Everlasting Dragon Emperor Chapter 1771: Fair One Battle

The white robe old man’s voice fell, and his figure disappeared.

Everyone stepped forward and stepped on the stairs, and the four of Lu Ming also stepped on the stairs separately.

The ladder is no different, just like an ordinary ladder, to everyone, it is like a flat ground. If everyone uses their body skills, they can climb to the top of the mountain in a few steps.

However, everyone remembers that the white-robed old man must step on it step by step, otherwise, he will be eliminated.

Lu Ming and the others went up step by step, but this ladder was really very high. The number of ladders was at least 100,000. They walked for several hours before they stepped on it. It’s just a short cut.

“Huh, why do you need to go step by step with this ordinary ladder!”

At this moment, a young man snorted coldly and looked a little impatient.

“You idiots, climb slowly, my master will go one step ahead!”

The young man showed joy on his face, looked at other people with disdain, and then stepped out again, stepping across tens of thousands of stairs.

This time, before he was happy, a beam of light suddenly appeared and enveloped him.


The person yelled, and in the next moment, his figure disappeared and he was teleported out.

“Be smart and know that you are an idiot!”

Someone sneered.

Next, everyone naturally didn’t dare to learn from that young man, they all climbed up step by step.

Over 100,000 steps, if ordinary people, ten days and a half months, they may not be able to climb, but for everyone, it is not too difficult.

A little more than a day, they set foot on the top of the mountain one after another.

On the top of the mountain, there are a series of magnificent temples, and it is difficult to see the end at a glance.

They appeared on a piece of Guangcheng, and in front of them was the door of a temple. At this time, the door was open.

The crowd pondered for a moment, and they stepped into the hall one after another, followed a passage, and finally came to a strange place.

The first thing that catches your eyes is the stone pillars, there are hundreds of them, on the stone pillars, there are wonderful fluctuations.

In front of the stone pillar, there is a huge battle platform.

At this moment, the figure of the white-robed old man appeared again.

“Don’t you want a battle? Now, I give you a chance to fight!”

The voice of the white-robed old man came out.

This remark made many people’s eyes burst into bright light.

Especially the body of Chaos, with extremely cold eyes, with a slight grin, he looked at Lu Ming.

“Now, let’s see how you die?”

The body of Chaos whispers.

However, Lu Ming’s face was calm.

He doesn’t believe it, just fight directly like this, without any restrictions. If this is the case, if their cultivation base is weak, there is no need to compare them, and they can go back directly.

No one can fight to the sacred realm in the Mingsheng realm, not to mention that the opponent is also a rare Tianjiao.

Sure enough, the voice of the white-robed old man sounded again: “But this battle requires fairness. I will seal your true essence, seal your cultivation base at the stage of Mingsheng Xiaocheng, and each of you The strength of human sacred power is the same!”

“In addition, I will also seal all your laws, magical powers, martial arts, and spiritual bodies, so that all of you are at the same level!”

Many people’s faces have changed. According to the white-robed old man, almost all the methods are blocked, and the holy power is the same, how can you compare them?

“Have you seen those stone pillars? Each stone pillar has a secret technique on it. Wait a minute, you choose the stone pillar yourself and understand the secret technique on it. I will give you half a month, half a month later. , The way you fight against each other depends on the secret technique learned on the stone pillar!”

White Robe continued to explain.

Lu Ming’s heart moved, and sure enough, this is the fairest thing, sealing everyone at the same level, and then relying on the secret technique learned on the stone pillar to confront the enemy.

The harvest in the past half month directly determines a person’s combat power.


At this moment, the white-robed old man exudes a strange wave, and then there is a power that floods into everyone’s body. This power, high above, unable to resist, directly seals everything about them.

“My sacred power is really only the sacred power of Ming Sheng Xiaocheng!”

“There are still laws, and they can’t be used anymore, and magical powers and martial arts, none of them can be used!”

“My spirit body is just equivalent to the inferior heavenly spirit body!”

A sound of voices sounded, and everyone found that they were really sealed, except for the sacred power of Ming Sheng Xiaocheng, everything else could not be used.

“My Sacred Heart, only one can work!”

Lu Ming was also secretly surprised. This white-robed old man is definitely an unimaginable existence. Although it is only a projection, the method is hard to guess.

Then, the old man waved his hand, and various auras erupted from the stone pillars.

There is a sword intent soaring into the sky, there is a bright sword light, there is the breath of boxing, there is the breath of palm…

Various, everything.

The eyes of everyone flickered.

In such a comparison, what kind of secret technique to choose will be very particular.

Choose the type of secret technique that you are familiar with, and realize it, naturally you have to be faster, and only after half a month can you gain the advantage.

This battle mainly tested two aspects.

The first aspect is naturally the comprehension in the past two months.

The second aspect is personal combat awareness. The stronger the combat consciousness, the more often they can be defeated under the same cultivation base.

“Don’t worry about comprehending on it, no one can disturb!”

The white-robed old man added another sentence, letting everyone relax and not worry about being attacked by others in the process of comprehension.


A young man leaped forward, jumped onto a stone platform full of swordsmanship, and then sat cross-legged.

“The stone platform is mine!”

Next, someone jumped onto a stone platform full of swordsmanship.

Of course, there is more than one stone platform full of sword intent, or full of swordsmanship, and there are duplicates.

The four of Lu Ming also jumped onto the stone platform one after another, looking for suitable secret techniques.

Lu Ming directly jumped onto a stone platform full of spear intent. Since his practice, he has practiced spearmanship for the longest time and has the deepest understanding of spearmanship. Only by choosing a stone platform full of spear intent can he gain the most.

Immediately ~IndoMTL.com~ Lu Ming sat cross-legged, the stone platform glowed, and a light curtain enveloped him, and outsiders could not disturb him.

Panlong Gun!

After Lu Ming closed his eyes, a voice rang in Lu Ming’s mind. Then, the surrounding environment changed. Lu Ming seemed to have come to a vast place. In the sky, there was a figure flying horizontally and horizontally. A spear danced like a real dragon hovering.

Lu Ming watched it carefully.

One hour later, if Lu Ming has gained something, a spear condenses in his hand and begins to practice.


The spear was swung, like a real dragon hovering, and the strong wind roared with amazing power.

After practicing for a while, Lu Ming stopped and continued to watch the figure in the sky.

In this way, Lu Ming was immersed in deep-level training, time passed quickly, and Lu Ming’s comprehension of the Panlong spear was getting deeper and deeper.


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