Everlasting Dragon Emperor Chapter 1901: Last 1


Suddenly, a terrible breath rushed into the sky.

In one of the young people, the holy power surged, and the aura continued to strengthen.

“This is the breakthrough to the holy!”

Someone exclaimed.

There is a king body, and it has broken through to the holy.

In fact, some people have already broken through to the holy before, but they are not kings.

Some people have stayed in the Great Sage Consummation for a long time, and accumulated enough. At this time, in the preaching of the Great Emperor, they realized something and broke through directly.

But the king’s body broke through to the sacred, and it was the first one.

The man took out a lot of rough stones and began to absorb the original energy to improve his cultivation.

Break through the sacred, the movement is very loud, but the rest of the enlightened people are guarded by the energy of the great emperor, and they are not disturbed at all, and can enlighten the Tao with peace of mind.

A few days later, the breath of the breakthrough person converged and opened his eyes, and there was joy in his eyes.

He is the king’s body, now he has broken through to the sacred, his combat power has skyrocketed, and he is considered to be among the group of people who have entered the peak of Yuanshan Sacred Court.

He glanced at the rest of the people, his face sinking slightly.

Among the many king physiques, he was the first to end his enlightenment. Could it be that among the king physique, his talent potential is the worst?


He couldn’t accept this in his heart. He believed that he ended enlightenment early because of his breakthrough.

“I want to see, who can end enlightenment in the last one, is it Xingxinghe, Deathblade, or Lu Ming?”

His gaze swept across the Xingxing River, Death Blade, and Lu Ming. Then they stepped out and left here, watching from a distance.

From this person, every day, a king’s body will wake up.

The cultivation bases of these kings are all very high, some are in the Most Holy, some are in the Great Sage, and the lowest in cultivation are all at the peak of the Great Sage.

In the king body of the Great Sage realm, many people have broken through the realm, but in the most holy realm, there are fewer breakthrough realms.

Boom! boom!

Two and a half months later, an astonishing breath erupted from Long Chen’s body, and he also broke through, consummating from the Great Sage, and assaulting the Holy Realm.

On the second day, Huang Ling also burst into a powerful breath, and she also began to break through.

They were consummated in the Great Sage, and they had accumulated a long period of time, and they had been cultivating hard in the Yuanshan Temple, and finally broke through.

The two broke through successively, making the Phoenix Palace and the Tianjiao of Shen Xiangzong overjoyed.

After Huang Ling and Long Chen woke up, Qiuyue, Luo Xiang, and Huang Li also woke up one after another.

Shortly after Qiuyue broke through the holy sage, naturally he did not break through so quickly, but the harvest was also very great. The cultivation base was approaching a lot of the holy sage, and the magical powers also improved a lot.

And Luo Xiang, due to insufficient accumulation, did not break into the most holy realm, but he also reached the limit of the Great Sage’s Consummation.

As for Huangli, more than five months ago, he broke into the Most Holy, but there was no breakthrough, but he had reached the limit of the Most Holy Xiaocheng, and he was not far from the Most Holy Dacheng.

Everyone’s gains are great.

As time passed, the remaining royal bodies also woke up one by one.

Suddenly, one of the remaining enlightened people exploded with an astonishing breath.

Someone broke through the repair.

It’s Luo Cangqiong!

“Haha, my brother Luo Cangqiong, his cultivation base has broken through, from the most holy to the most holy perfection!”

Luo Pokong was ecstatic.

I stepped into the Most Holy Consummation.

Many people are shocked.

Luo Cangqiong is already very powerful, ranking tenth in the Saint Kings List. Of course, the Saint Kings List may not be accurate, but it is also not trivial.

At this time, the cultivation base broke through again, and it was undoubtedly stronger.

Qiuyue, Huang Ling, Long Chen and others, their faces are not very good-looking.

Luo Cangqiong is destined to oppose them, and the opponent breaks through, which is not good for them.

Soon after, Luo Cangqiong finished his breakthrough and woke up.


After Luo Cangqiong woke up, he looked at Lu Ming, who was still enlightening, and snorted coldly. An icy murderous intent flashed in his eyes. He wanted to take the opportunity to kill Lu Ming, but he looked at the Wuxiang Great Emperor who was sitting there. After all, I didn’t dare to do it.

If you offend a great emperor, even if his grandfather is also a great emperor, I’m afraid he won’t be able to keep him.

“It’s not too late to kill you when you wake up!”

Luo Cangqiong whispered, then left here and stood watching from a distance.

Three months later, only three people are still enlightened.

Xingxing River, Dead Blade, and Lu Ming.

“Sure enough, the three of them stayed for the end, the Son of God, it really is not trivial!”

Someone sighed.

“Huh, it’s just that the time for enlightenment is longer, it doesn’t mean much, and the level of achievement in the future, who is accurate now!”

A king’s body snorted coldly, obviously dissatisfied.

“Yes, although the sons of God are strong, their advantages will not be so obvious after entering Wudi, and their future achievements may not be higher than the king’s body. In history, many kings’ final achievements, Have surpassed the Son of God!”

“Yes, there are even those who are not in the king’s body, who have reached the peak and surpassed the Son of God!”

Others also spoke up.

The people standing here are all Tianjiao, all arrogant, how can they easily convince others.

Being ahead now does not mean that we will be leading in the future. After entering the Emperor Wu, everything becomes possible.

Time, ten more days passed.

On this day, Xingxinghe and Deathblade almost ended their enlightenment at the same time and opened their eyes.

The cultivation base of the two did not break through, because it was rumored that the two had just broken through before the emperor preached.

The two looked at each other, and there was a cold light flashing, and then they looked at Lu Ming.

Lu Ming is still enlightening.

Dead Blade’s eyes moved, not knowing what he was thinking, and then he moved and left here.

As for Xingxinghe, a ray of sharp light flashed in his eyes.

He originally thought that he would be the last to end his enlightenment, but he didn’t expect that there would be people who persisted longer than him.

“Are you Lu Ming? Ha ha!”

Xingxinghe sneered, then stepped out and flew into the high altitude in the distance.

On the scene, Lu Ming is the only one who is still enlightening.

Everyone’s eyes fell on Lu Ming.

“Unexpectedly, Lu Ming persisted for longer than Xingxinghe and Deathblade, which is really amazing.”

“Is his talent potential higher than that of Star River and Death Blade?”

Some people talked.

“Huh~IndoMTL.com~Who knows if this person is pretending to be, but in fact, he woke up a long time ago, but deliberately pretended to be still enlightened!”

Luo Pokong spoke, eyes full of jealousy.

“Are you doubting the judgment of the Emperor Wuxiang? You really seem stupid to say this!”

Qiuyue looked at Luo Pokong and sneered.

Qiuyue, in front of Lu Ming, completely restored her previous character, behaved and obedient.

But in front of others, it looks different, the same as before losing memory. This may be related to the experience of Qiuyue during this period of time.


Luo Pokong stagnated, his face gloomy, but he couldn’t refute it.

The Great Wuxiang was still there. If Lu Ming had pretended to be like this, how would he have known that the Great Wuxiang would have let him leave long ago.

(End of this chapter)


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