Everlasting Dragon Emperor Chapter 1505: 10 great evildoers


Suddenly, on another lake, a silver light flashed and flew out through the air, piercing a human warrior and sprinkling blood on the spot.

Everyone saw that it was a silver swordfish, as long as a silver divine sword.

The swordfish killed one person, fell into the lake and disappeared.

Ah! what!

At the same time, there were several screams, and several water monsters rushed out of the lake, killing several people.

“Not good!”

Many people’s faces changed drastically.

Just now, the surface of the lake has been calm and calm. They thought that there were no creatures under the surface of the lake. They didn’t expect that suddenly there were so many monsters in the water that attacked them.


The surface of the lake rolled. This time, from the surface of the lake, countless water monsters rushed out and attacked everyone.

Some are not strong, but some are very scary.

“Kill, kill these monsters!”

Someone shouted and attacked the monster beast in the water.

The melee broke out in an instant.

Water monsters are constantly being killed.

The human martial artist who can enter here is not weak. It was just a momentary care. A few people were killed. Now they are fighting back with all their strength. Suddenly, large swaths of water monsters were beheaded here.

“Terran warrior, get out of here!”

A huge octopus flew high in the sky, roaring like thunder.

Eight huge tentacles waved out, wrapping up a Wuhuang seventh strong man. Under a shock, the Wuhuang seventh strong man was abruptly killed.

Following a flick of a tentacle, he killed the two martial artists of the Sixth Layer of Martial Emperor.


This octopus is actually Wu Huang Kou’s existence.

“Naughty animal, I will kill you!”

An old voice sounded, and an old man stepped into the air and attacked the octopus. The two fought together.

Lu Ming, Tianhammer, and Xue Ningxin were also attacked.

A group of lobsters came to kill the three.

These lobsters, covered in iron armor, are invulnerable, and have amazing defenses.

The one headed by is the existence of Wu Huang Qizhong.


Lu Ming pierced a Wuhuang five-layer lobster with a shot.

“So hard!”

Lu Ming felt that the defense power of this Wuhuang five-layer lobster was stronger than many Wuhuang six-layer human warriors, and it was even harder to kill.

“On the side of the lake, there are so many powerful monsters in the water, it’s not easy!”

Lu Ming thought in his heart.

Monsters are generally divided into two types as their realm improves.

One kind, transforms into a human form, forms forces, and even joins the human clan, comprehends the great avenues of heaven and earth, and practices the laws of heaven and earth.

This kind of cultivation path is very similar to the human race, and is called a demon cultivator!

The other one does not transform into a human form, but always retains the form of a beast. It lives in deep mountains and lakes. It continues to cultivate with the nature of the beast, develops the beast body, and retains the beast. This kind is generally called a fierce beast, a wild beast. .

This kind of fierce beast, the savage beast, will be more ferocious, and some of its combat power will be shocking.

Obviously, the monster beasts in the water in this lake belong to the fierce beast.

The fighting between the two sides was fierce, but there were more masters on the human side, even Wuhuang Bae and Wuhuang Jiuzhong, all of whom were strong in the small forces near Qilong Lake.

Slowly, the human race took the upper hand, and the monster beasts were beheaded here, and the lake was stained red with blood.


Suddenly, the water of the lake rolled, and a huge black shadow sprang out of the lake, swallowing a powerful man of Wuhuang eightfold into the mouth.

It was a pitch-black giant snake, thousands of meters long, with a rage and terrifying breath.

Swallowing a Wuhuang eight-fold powerhouse in one bite is amazing.

“Not good, the peak of Emperor Wu, a semi-sage Cang Ming water snake!”

Someone yelled in horror.

The three of Lu Ming were also shocked.

The peak of Emperor Wu, also known as Semi-Holy, has stepped into the Holy Realm with one foot, and is extremely powerful. Here, there is such a terrifying giant snake.

But there is an even more amazing scene.

Another Cang Ming Water Snake appeared on another lake surface. The breath was not weaker than the previous one. With a flick of its tail, it knocked out a powerful man of Wu Huang’s ninth layer, vomiting blood.

Two Cang Ming water snakes, there are two such terrifying Cang Ming water snakes in Qilong Lake.

“Outsiders, get out of me, otherwise, kill without mercy!”

A Cang Ming water snake roars and rises into the air like a real dragon.

The huge body curled up, killing a powerful man of Wuhuang Nine Layers.

The powerhouse of Wu Huang Jiuzhong was shocked.

Wu Huang Jiu Zhong, basically stood at the top of Wu Huang, but compared with the existence of the semi-sage level, I don’t know how far behind it.


This powerful man of Wuhuang Nine Layers was blown out by a single blow, vomiting blood and his face was pale.

“If you don’t leave yet, then kill without mercy!”

Another Cang Ming water snake made a cold voice.

“What a big tone, I think you can kill who?”

At this moment, a stern voice came from high above, and then, a milky white holy light descended from the sky and blasted towards a Cang Ming water snake.


Cang Ming Water Snake opened its mouth and spit out, and a black water rushed towards the milky white holy light, but when the water came into contact with the milky white holy light, it was penetrated by the holy light.

The holy light fell on Cang Ming’s water snake, Cang Ming’s water snake screamed, and the large scales were shot down, and blood was flowing.

“So strong!”

Everyone was shocked, and one stroke wounded the Cang Ming Water Snake who had entered the semi-sacred realm. Could it be that the strong of the holy realm made the move?


In the sky, there was a strong pressure. Everyone looked up and saw a young man wearing a white robe and even his shoes. They were all white. Step by step, he stepped into the air, his whole body exuding milky white. The holy light is like a god.

“Tian Shenzong, God Child!”

When Xue Ningxin saw this person, he whispered, and his pupils contracted.

“What? This person is the son of God!”

The Sky Hammer also exclaimed, and then, a strong war spirit appeared in his eyes.

Heavenly God Sect, there are saints and sons, but there is only one person called God Son, one of the ten most evil evildoers in Cangzhou today, and the first heavenly arrogant of the Heavenly God Sect.

The **** child stepped into the air, with a powerful aura, locked the Cang Ming water snake, looked up to the other side, and said: “Wang Jian, since it’s here, why don’t you make a move?”

“Hahaha, I wanted to see the excitement, in that case, let me give you another Cang Ming water snake!”

In the high altitude, a sword light flashed, and a young man carrying a long sword appeared in the air.

“Wang Jian~IndoMTL.com~The Peerless Tianjiao of the Nine Heavens Sword Sect, Wang Jian, one of the top ten evildoers in Cangzhou!”

Someone exclaimed.

The ten evil evildoers of Cangzhou, two people actually came.

“Go away, who are you guys, go away!”

A Cang Ming water snake roared and killed Wang Jian.

“Son of God, we will compare, who will kill the Cang Ming water snake faster, how about it?”

Wang Jian smiled, and pointed it like a sword. With a stroke, a sword light shone towards the Cang Ming Water Snake.

With a puff, a deep sword mark was left on Cang Ming’s water snake.

“It’s just what I want. I haven’t seen you for three years, Wang Jian, let’s see if you can make any progress!”

The son of God faintly uttered, stepping out, and a divine light rushed towards a Cang Ming water snake.


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