Everlasting Dragon Emperor Chapter 1887: Bait

Among dozens of sword evil spirits, there are three war swords.

These three war swords, at first glance, are not physical, not real war swords, but a kind of extremely pristine sword energy condensed and inserted on the ground.

This is Jianyuan!

Dozens of sword evil spirits surround the three sword sources.

Sword Demon can absorb the energy from the source of the sword and strengthen oneself, so every sword source is protected by the Devil.

There are three sword sources here, and there are naturally more swordsmen guarding them.

“The source of three swords!”

In the gentle eyes of the place of Wu, there was a glow of blazing heat.

“What to do?”

Someone asked.

“It is not advisable to fight recklessly, otherwise it will be more troublesome to alarm the other swordsmen. The best way is to attract the swordsmen, and then use powerful combat power to instantly capture the three swordsmen!”

A scheming light radiated from Chief Wu’s eyes, and then he arranged: “You, and you, go to separate the sword evil spirits, we have the strongest cultivation base, and instantly seize the three sword sources!”

Chu Wu pointed at Lu Ming and Qiuyue, as well as some other people who joined the team later.

“Shall we lead?”

Someone raised a question.

“Yes, in this sword tomb, only by cooperating with each other can we maximize our strength and obtain more resources. Don’t worry. After we get the sword source, we will divide evenly, and you won’t lose a cent. !”

Wu Chudao.

“Okay, let’s get it!”

The man nodded, and the others had no objection.

Lu Ming and the others slowly approached Jian Sha from several directions.

When they got close to a certain distance, the sword evil spirits spotted them, and their eyes shot sharp rays of light.

Shoo! call out! …

After that, those sword evil spirits turned into sword lights, chasing Lu Ming and the others.


Lu Ming pulled Qiuyue, turned around and ran.

The same goes for the others, turning around, running away, and disappearing here in a blink of an eye.

On the side of Jianyuan, there are only seven or eight sword evil spirits left.

“Find some bait, it’s really good, it can save a lot of effort!”

Beside Wu Chu, a middle-aged man sneered, looking in the direction where Lu Ming and others were leaving, with a mocking smile.

“It’s not too late, let’s do it and take three sword sources!”

Wu Chu opened his mouth, stepped out, and killed seven or eight sword evil spirits. His cultivation base was sacred and perfect. With a palm shot, two sword evil spirits were defeated and turned into energy and plunged into the ground.

The other people on the side of Wu Chu also worked together, the breath bloomed, and they were all in the Most Holy Realm.

Everyone worked together, seven or eight sword evil spirits, and they didn’t resist for long before they were killed.

Lu Ming and Qiuyue rushed at extreme speed, but the sword evil behind them was surprisingly fast, and they kept narrowing the distance between them.

“This sword evil is so fast, it really looks like a sword light is flying, and there is a most holy sword within it!”

Lu Ming’s heart moved, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

“Qiuyue, come here!”

Lu Ming transmits sound to Qiuyue.

Qiuyue stopped abruptly, waved her hand, two scimitars flew out, spun at extreme speed, and swept towards several sword evil spirits.

Several sword evil spirits, there is an existence equivalent to the most sage Xiaocheng, the others are all of the great sage level, and they are not Qiuyue’s opponents at all. Two scimitars rolled over, several sword evil spirits collapsed and transformed The energy dissipates.

Ah! what! …

At this moment, there were screams in other directions.

Obviously, it was the screams of other people who attracted sword evil spirits.

Lu Ming’s eyes grew colder, and then he returned to the same place with Qiuyue.

At this time, Chu Wu and others had obtained three sword sources, and they were moving backwards, and they were a little surprised to see Lu Ming and the two returning.

“It seems that these two people are at the rank of Tianjiao, and the swordsman at the most sacred level can’t help them!”

Chan Wu’s eyes flashed, and then he showed a gentle smile, saying: “Little friend Lu Ming, come back to the team, let’s withdraw first!”

Lu Ming nodded, and the two of them kept quiet, returned to the team, and retreated back.

Soon, the place where the source of the sword was obtained just now, a shrill roar sounded, obviously it was the sword evil who came back and found that the source of the sword was missing, and then let out a roar.

Shortly afterwards, a few more people who sought to attract Jian Sha returned to the team. The cultivation bases of these people were not weak, and they did not die in Jian Sha’s hands.

“Chan Wu, where’s Jianyuan, you said you want to divide it equally!”

One person looked at Wu.

“Haha, don’t worry, I have only got three sword sources now. I will keep them for the time being. After I get more sword sources, I will naturally share them equally!”

Chu Wu laughed.

The man snorted coldly and didn’t say much.

A sneer appeared at the corner of Lu Ming’s mouth, and there was a sharp flash in Qiuyue’s eyes, but neither of them said much.

Everyone continued to move forward, and soon afterwards, Chief Wu felt again.

“Ahead, there is another sword source!”

There was a hint of joy at Wu.

Everyone moved forward and found the source of a sword in a mountain col.

The source of a sword, the guardian sword evil, is relatively small, only about three.

“Let’s take action together and destroy these sword evil spirits!”

Wu Chudao.

There are only more than ten sword evil spirits, and there is no need to draw them away. Lu Ming and the others have good combat power. Keep them first, and they are probably useful.

There was a sneer at the corner of Wu Chu’s mouth, and his face suddenly changed in the next moment.

On the other side, the figure flickered, and a dozen figures appeared there.

These are all martial arts powerhouses. Obviously, they are the people who entered the sword grave before.

There are many people in the Sword Tomb. Every few days, someone will come and enter the Sword Tomb for adventure. No one knows how many people are in the Sword Tomb.

Obviously, the opponent is also the one who ventured into the Sword Tomb.

The other party also saw Lu Ming and the others, one by one they looked badly, and some showed murderous intent.

Chu Wu and their faces became gloomy.

“Go away, that sword source is ours!”

Someone in the opponent’s crowd said coldly.

“It’s you guys!”

Chu Wu sneered.

How could he easily miss the sword source to the mouth.

He turned his eyes and fell on Lu Ming and the others.

“Go and stop them, some of us go get the sword source!”

Cho Wu gave Lu Ming, Qiuyue, and a few others a voice message.

These people~IndoMTL.com~ are the people who just went to attract Jian Sha, that is, the people they found to be the bait.

“Sure enough!”

A sneer appeared at the corner of Lu Ming’s mouth.

“We want us to stop them, joking, there are many strong people in the other party, we are going to die, I refuse!”

A chunky man shook his head and refused directly.

There is absolutely no shortage of masters who can form a team to walk in the Sword Tomb. Among the dozen opponents, at least half of them are the Most Holy, and there may even be strong people who are the same as Wu Chu, the Most Holy Consummation.

Let them stop each other in the past, which is obviously to die.

Chan Wu’s gaze was cold, and he said, “Don’t worry, you will stop them for a while, and when we get the sword source, we will help you. For a while, I believe you can stop it!”

(End of this chapter)


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