Everlasting Dragon Emperor Chapter 1975: The Peak Showdown

Xingxing River, but the first arrogant among the younger generation in the land of Yuanshan.

Didn’t it mean that Lu Ming now stands at the top of the young generation in Yuanshan Land, and it is difficult to have an opponent.

The powerhouses of the Golden Crow clan, Wanjia, etc. all have very gloomy faces.

After you go out, you must report this matter and think about countermeasures.

If this continues, Lu Ming has been growing, and it will be a catastrophe for them.

Lu Ming and Xingxinghe fought more than ten moves, and it was difficult to distinguish the outcome.

Xingxinghe seems to be scrupulous after all, afraid of breaking Luo Cangqiang’s armor.


When the roar sounded again, the seal rune that had been covering Luo Sky’s armor collapsed.


Luo Cangqiong exploded frantically, and the law of deprivation was operating at full force, enveloped Lu Ming and swallowed Lu Ming.

Lu Ming’s expression changed slightly. He finally knew why Xingxinghe had confronted him before. His purpose was to destroy the sealing power on Luo Cangqiong and let Luo Cangqiong regain his freedom.

“Eternal Sword Tide!”

How could Xingxinghe miss this opportunity? In an instant, he stabbed thousands of swords, infinite sword light, like the tide of swords, assassinated towards Lu Ming, all of which were the key to Lu Ming.

At this moment, it was impossible for Lu Ming to re-seal Luo Cangqiong, using him as a weapon, and even put himself in crisis.


Lu Ming let go of Luo Cangqiang, his body retreated extremely fast, his fists kept blasting out, and the phantoms of the prison monuments appeared, blocking the sword light that was going to kill him.

As soon as Luo Cangqiong got out of his body, his figure flickered wildly, and he drew a long distance from Lu Ming.

“Lu Ming, I took this down, you wait for me!”

Luo Cangqiong’s angry voice sounded.

“I also took note of this incident, I believe everyone has written it down!”

Lu Ming smiled faintly.


Luo Cangqiong almost vomited blood again, and his body trembled with anger.

Yes, today’s event has been remembered by everyone, and it will even spread throughout the entire Yuanshan Mountain. In the future, when others see him, they will think of today’s scene.

He Luo Cangqiang is just a joke.

He was angry. He wished to sack Lu Ming a lot, wishing to kill all those who witnessed today’s events at the scene.

“One waste, go away!”

Lu Ming didn’t bother to pay attention to Luo Cangqiong, waved his hand contemptuously, and then turned to Xingxinghe.

Luo Cangqiong almost went up to fight Lu Ming desperately.

“Lu Ming, now you don’t have Luo Cangqiong in your hands, let’s see how you can block me!”

The eternal light on the Xingxing River became more and more brilliant, as if the fairy dust was banished, and it did not belong to this world.

“One less waste, just a fight!”

Lu Ming also spoke lightly, turning his holy power to the extreme, surrounded by the light of chaos, like a **** of war.

Huh! Huh!

The two moved at the same time and killed each other.

“Sword of Eternity!”

“Chaotic Tribulation Finger!”

A sword light and a huge finger collided in the air and then annihilated.

The figures of Lu Ming and Xingxinghe also collided.

Lu Ming slashed down again, and a phantom of the prison monument emerged, as large as a mountain, entraining the momentum of suppressing the heavens, suppressing the star river.

Xingxinghe slashed with sword light and slashed open the phantom of the prison monument in one fell swoop.

But facing him are more phantoms of the prison monument.

While Lu Ming waved his hand, a phantom of nine prison monuments appeared, blasting towards the Xingxing River.

At the same time, endless inscriptions appeared on the left hand, heading towards the star river.

This is the power of sealing, to seal the star river.

However, when the power of the seal approached the star river, the eternal light of the star river could not be rushed away, and was blocked, and then the eternal light shook, and the endless runes shattered.

“My body is eternal, and the rule of kingly way, how can I do anything to me?”

The sound of the Star River came out, and at the same time, the terrifying sword light exploded, smashing nine prison monuments in succession.


There is another sword light that penetrates the phantom of the prison monument and kills Lu Ming.

However, when the sword light slashed on the chaotic light, it seemed to have slashed on the copper wall and iron wall, making a squeaky and unpleasant sound, and sparks were shooting everywhere.


Lu Ming screamed, the blood was flying, he borrowed the power of the third bloodline, and crossed the gap with the star river, and the two started a peak battle.

Lu Ming sometimes used the Heavenly Prison Technique to suppress the prison, and from time to time with the Chaos Tribulation Finger, and in line with the law of formation, he exploded with astonishing combat power. Ordinary quasi emperors can be killed with one move.

However, Xingxinghe is indeed powerful, with sword light breaking the sky, eternal incarnation, no weaker than Lu Ming, the two fought hundreds of tricks in a blink of an eye, and they were not divided.


The two banged again, the eternal light and the chaotic light vibrated, and the two of them drifted back at the same time.

“Lu Ming, your secret method is indeed very strong, but the sequelae should be very big, don’t you know how long you can stick to it?”

Xingxinghe’s eyes shone sharply.

He believes that the power of Lu Ming’s third bloodline should be a strange and terrifying secret technique that can increase combat power in a short time, but such secret techniques generally have huge sequelae.

“Try it and you will know!”

Lu Ming smiled faintly, naturally not going to explain.

In the third bloodline, the energy is endless, even if he keeps borrowing it, it will not run out.

“Lu Ming, even if you use the secret technique, you will not be my opponent, then I will let you see, my strongest combat power!”

Xingxinghe speaks coldly, and the eternal light on his body is getting brighter and brighter, as if it is about to burn.

“Eternal clock!”

At this moment, the breath of Xingxing River actually skyrocketed again. His body was shining brightly, and finally turned into a big bell, which enveloped him.


The big bell hummed, and a sound wave, visible to the naked eye, struck towards the landing.

Lu Ming’s face changed suddenly, facing this sound wave, he felt a very dangerous feeling.

Chaos Jiezhi!

Lu Ming did not hesitate to display the Chaos Tribulation Finger, and clicked a finger with all his strength.

But the sound wave rushed past, and the Chaos Tribulation Finger actually exploded every inch, and the terrible sound wave rushed past and continued to rush towards Lu Ming.

“What a terrifying power!”

Lu Ming’s face is solemn~IndoMTL.com~, his figure retreats sharply, and at the same time he bombards out with his fists, blocks of phantom monuments appearing in front of him.

Touch! bump! …

The phantom of the prison monument continued to explode, Lu Ming’s figure trembled, feeling a terrifying force acting on him, as if to tear his body apart.

Even the chaotic light on him is a bit unbearable.

Lu Ming kept backing a hundred miles before successfully resisting this force.

“Heaven, is this the real combat power of Xingxinghe? This is too terrifying. Under Emperor Wu, who is the enemy?”

“Lu Ming is going to lose, he is not an opponent!”

“After all, Lu Ming’s cultivation base is too low, it is difficult to bridge the gap in cultivation base!”

Although there are people fighting, there are still people paying attention to the battle between Xingxinghe and Lu Ming.

(End of this chapter)


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