Everlasting Dragon Emperor Chapter 1432: Channel Killing

Go! Rush! …

When someone moved, the others couldn’t hold back anymore, and rushed towards the mouth of the goshawk.

Huh! Huh! Huh!

The crowd, densely packed, rushed toward the mouth of the goshawk. Lu Ming, Qiu Yingying, and Qiu Hao also rushed along with the crowd.

The person at the forefront has already rushed into the mouth of the fly, and there is no danger.

As soon as I saw that it was all right, the people behind rushed forward frantically.

Who knows if you will get any supreme treasure if you go early, everyone is naturally crazy.


Lu Ming was flying, and behind him, a terrible palm print blasted towards Lu Ming.

Lu Ming raised his brows and didn’t even look at it. His backhand was a palm, banging with the palm print on his back.


With a reckless vigor, Lu Ming twisted his body and looked back.

A young man in a white robe looked indifferent, glanced at Lu Ming, and then galloped forward.

“People of the Heavenly God Sect!”

A murderous intent burst into Lu Ming’s eyes.

Obviously, the white-robed youth of the Heavenly God Sect wanted to kill him, so he sneaked behind him while he wasn’t paying attention.

“Tian Shenzong, Xie Nianjun!”

Lu Ming whispered, his voice was cold.

Continue flying, and soon Lu Ming and the others flew into the tunnel.

This goshawk is very huge, so the passage is also very huge. Large crowds of people fly in and it doesn’t seem crowded at all.

Ah! what! …

At this moment, there was a screaming scream in front of him.

“What’s the matter?”

“There is danger ahead!”

Someone exclaimed.


At this moment, there was a piercing sound in front of the air, and the sound of breaking through the air, from far to near.

Shoo! call out! …

Suddenly, on the walls of the passages on both sides of Lu Ming and the others, there were jets of black light bursting out.

Suddenly, someone screamed, the black light pierced through the body, and fell here.


Lu Ming blasted several punches in succession, defeating dozens of jets of black light.

Lu Ming saw it truly. This black light is not physical, but its power is amazing, and its penetration is extremely terrible. Many people are useless to use their true essence defenses, and they are penetrated by the black light.

“Exit below the emperor, exit below the emperor!”

Someone yelled.

Those below the emperor can’t stop the light at all and will be shot.

The screams kept ringing and people were shot and killed.

In the passage, domains pervade.

The person who broke through to the realm of the emperor, with the realm plus the body of true essence, barely blocked the attack of the black light.

On Qiu Yingying’s body, that feather coat was filled with light, covering the whole body, resisting the light from all around.

And Qiu Hao, the golden bell above his head was suspended, and a curtain of light was scattered, also easily blocking the light.

As for Lu Ming, the realm of chaos was shrouded, and that kind of light couldn’t move him at all.

The crowd did not flinch and continued to fly forward.

Along the way, I saw many dead bodies.

However, most of them are of the supreme level, and only a few emperors, one carelessly, were shot here.

However, as we continue to move forward, the power of the black light is slowly becoming stronger.

In the beginning, it was shot from the left and right sides, but in the back, left, right, up and down, there was endless black light shooting out, and the power was amazing.

Slowly some emperors have a tendency to become irresistible.

This passage is very long.

Everyone flew thousands of miles, but they still didn’t reach the end.

“Damn it, I am unwilling!”

Someone yelled, because they were about to be unstoppable, and going forward is death.

I had no choice but to withdraw.

Continue to move forward, the walking is getting harder and harder.

However, Lu Ming, Qiu Yingying, and Qiu Hao are very relaxed.

Qiu Yingying and Qiu Hao’s treasures are sacred soldiers with amazing defenses and unpredictable mysteries.

Naturally, in this way, it also attracted the attention of others.

“What a mysterious treasure, if I get it, I can enter the Cang Emperor’s bedroom!”

The color of greed flashes in someone’s eyes.

Many people gathered around the three.

“This treasure, how can you wait for it, give it to me!”

A young man, with a cold look in his eyes, slammed his palm towards Qiu Hao.


Above Qiu Hao’s head, Admiralty shook, and an invisible ripple radiated out, rushing towards the young man, his face changed and he backed away again and again.

“Curious and wonderful treasure, it must be a holy soldier, hand it over!”


Another young man stepped out one after another and killed Qiu Hao.

A few others killed Qiu Yingying.

“Go away!”

Lu Ming drank coldly, strode forward, and stretched out his hands to blast at the young people.

“Boy, it’s fine if I didn’t find you, just be nosy and die!”

A young man uttered indifferently, and slammed Lu Ming with a palm.

But Lu Ming slammed a punch, and the violent fist rushed past. The young man screamed and flew backwards, protecting the body’s true essence and domain, and was scattered by Lu Ming with a punch, and was suddenly covered by dense blacks. The light pierced through the body and fell on the spot.

Then, Lu Ming sent several punches in a row and blasted forward, and several young men were knocked out. The real essence and domain were pierced by Lu Ming, and they all died under the black light.

The faces of the remaining young people changed drastically.

Lu Ming’s combat power is too strong, completely crushing them.

At this moment, behind Lu Ming, an extremely sharp energy attacked Lu Ming.

When Lu Ming heard this, he knew that this was a sword aura, extremely sharp, and an astonishing ability to shoot.


Feng Yuanshu was in motion. At the moment of his death, Lu Ming’s figure moved horizontally by one meter, avoiding the sword’s edge.

“It’s you again!”

After seeing the person who made the sneak attack, Lu Ming burst out murderously.

This person is the young man in the white robe of the Gods of Heaven who attacked Lu Ming from outside the passage before.

“Fortune telling you!”

The young man in the white robe couldn’t make a single blow, so he retreated and wanted to evacuate.

“Sneak attacked me twice, and now I want to go, have I agreed?”

Lu Ming said indifferently, with a strong breath on his body, he stepped on his feet, and rushed towards the white robe youth at great speed.

The dark rays of light did not pose much threat to Lu Ming at all.

Seeing Lu Ming rushing, the white-robed youth’s complexion changed and he rushed forward, but how could his speed compare to Lu Ming.

After just a few breaths, Lu Ming approached him.

“Boy, do you dare to take action against me, I am the elder of the God Sect…”

The young man in white robe can’t run away~IndoMTL.com~turned around and sneered to Lu Ming.


Lu Ming directly killed the opponent.

This person is really naive. He attacked Lu Ming repeatedly and tried to kill Lu Ming, but now he moved out and threatened Lu Ming. Isn’t it stupid.

The words in the mouth of the white-robed youth were suffocated by Lu Ming, and he could only resist.

Swords of light burst out from his hand, amazingly powerful.

This person should be an innate spirit body. His cultivation has reached the peak of Wu Huang’s first layer, and his combat power is very good, but it is a pity that he met Lu Ming and was not an opponent at all.


Lu Ming punched, smashing all the sword light, and the remaining fist strength bombarded the white-robed youth’s bodyguard and realm, knocking the white-robed youth into the air, and almost hit the wall. Shot by a jet of black light.


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