Everlasting Dragon Emperor Chapter 1689: Wicked Collision

“Damn it!”

Luo Shuihan’s face was gloomy.

It’s a **** son, with no expression at all.

“Junior brother killed well!”

After Lu Ming returned to the stand, Tianhammer laughed.

After that, the competition continues.

Compared to the first round just now, this competition is much more intense. Many people have gained points and naturally will not give up easily. Unless they encounter the top ten evildoers and the difference is too large, they will directly admit defeat.

One after another.

The top ten evildoers level characters, without a doubt, the opponent will concede defeat without having to shoot.

In this round, Xue Ning was out of luck and met Wang Jian, one of the ten evil evildoers, and had no choice but to give in.

The Skyhammer, with good luck, met another person of the same level, defeated his opponent, and scored two points.

When the second round of 30 competitions were all over, 16 people were eliminated, only 44 people, and they can continue to participate in the competition.

And Dragon God Valley, there are seven people, the points are still the first.

Next, the third round begins.

In this round, Lu Ming’s luck didn’t know whether it was good or bad. He actually encountered another half-holy person in the first stage. The opponent did not admit defeat. At the beginning of the competition, he rushed towards the edge of the battle platform. Lu Ming Without pursuing, let the opponent rush off the battlefield.

In this way, Lu Ming easily scored three points.

Zi Feng, of course, was also a victory and also scored three points.

However, the good fortune of the Skyhammer is over. In this round, he also encountered one of the ten evil evildoers, and it was Demon Yang.

The Sky Hammer directly surrendered and let the Demon Yang snort coldly.

The Sky Hammer has repeatedly mocked the Demon Yang. If the Sky Hammer does not admit defeat, he will definitely kill the Sky Hammer.

After the third round of the competition, there are only thirty people left.

Afterwards, the number of people will become smaller and smaller. So, in the beginning, there are 80 people. In theory, everyone will fight 80 games, but in reality, there is no need to fight that many.

In the fourth round, there were only thirty people playing against each other.

The cultivation base of these thirty people can be said to be very strong.

At this point, all the people in the first stage of Semi-Holy have been eliminated, and the rest are all in the second stage of Semi-Holy.

Of course, other people have never known Lu Ming’s specific cultivation level, because Lu Ming has always used hallucinations to cover it up.

Break the yuan and continue to draw lots.

This round of battle is undoubtedly more intense. Many people have similar cultivation bases, so naturally they will not easily admit defeat. The battle is extremely fierce.

I don’t know if it was luck. In this round, among the ten evil spirits, they still did not meet together, but defeated their opponents separately.

In this round, Lu Ming met a semi-holy second-stage opponent. The opponent would naturally not admit defeat. After a battle with Lu Ming, Lu Ming deliberately entangled the opponent with dozens of strokes before hitting the opponent. Off the battlefield.

When this round is over, there are still twenty-six people left.

The points of Dragon God Valley is still ahead.

“Hmph, then Lu Ming won’t be arrogant for long!”

Someone from the Heavenly God Sect said uncomfortably.

Fifth round, sixth round…

Slowly, the number of people is getting smaller and smaller.

After the eighth round, there are only eighteen people left.

Lu Ming’s luck was surprisingly good. He has never encountered a figure of the top ten evildoers. He won all the way and scored eight points.

And among the ten great evildoers, they didn’t even meet each other.

At this time, the ninth round began.

“Wang Jian, Demon Yang!”

At this time, the sound of breaking Yuangui sounded, which shocked many people’s hearts.

Finally, among the ten great evildoers, are they going to collide?

The highlight is coming.

Now, there are only eighteen people left, including nine of the ten evil evildoers, and they will definitely meet.

Next, is the really exciting place of Dingbao Conference.

Before, the ten evil evildoers swept other people, and everyone scored eight points.

But then, some people’s points will stop growing, and some people will continue to grow. The total points of the top ten sects will increase the distance.

Wang Jian, Demon Yang, the two boarded the battlefield and looked at each other.

“Moyang, three years ago, you were not my opponent, this time, you are also not my opponent!”

Wang Jian opened his mouth, and his sword spirit rushed into the sky.

Wang Jian, the peerless evildoer of the Nine Heavens Sword Sect, powerful in combat and unparalleled in swordsmanship.

Three years ago, when Luo Shuihan had not yet risen, Wang Jian ranked second among the ten evil evildoers, competing with the son of God. Unfortunately, three years ago, he was defeated not only by the son of God, but also by Luo Shuihan. Fell to third.

“How do you know if you don’t fight? I will defeat you in this battle!”

The devil yang speaks, full of devilish energy soaring into the sky, like a demon god.

When the referee announced the start, the two moved at the same time.

“Sword swing for nine days!”

“The Devil’s Roaring World!”

The two are old opponents. Once they make a move, they burst out with all their strength. There is nothing to tentatively. There is a fierce confrontation. The rules are permeated on the battle platform, with constant roars and terrible collisions.

All around, everyone watched intently. Many people were shocked, marveling and marveling at the combat power of the two.

However, after Lu Ming watched for a while, he was not interested.

With this level of combat power, he has seen a lot on the battlefield of a hundred races and has no interest.

Moyang and Wang Jian fought hundreds of moves. In the end, Wang Jian prevailed and defeated Moyang and continued to win.

Of course, the Demon Sun was defeated, and the fight could continue later.

Moyang returned to the stand with a cold face, and the test continued.

Next, after two games, another heavyweight duel came.

It’s another duel between the ten evil evildoers.

Zi Feng, fight against the evildoers of the Palace of Heavenly Kings, Wang Zicong.

This battle can be described as evenly matched. The two fiercely fought hundreds of moves. In the end, Zifeng won by one move and won.

“Lu Ming, Lu Yuan!”

The sound of breaking Yuangui sounded.

“Lu Yuan, a member of the Heavenly God Sect!”

Lu Ming finally got his spirits, stepped out and appeared on the battlefield.

Finally, I ran into the Tianjiao of the Tianshen Sect again.

Lu Yuan, stepped onto the battle platform and stood opposite Lu Ming.

“Lu Ming, it seems that there is no need for Senior Brother Luo Shuihan to take action, you are going to die in my hands!”

Lu Yuan’s eyes are cold, his body is filled with cold metallic luster, his breath is extremely powerful.

Lu Yuan’s combat power is very strong, and he is also an upper-class spirit body. His cultivation has reached the third stage of the semi-sage, the level of the law tank.

In Cangzhou, he is second only to the top ten evildoers.

Actually, the remaining eighteen people~IndoMTL.com~Nine people are evildoers, and the other nine people are all second only to the top ten evildoers. All of them are supernatural arrogances. It’s the place, eyeing up.

“So much nonsense!”

Lu Ming spoke lightly.


When the referee announced the start, Lu Yuan roared and rushed towards Lu Ming. The metal luster on his body became more intense, and the whole person seemed to be turned into a piece of metal.

He did not practice the Holy Light Technique, the core technique of the Gods of Heaven. It was just because the spirit body did not conform to it, but it was still terrifying.


Lu Ming blasted out with a punch and bombarded with Lu Yuan.


It was like two iron blocks hitting each other, Lu Yuan’s body shook, and he stepped back several steps in a row. Of course, Lu Ming also stepped back symbolically.


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