Everlasting Dragon Emperor Chapter 1198: Duibao Building

The bloodline of the top ten war beasts can be seen from the bloodline of Jiulong.

The Nine Dragons bloodline is now only the eighth level of the gods, but the eight dragon powers contained in it, plus the power of swallowing, are already very amazing.

Furthermore, the strongest part of the Nine Dragons bloodline is the power of devouring refining, which can refine all energy, even the mood, quickly improve the cultivation base, and can upgrade the bloodline.

Lu Ming is able to achieve today’s achievements, and the Nine Dragons Bloodline is indispensable.

It is conceivable how terrifying the bloodline of the Primordial Dragon Elephant, which is as famous as the Jiulong bloodline, is.

“The Primordial Dragon Elephant is one of the top ten war beasts. It is famous for its combat power. It can penetrate the world and suppress everything. It is so powerful that this person can awaken the bloodline of the Primordial Dragon Elephant. !”

Dan sighed.


The dragon elephant roared and the coercion permeated, making the face of Tianjiao of the crocodile continent changed wildly.


Long Chen turned into a dragon elephant, stepped out, and stepped heavily on the giant crocodile transformed by the golden armored youth.

The golden giant crocodile collapsed and exploded, and the figure of the golden armored youth appeared, losing blood all over, and the blood from his mouth fell violently towards the ground.

Obviously, it was Long Chen’s subordinates who were merciful and didn’t kill him, but they also severely injured him.


Immediately, the Primordial Dragon Elephant screamed, and the trunk rolled and swept away. There were three spiritual gods and four heavenly arrogances, their bloodline collapsed, and the body was flew out and screamed.


The strongest person in the Divine Crocodile Continent is the existence of the five-fold peak of the Spirit God. At this time, he shouted, his tail drawn toward the Primordial Dragon Elephant.

Touch! bump!

The Primordial Dragon Elephant is actually very agile. It takes two steps and a terrible energy burst to block the opponent. At the same time, two ivory glow, two rays of light burst out, like two heavenly knives, flying away Get out.

A few more Tianjiao were crushed by their blood vessels and flew out in screams.

In the sky, there are only two **** crocodile mainland Tianjiao, which is a five-fold spiritual god.

The ancient dragon elephant stepped out, the sky was shaking, and the fighting strength was extremely powerful. Although the Tianjiao of the two crocodile continents tried their best, they could not resist at all and were completely crushed.

Just a few tricks, the two screamed, the power of the bloodline dissipated and turned into a human form, backed frantically, blood spurted from their mouths, and looked at the huge dragon elephant in the sky in horror.


The ancient dragon elephant shrank, and Long Chen’s body reappeared, and he indifferently glanced at the arrogances of the **** crocodile continent, and the cold voice came out: “Get out!”

The Tianjiao of Divine Crocodile Continent had an ugly face, but he didn’t dare to stay. He took the injured people and retreated one after another, returning to Shizu Peak obediently.

“So strong, who is this person, who is actually so strong, the five-tiered peerless arrogance of the spirit gods, can’t stand a single blow!”

“It’s really too strong. There is such a character in a sacred continent. With such a combat power, only the top ten continents will appear!”

“It’s really amazing. This time the Celestial Sect screens disciples, we have one more rival!”

In the distance, there are Tianjiao from other continents and Tianjiao from Shenxu continent. Looking at Long Chen, his eyes are full of solemnity.

“Damn, how could this person be so strong?”

Mu Feng gritted his teeth, his face was ugly, and he wanted to let the people of the crocodile continent torment the goddess continent fiercely. Unexpectedly, the result was completely the opposite.

Long Chen’s face was calm, without saying a word, he went straight back to his other courtyard and went on to practice.

“What a weird person!”

Lu Ming shook his head and smiled.

“How? Are you sure?”

Xie Nianqing blinked her big eyes and looked at Lu Ming.

It means that Lu Ming is sure of Long Chen?

“The cultivation base of the five-fold peak of the spiritual god, the bloodline of the Primordial Dragon Elephant, is indeed a strong metamorphosis, but when I was defeated in a battle at the same level?”

Lu Ming smiled confidently.

As for Long Chen’s strength, he roughly has a bottom line.


Xie Nianqing curled her lips, but there was a smile on her face.

The two talked, went back to the other courtyard, and continued to practice.

It is less than three months before the Tianshenzong selects disciples. Everyone wants to seize the time to practice more and improve their strength. Only the stronger the strength, the greater the chance of being selected by that time.

The time is hurried, and half a month passed.

Lu Ming practiced hard every day, and his progress was great. Various artistic conceptions had been improved a lot, but the artistic conception of the earth was still at the pinnacle of the fourth level of Xiaocheng for the time being, and he did not make it to the fourth level.

It’s the Nine Dragons Step to the Sky, and Lu Ming’s practice has become the eighth step in one fell swoop.

The eighth step is already equivalent to the power of a superior martial skill. With Lu Ming’s current cultivation base, he can’t use his full power, but when he uses it, his power will undoubtedly be stronger, giving Lu Ming’s combat power. , There have been some improvements.

On this day, Lu Ming and Xie Nianqing came out together.

It’s been more than half a month since I came to the South Temple of the Shenxu Continent, and they didn’t go around. The two plan to go around to get a taste of the customs of the Shenxu Continent, and then see if there is anything that the Shenhuang Continent doesn’t have. You can buy some treasures, spiritual grass, materials and the like.

Especially the materials of Nirvana Pill, some are already hard to find on the Divine Desolate Continent, but in the Divine Ruins Continent, it is not necessarily, maybe, you can find some!

The two flew out of Jiangjunfeng, towards a bustling street.

“Brother Lu, Miss Xie, what a coincidence!”

A voice came from the side.

“Brother Ye!”

Lu Ming saw that it was Ye Chuan.

“Two people, are you going to go shopping?”

Ye Chuan Road.

“Yes, I’ve been here for more than half a month, I haven’t visited it!”

Lu Ming smiled.

“Where can the two of you go?” Ye Chuan asked.

“No, just just stroll around and see if you can buy some materials, elixir and the like!”

Lu Ming said.

“If it’s ordinary spirit grass, materials, etc., ordinary Fang City will have it. If it’s some rare and rare materials, spirit medicine, etc., ordinary Fang City will be hard to see. I know a place that may be very precious. Materials, elixir.”

Ye Chuan Road.

“Oh? Where?”

Lu Ming’s eyes lit up.


“Duibaolou?” Lu Ming was puzzled.

“Hence the name Siyi~IndoMTL.com~Duibao Building is the place to exchange treasures. Just go in and you can take out the treasures you don’t need and exchange the treasures you need with others. If someone needs it, naturally. Will take out the exchange, so that you can get some rare treasures!”

Ye Chuan explained.

“There is another place like this, then go and see!”

Lu Ming’s eyes lit up.

“Haha, I was also going to Duibaolou, I will lead the way!”

Ye Chuan said boldly.

Yechuan led the way, and the three of them landed down a street, walked along the street for a while, and came to a huge building.

This is a pavilion, but it is extremely wide, covering a very wide area, and has seven floors, which rises straight into the sky. It stands out in front of many buildings.

The building, the red wall and green tiles, is beautifully carved and magnificent. On the side, there is a plaque with three characters: Duibaolou!


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