought up the collision of iron chains.

“Quickly, cut the chain for me!”

In the depths of the cave, there was an excitement.

The man in the air slashed out again with the giant knife in his hand.

Several blades of blades fell, and the sound of broken chains could be heard.


Then, a loud roar sounded, the earth burst, and a huge monitor lizard crawled out from the depths of the earth, just like a giant beast from the wild, terrifying.

This monitor lizard is actually a great emperor-level existence.

“Go, let’s go to other worlds and save others!”

The person in the air spoke, and the space split, he and the monitor lizard stepped into the space and came to another world.

One of the oldest relics in the world, the Heng family is here.

“A powerful creature is sealed!”

Emperor Heng’s face is gloomy.

Suddenly, the space split, and the monitor lizard and the great emperor came here.

The battle broke out directly, the great emperor blocked the Heng family, and the monitor lizard took action to rescue the powerful existence in this ruin.

As a result, the Heng family dared not fall in love with the battle, so he retreated.

The three strong opponents continued to move on to the other worlds ahead to rescue the strong ones who had been suppressed.

The number of the opponents is increasing. For example, the Great Emperor of the He Family, the Great Emperor of Tianzong Da Luo Tianzong met, was directly shocked back, and did not dare to stop.

Soon after, the eight worlds and eight ancient ruins were all rescued.

All the creatures in the realm of the Great Emperor, this is definitely a terrifying force, shocking.

“Return to the eight worlds, move away from the world, open the void channel, and welcome my race!”

A voice came out, and the strong men who had been sealed off returned to their original worlds.

Ten Thousand Seas World, on the other side of the Time God Island, Wuxiang Great, has completely fallen in the wind.

Suddenly, the middle-aged man retreated and retreated to the original position of the God Island of Time. An astonishing wave broke out, a beam of light rose up into the sky, surging in all directions.

At this moment, the entire Ten Thousand Seas Realm is shaking.

Canghai Sea, Mingyan Kingdom, Ruan Tianjiao stood above the palace, looking towards the sky, his face solemn, and whispered: “The world is shaking, roaring endlessly, what is going on in this world? Does it have anything to do with aliens from the sky?”

“Lu Ming, how are you doing?”

Not only Ruan Tianjiao, the entire Ten Thousand Seas Realm, as well as people from other worlds, all looked up at the sky, pale, and felt a sense of fear.

They feel as if a catastrophe is imminent.

In the Ninth World, Lu Ming controlled the Emperor’s Sword and fought the Emperor’s physical body controlled by Xingxinghe, and fought dozens of moves in a blink of an eye.

Suddenly, there was a terrifying roar, as if from outside the sky, one after another, the power was amazing.

Many people’s faces changed drastically, and they don’t know what happened.

“Lu Ming, the sword of the emperor is mine, hand it over!”

Xingxinghe roared, and the emperor’s body rushed towards Lu Ming again.

In his eyes, the Heavenly Emperor’s body and the Heavenly Emperor’s Sword belong to him, and Lu Ming has no right to control it.


Lu Ming controlled the sword of the emperor and fought against the opponent, and he was still stuck in a stalemate with more than a dozen tricks.


Suddenly, the sky and the earth roared, and the whole sky shook violently.

It seems that the whole world is being moved.

Om! Hum!

At this moment, the sword of the heavenly emperor, as well as the body of the heavenly emperor, were shaking involuntarily, exuding radiant brilliance.

The next moment, a figure flew out of the heavenly emperor’s body, it was the star river.

“What’s the matter?”

The star river roars.

The sword of the Emperor of Heaven on Lu Ming’s head shook, and flew out, and was held in his hand by the body of the Emperor.

“What should happen, it happened after all, but I can’t leave it alone!”

The emperor’s body actually opened his mouth to speak. After he said, he stepped out in one step, and the huge figure suddenly disappeared.

“No, my physical body of the Emperor”

The roar of the star river ~ IndoMTL.com ~ extremely unwilling.

The heavenly emperor’s body suddenly left him, which he couldn’t accept.

With the physical body of the Emperor of Heaven, he can instantly become the pinnacle powerhouse between heaven and earth, and become the overlord of one party.

“Warrior, relying on himself, only when he is strong can he be the strongest. It is ridiculous that he only thinks about foreign objects!”

Lu Ming is still calm.

The sword of the emperor flies away, then go, the road to the peak, relying on a sword, after all, can’t last long, only when you improve, is the power that belongs to you forever.

“Lu Ming, **** it”

Xingxinghe drank coldly, and he blamed everything on Lu Ming’s head.

If Lu Ming hadn’t stopped him, and he had left here earlier with the physical body of the Emperor of Heaven, perhaps this scene would not have happened.

(End of this chapter)


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