Everlasting Dragon Emperor Chapter 1366: Go to West Desert

Next, the ceremony for the establishment of the alliance went smoothly.

All the strong swear an oath to form an alliance, and then divide the territory.

After everything is over, there is a big banquet.

The banquet lasted for a full day and night, and the crowd slowly dispersed.

In the north of the Divine Desolate Continent, on an endless sea, the space splits, and the air shuttle appears.


The Po Kong Shuttle shook and shrank, revealing two figures.

It is the Emperor Xian and the silver-haired old man.


As soon as the silver-haired old man appeared, he vomited a mouthful of blood.

In the previous battle with Lu Ming, coupled with the overnight rush, the silver-haired old man has suffered serious injuries.

But Di Xian didn’t even look at the silver-haired old man. He looked at the south with a gloomy look and a grim face. He roared, “Damn chopsticks, that Lu Ming, I will smash him into pieces!”

It’s nothing more than in Yuanlu. On the sacred land, this wild island, he actually suffered such a big loss, not to mention the loss of the emperor’s spirit soldiers, and finally fled in despair. This is a great shame.

He hated Lu Ming into his bones!

As for the subordinates who died, Di Xian didn’t care at all.

Those, in his eyes, are just dispensable ants.

In the line of the Emperor’s family, there are countless such ants.

There was a trace of sadness in the eyes of the silver-haired old man, but it was fleeting and disappeared.

“My son, now, what do you plan to do?”

The silver-haired old man asked.

“What else can I do? Of course it’s back to Yuanlu!”

Di Xian gritted his teeth.

“Will you return to Yuan Lu to find the strong to avenge?”

The silver-haired old man asked carefully.

“Idiot, do you know how much it costs to send some people from Yuanlu to this remote island like a remote country? I send it once, and there is already an exception in the clan. This time I go back. In a short time, the clan China will definitely not let me send it again!”

“But, it won’t be long. When I go back to break through the Emperor Wu and gain a certain position in the clan, I will come again. Ten years, at most ten years, I want to let the entire Divine Desolate Continent, and that Let’s destroy the boy!”

Di Xian roared with a ferocious face. After a long time, he calmed down a little, and flew towards the White Feather Continent with the silver-haired old man.


Lu Ming’s life has completely calmed down.

In addition to his own practice, he teaches two disciples every day.

Sometimes, he will teach his parents, Huachi and others in the way of discussion.

And his second person, in addition to practicing, occasionally preached.

Ming Lian secondary body, inherited by the saints, and breaking through the emperor, the knowledge of the way of inscription Lian, can be called the first in the sacred land.

Therefore, people who practice the Tao of Ming Lian flock to each time the second body of Ming Lian opens the altar to preach.

Bai Shijin, Du Song Jue, etc., never left, even the emperor came to listen to the lecture.

Lu Ming didn’t have any secrets, so he gave his own practice experience to each other.

The population of Dragon Emperor City is also growing and prospering.

The entire Divine Desolate Continent, the entire Dragon League, is full of vitality, vigorously developing, and constantly growing.

Although, the emperor of the Shenhuang Continent can be said to be the least in history.

In addition to West Desert, there are also a few self-appointed members of the Xie family, the emperor of the entire Dragon League, who are less than twenty.

However, with this situation, it will not take too long, and the number of emperors will slowly increase.

Nowadays, the Dragon League dominates the world, integrates resources, and is open to the outside world. Those who are the most arrogant, can enjoy the treatment. I don’t know how many times better than before.

Previously, the major hegemonic forces dominated one party and cherished their own brooms, and their resources were extremely limited.

But now, all kinds of resources are arbitrarily selected.

Tianjiao of the younger generation has greatly increased the speed of cultivation.

The emperors also gave all their money to each other, spreading out their own cultivation experience, I believe that the chance of breaking through the emperor will increase in the future.

Just one month after the establishment of the alliance, the Yan lunatic successfully broke through and stepped into the emperor. One more emperor in the dragon alliance was added.

Two months after the founding of the alliance, Xie Luan finally took the step of reuse with the help of Lu Ming. The original source was restored by a large amount, and his cultivation was finally restored to the third level of Wuhuang.

Become the strongest in the Dragon League outside of Lu Ming.

The time flies, and in a blink of an eye, three months have passed since the ceremony of the alliance.

In the past three months, Lu Ming’s cultivation base has improved steadily.

The embryonic form of the field is growing day by day.

Various martial arts are constantly improving.

It is worth mentioning that Lu Ming combined nine drops of Jiulong essence and blood and absorbed Jiulong’s training experience. Jiulong stepped into the sky, and finally reached the ninth step in his practice and reached Consummation.

The pure spirit body also cultivates to the 70% fire state.

Xie Nianqing is also cultivating penance, and she has improved very quickly, and she is only one step away from the supreme level.

However, Dandan and Paobao have been sleeping and haven’t woken up.

At this time, there is less than a year before the two-year appointment to go to Dragon God Valley.

“In the beginning, what happened to Long Chen and the others? Why did Long Chen disappear and only come back to Mingzi, the unscrupulous monk and the three of them. Now Mingzi is dead, only the unscrupulous monk and Wuyue know. Look Come, it’s time to take a trip to West Desert!”

In a pavilion in the Dragon Imperial City’s lord’s mansion, Lu Ming was drinking tea, his thoughts flying.

He decided to inquire about Long Chen’s whereabouts.

Long Chen is a very good person. He is a friend of Lu Ming. At the beginning of the Shenxu Continent, Lu Ming was also a victim of him. If it is because of Lu Ming, Long Chen has been poisoned, Lu Ming feels uneasy.

Thinking of this, Lu Ming stepped forward and disappeared.


West Desert has always been the world of Buddhism, and Buddhism ruled here.

Almost everyone in West Desert believes in Buddhism.

Furthermore, West Desert has always been mysterious, and has never participated in the struggles of the Divine Desolate Continent, and stayed out of it.

But no one dares to underestimate West Desert.

The emperor, who once had a dominant force, led an army to attack West Desert, but in the end he never returned and did not stir up any storm.

Even this time, the Divine Desolate Continent has entered a rare chaos, but West Desert is still out of the picture.


On the border of West Desert, Lu Ming’s figure appeared.

Looking into the distance, Lu Ming was shaped like a rainbow, flying towards the depths of the West Desert.

The vast territory of West Desert is full of countless temples and ancient temples.

Lu Ming’s goal this time is the Bodhi Temple, the oldest and oldest temple in West Desert!

It is said that the unscrupulous monk and the moonless woman bodhisattva came from the Bodhi Temple and retreat in the Bodhi Temple.

Lu Ming’s speed is so fast. It didn’t take long for IndoMTL.com~ to pass through most of the West Desert.

“Many strong people!”

Lu Ming was shocked secretly.

Flying all the way, Lu Ming discovered a lot of powerful auras.

Lu Ming found no less than twenty auras of supreme aura.

Even, the emperor’s breath found two ways.

Lu Ming, this was still flying straight, and it was incredible to find so many strong people.

Sometimes, there will be a supreme sitting in a small temple, which is really amazing.

According to legend, West Desert is second only to Central Continent among the five territories. It seems that the rumors are true.

Soon, a temple appeared in front of Lu Ming on a majestic mountain.

Bodhi Temple, here it is!


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